Chapter 8 - My Slave


I was awaken by the sound of my alarm. I groaned and reached for my phone which apparently placed on my bedside table. My eyes slowly fluttered open and looked at the time, it's already 7am. What time did I sleep last night? 2am? Actually, I couldn't sleep last night, and so I drowned myself with alcohol. I can smell my own breath, reeks of alcohol, feeling a little disappointed at myself. I used to be a systematic person but I let one girl ruin my plans. I went out of my room and headed towards the kitchen. There are beer cans scattered on the floor.

"I'll just let her clean this", I murmured. I took a glass and poured some water and chugged it down.

She's supposed to be here at this hour. I furrowed my brows as I glance at my watch. I was suddenly reminded of last night, her scent, her heavy breathing, her smooth skin. No! No! No! I exhaled sharply, closing my eyes. She's making me insane. I decided to take a shower first, maybe it can clear my mind, and I hope it could take away these weird thoughts. I didn't use heater so that I could wake my body up. Maybe cold water could straighten my mind. I gasped when the coldness hit my body, causing me to shiver.

"Holy shit! It's freezing!" My jaw quivers as I continuously endured the coldness of the water. I need to get her out of my mind. I'm going to make her regret for even stepping a foot in my casino. I wrapped my body with a towel as soon as I stepped out of the shower. I started getting dressed into comfy clothes because I'm expecting her to be here anytime soon. I'm not excited, you know, I'm just getting ready if ever she planned to take a revenge on me. I know I pissed her off last night and I'm not sorry for that. I want to show her that I'm not a nice person and she should regret approaching and humiliating me that night. I hate girls like her, girls who feel like they can get me in just a snap, just because they say so.

I heard the doorbell rang and I went to open the door.

"You're late", I muttered in a cold tone but to my surprise, it was Jey. She raised her brows at me, probably confused.

"Were you waiting for me?" She asked. I just shook my head and let her in.

"No, I was waiting for that Jane girl", I said.

"Ooh that pretty girl? Wait, what are you going to do with her?" She curiously asked.

I sat on the couch and started to dry my hair with a small towel hanging on my shoulder.

"I'll make her clean the house and wash the dishes, wash my clothes and cook for us", I grinned proudly, but that doesn't mean I'll let her do those things in peace. I smirked as I thought of all the things I can do to piss her off even more.

"You're really a demon", Jey said while shaking her head.

"Am I?" I pretended that I was offended.

"Yes. Why are you so mad at her anyways? Look, she's a nice girl, she's a CEO and she's freaking hot! She wanted you that night even if she was drugged, it not your loss. She's a great catch. What's there to be embarrassed?" Jey knitted her brows while staring at me as she sat on the couch opposite mine.

"I just don't like her", I shrugged my shoulder and Jey snorted which made me discomfited. Sometimes I hate my best friend being frank and straightforward. She always have something to say in everything I do. I arched my brows and she chuckled.

"You're a liar", she said.

"Excuse me?" Now I'm really offended.

"Khali, you like her, but because you couldn't accept the fact that there's a high chance that someone could make you fall in love again, and that's why you choose to hate her", she muttered and smiled as if she have said the most genius statement of all times.

"That's nonsense Jey. She humiliated me, and I will make her regret what she did to me", I stood up and was about to go to my room when Jey spoke again.

"Not everyone is like Carmine", I looked back at her with a stoic expression on my face.

"I already moved on from her. So don't talk about her again."

She just went silent. I hate how her eyes show sympathy on me. I hate when people pity me when in fact, I am not someone who needs sympathy. Not everyone is like Carmine, I know that. But everyone can do the same thing in so many ways. If you let your emotions win over you, people will take advantage of you, then eventually you will let them hurt you. I promised myself, I will never let that happen again. Never.


"No, there's no way I'm going to let you go to her apartment alone", my best friend crossed her arms while looking at me with her mouth pressed on a thin line.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I wish I don't need to go there but I have to." I uttered disappointingly.

"Yes, because probably your dad is arranging your dinner date with Nicholas, again", she muttered. I sighed and shrugged. I sat on the edge of my bed, looking down on my fidgeting fingers.

"Exactly, so I have to do this. If you want to come with me, that's fine, but what are you going to do there?" I asked her. I fixed my skirt for the nth time, thinking if this outfit is suitable for cleaning, cooking and whatever she's going to make me do — not that I'm expecting more than that.

"Of course! I need to check if you're safe there. I can't let you go to a place where your safety will be compromised. At least, I should know how that place looks like", she said. I feel really grateful that I have a best friend like Reese. She's like a sister to me. Even if I don't have a sister, I never felt alone because of her. She's the closest person to me and I will do the same for her.

"Thank you Reese Posie", I pouted and gave her a tight hug.

"But you need to change your outfit", she pushed me a bit and scanned me from head to toe. I raised my brows in question and looked down on my outfit. I'm not conscious at all because I can wear anything. Even if others find it not trendy at all. For me, anything is trendy, it's the confidence that makes the difference.

"Why? This is comfortable for me", I started to twirl around. I'm wearing a pink skirt and a fitted shirt.

"You should wear pants and comfortable shirt. I mean, you're going to clean her place. You'll be uncomfortable wearing skirt. Trust me", she pushed me towards my walk-in closet and started picking some outfits for me.

"Alright, this is perfect!" She smiled from ear to ear as she looks at my double breasted cable knit cardigan and moon print t-shirt. She also took a pair of jeans and handed it to me. I didn't argue with her anymore. She knows better about these things. I was home schooled before and that's the reason of me being an introvert. I never experienced playing with other children when I was a kid. I only see them from afar outside our yard. I once tried to play with them, and so I sneaked out of our house because I was so envy that they have lots of friends. I didn't have any friends that time. Unfortunately, they bullied me. They didn't want to play with me. I cried as I went back home. I told my mom that I don't like to play with other children anymore. I thought it was fun, it turns out it's not. Not until I entered high school. I stopped home schooling when I was 12. My mom told me that I need to see the real world. She told me that there's a lot of things that the world could offer to me and I shouldn't be afraid to explore. That's the time I met Reese.

"Okay", I just shrugged and started to change my clothes.

"Wait, you packed your clothes?" she saw my luggage by the door.

"Yes, I told you I have to stay there for a week"

"Okay, let me check your clothes", I just watched her when she pulled my luggage and opened it, checking my clothes one by one. She always acts like a mom to me even if I'm older than her.

"Seriously, are you going to a party? You just put some skirts here. Oh! Good thing you put some pajamas", she took out some of the clothes and threw it on the side.

"I know you like skirts, and there's nothing bad about that, but I don't trust that person you're going to live with for a week. What if I'm right? That she only wants sex" I rolled my eyes and sighed as I remember what happened last night.

"She said she doesn't like me, and same goes for me. I don't like her too. So don't worry, but—", I paused as I was contemplating whether I should tell her what happened last night or not.

"But?" She asked curiously.

"There's something happened—", she gasped, cutting me off.

"Oh my god! Something happened between you two? You had sex? I knew I can't trust that person!" She stood up and balled her fist just below her chin, as if she's ready to fight someone, but in a funny way.

"No. Ugh! Don't cut me off. Something happened, but not sex. It's just I told her that she's not my type because she insulted me first. She also told me I'm not her type and I will never be, and she looks disgusted about the idea of me and her doing something, you know. So, I told her that she's not even on the level of my suitors and that she disgusts me too. I think she felt insulted of what I said. It's her fault anyways, and then—", I paused and looked away as I felt uncomfortable sharing the next thing happened.

"Yes, and you always leaving me hanging", she scolded me and I went back sitting on my bed.

"Well, she challenged me. She said that I will eventually fall for her and beg her to fuck me"

"What?!" My best friend yelled in anger.

"It was a wrong move but you don't have to worry. I'm not a type of person who would fall for her. She's arrogant and I think she's the same as Nicholas. The only difference is she's a girl", I took my best friend's arm to calm her down.

"No, but you better update me everyday. If she does something to you, you better tell me and I'm going to rip her bones out. I don't care who is she", she was giving me a glare and I chuckled nervously. She looks like an angry chipmunk.

"Okay, Okay. I'll update you. Don't worry, I can handle myself", I assured her.

After that, Reese drove me to Khali's apartment. It's already 7:30 in the morning and I'm already 30 minutes late. I can imagine Khali's fuming eyes and nose. Just imagine a dragon breathing out smoke through her nose. See? I'm not afraid but I imagined her to be like that.

We entered the building and we were welcomed by the receptionist, which I believe in her mid-20s. She smiled sweetly as soon as we approached her.

"Good Morning Ma'am, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Good morning. Can you call for Miss Khali Luciano? Kindly tell her that it's Jane Terranova" I spoke and glanced at her name badge hanging on her blouse above her left chest. It says Cindy Kong. She's pretty and has delicate features. I think she doesn't know me since she never even show any excitement in her expression. Just a calm and welcoming one.

"Alright Miss Terranova. Hold on, let me call her on the phone. You may sit there first while you wait for her", she gestured her hands for us to sit on the couch and we just nodded.

"She's so pretty", Reese whispered at me. I just shrugged and proceed to the couch. Reese is not straight by the way. She had dated and flirted with lots of girls ever since I met her. It's just funny that she never hit on me. She said, it will be an incest if she does, since she treats me as her sister. Fair point. After a few minutes, I noticed the receptionist glanced in our direction and then she called us.

"Miss Terranova, you may go up on the 23rd floor", we stood up and took the card from the receptionist but then my best friend had to really flirt with her.

"Hi, I'm Reese Fatico, you can call me Reese", she flashed her charming smile at the girl and I scolded her with my glare.

"Oh, I have to go, because you know my best friend is little bit impatient. I'll be hanging around more often here. Catch you later", she then winked to the receptionist and the girl only gave out a chuckle.

"Seriously?" I muttered.

"You're no fun", she mumbled while pouting.

"I thought you don't want here?"

"On second thought, I like it here." She smiled widely and I just shook my head.

We entered the elevator and pushed the button to the 23rd floor.

"Just to be fair, I must commend her in choosing this building", Reese said while holding up her index finger.

"Because of the receptionist? God! If I only knew that you're going to trade me for a pretty receptionist", I pretended that I was offended.

"No. Not the receptionist. You got to admit, this is a nice place. I would transfer here if I have enough money", she shrugged her shoulders.

"My apartment is still nicer", I pressed my mouth on a thin line, not agreeing to what she said.

"Yes, because you're a CEO and your apartment costs millions", she uttered proudly as a matter of fact. I just flashed a smug smile and laughed. She then laughed as well and finally we reached the 23rd floor. We stepped out and walked towards the front door. I swiped the card and Reese pushed the door open.

"Oh! Hi!" A woman with the same height as mine greeted us. She's pretty and she's wearing sweat pants and white shirt, but I felt curious as to why she was looking at my best friend with her mouth wide open.

Reese Posie just raised a brow at her which is little funny because she suddenly became intimidating.

"Hi, my angel", the woman uttered at Reese, which made me snort and laugh. My best friend on the other hand, glared at me.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to come inside?" Somebody spoke and I know very well who it is. It's the arrogant Khali Luciano. The person I hate the most.

"Is she Khali Luciano?" Reese whispered to me yet it's still audible.

"Yes, she's Khali and I'm Jey. Nice to meet you. Come inside and let me love you", the girl muttered and I face-palmed myself. She's really hitting on my best friend, and I admit that she got some humor.

"Jey~", Khali called the girl and she cleared her throat. I walked inside and took Reese's arm together with my luggage. Khali looked at me from head to toe and I raised a brow at her. I don't like the way she looks at me. When our eyes met, I gave her a death glare and she smirked at me.

"Great outfit, now you can wash the dishes in the kitchen", she pointed at the kitchen and I saw some beer cans scattered on the floor and unwashed dishes on the sink.

"Wait, you're not going to let her settle and rest first? That's cruel" Jey said but only earned a frown from Khali. Yeah, she's really cruel.

"Wait Jane", Reese uttered seriously. She then faced Khali and crossed her arms.

"Before my best friend follow your orders and be imprisoned in this hell-like apartment of yours in a week. Let me remind you that if you hurt her, or mistreated her. I'll make sure you will pay for it. I don't care who you are and what you are, but if you mess with me best friend. You won't like it".

"That's fucking hot", Jey muttered on the side.

"Shut up", Reese cut her off.

Khali scoffed and looked at me.

"You don't have to worry about your best friend Miss—", Khali dragged out.

"--Fatico", Reese answered.

"Oh, Miss Fatico. You don't have to worry about her. We had a deal and she agreed with it." Khali glanced at me and I sighed. I looked at my best friend and reached for her arm.

"Don't worry about me, Reese. I'll send you update everyday. Hmm?" I assured her and it took a few seconds before she nodded. She wants to make sure that I'm telling the truth, and that I will be fine, which I really appreciate. She then pointed a finger at Khali and gritted her teeth before she warned her again, "Don't forget what I said".

"And don't forget me", Jey spoke. It's actually funny that the situation should be worse by now, but Jey is making it funny and bearable somehow.

"Ugh! God! So annoying!" Reese mumbled and rolled her eyes.

"I'll be fine. You better go now. Thank you" I gave my best friend a tight hug and she sniffled. Oh my! Is she crying?

"Call me okay?" She wiped her tears and I chuckled as I pinched her left cheek.

"Hey! Don't cry!" I wiped her tears and I heard Khali groaned.

"Seriously?" She commented and walked back to her room. I just scowled at her and rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, she's really insensitive sometimes." Jey said, and looked at us apologetically. I wonder why Khali is different from this girl. She seems nice but Khali is different. She's too insensitive, arrogant and annoying. I smiled at Jey. Thankfully and hopefully, she can make my stay here somehow bearable.

"Sorry I'm annoying too. I just want to make the situation lighter, but really, this girl here is too pretty to cry", she smiled softly at Reese. I saw my best friend blushed which surprised me.

"I -I'll go now Jane. Just text me, okay?" She gave me another tight hug and then turned around to face Jey whose smile is still plastered across her face.

"Nice to meet you too Jey", Reese said and went to the door.

Did she just gay panic? I silently snorted and shook my head. That was weird.

"Hey, stop smiling and do what I asked you to do", Khali told me in a cold tone. I didn't notice she's came out of her room. I frowned at her and proceed to the kitchen. All my life, I've never experienced doing household chores for other people, yet here I am, doing all of this for this arrogant asshole. I bit my lip to control my annoyance, then wore the gloves that were placed on the sink.

"You can do this Jane, this is just for a week", I mumbled to myself.