7/9 -5: 30 pm -Moscow. Russia

It was an ordinary end of day in Moscow, the sidewalks, filled with pretty yellow-greenish autumn leaves, were crowded with people going home after a long working journey. Everything seemed normal when suddenly the emergency alarm sounded in the city. People looked up and saw nuclear missiles crossing the sky. The third world war has just begun.


9 days ago - 29/8 - 8:00 p.m. - United States - Virginia - CIA (American Intelligence Center)- Interrogation room:

Agent Bryan Wilson and his colleague Perez Rodriguez were inside a CIA interrogation room, investigating a man called Jack Brown.

- So, said Bryan, you are Jack Brown. 32 years old, single, divorced Parents, no criminal record, well-paid taxes. But recently you resigned from your post in NASA over.. a family issue. Tell me Mr. Brown, what family issue can push a man like you to abandon his well-paid job at NASA, Mr. Brown?

- I missed my TV back home. Jack replied sarcastically.

- You see Jack, you're not in the position to mess around, so... the dark matter, what is it ?

- Oh that! you see... the last time I checked scientists were still looking for it - Jack replied sarcastically.

The answer did not please Bryan who hit the table violently.

- Listen to me fool, you are going to answer the question or we will make sure that you were dead in Senegal, is this clear?

- Calm down Bryan - said agent Perez putting pictures on the table in front of Jack.

- We know that you built a satellite dish in your home a few days ago and used it to spy on Georgia's hotel.

Jack took a look at the pictures, they were showing a satellite dish standing on the roof of his house.

- I want my lawyer, said Jack, but Perez continued:

- You left NASA right after the hotel was destroyed. Why?

- Hotel? What hotel, I don't know what hotel you're talking about - Jack added, badly hiding his game. Perez put another picture on the table and said:

-Your footprints are all over the place, you know exactly what hotel we're talking about.

- Listen, there is a big misunderstanding here, they kidnapped me, from my home! They are the ones who should be arrested, not me! said Jack.

- Who kidnapped you?

- The Masked men!


They are looking at us, from space. He and his followers, waiting for their time to come and dominate Earth. But first, they must finish the last pieces of the puzzle, with the help of their followers here, leading the world governments.

Those who work at the CIA and NASA are well aware of this secret. What did the astronauts find out the first time they landed on the moon? Something hidden from us, the remains of a lost civilization, on the dark side of the moon.

My name is Bryan Wilson. I am a 46 years old CIA agent. When I was a kid, my grandfather told me about an incredible plan. A secret beyond our imagination. Kept in secret for thousands of years. Those who have kept it are called the Freemasons. They operate in the shadows. No one can reach them. At first, I thought my grandfather was insane, obsessed with these legends, he spent his entire life tracking these individuals. Then, one day, he disappeared without leaving a trace. The night before he disappeared, he said to me: "Son, the moon." Then he gave me a key. Since that day, I have kept the key with me all the time.

40 years later - 20/08 - Central intelligence agency, CIA - Bryan Wilson Office- 10 p.m.

- Bryan, aren't you going home? Perez asked, addressing Bryan.

- No, I will stay for an extra hour or two. You can go home - Bryan replied.

- Ok, then, see you tomorrow.

- yeah, see you...ok, file 141... Trump election, fraud... Bruh..

Bryan took the files, went to his desk, opened a safe case, and put them inside. He was about to leave his office when suddenly he heard a strange noise coming from the safe.

- What the heck? He said

He turned back and opened the safe again, he looked inside but he found nothing.

-I must've imagined that.

He closed the safe again and was about to leave but the noise hit again, he turned to the safe, turned on his flashlight and attentively looked inside the safe, this time he saw a small keylock hidden deep inside.

- What is this? he said.

Bryan tried to open the keylock with his office keys, but it didn't fit in.

- I wonder.. he said.

He took his grandfather's key strapped around his neck and tried it on the keylock, surprisingly he was able to unlock it. He pulled off a small box and found a stack of top-secret papers inside.

-What is the meaning of this ? he said.

Bryan took off the files and went back home.


Jefferson Ave - Virginia - Bryan Wilson's apartment:

One hour later, Bryan reached home, he sat on a sofa and began to read the documents. He wanted to talk to someone about it so he called his colleague Perez.


Few minutes later, Perez arrived at Bryan's apartment.

- Good evening Bryan, what's up?

- I want to talk to you about my grandfather. Did you know him? Asked Bryan.

- James Wilson.. of course, he was a national hero.

Bryan took off his grandfather's key and said:

- This key belonged to my grandfather. Half an hour ago, I opened a secret safe in the office with the same key. Inside were hidden top-secret documents with signatures from my grandfather including a letter. Did he work at the CIA?

- I don't know, what the letter said?

Bryan gave the letter to Perez and she started reading it:

"Bryan, I know that one day you will work for the CIA, in the same office where I used to be and that you will open the secret safe with the key I gave you. The Dark Matter. I have spent my life looking for it. I finally found out its location. This thing is too dangerous. Bryan, there is a difference between madness and power. These people there, with whom I've worked, are crazy. The deep state, the CIA, the elites, the government, they're all crazy. You have to get away from them as quickly as possible. If they get their hands on the Dark matter, it will be the end of all of us. I'm sorry Bryan. I wish I could have spent more time with you. Your grandfather who loves you. James Wilson. "

- Dark Matter? Perez asked, what is it?

- it's a secret my grandfather discovered few days before he disappeared. A weapon of mass destruction, a million times more powerful than nukes.

Bryan walked to the door, Perez followed him and said:

- what are you up to?

- I am going to verify this.

The agents left the apartment and went to a car.


Virginia cemetery - 11:15 p.m.

Bryan arrived at the New York cemetery, got out of his car, and took out a spade from the trunk.

- what are you going to do? - asked Perez.

- Clarify this up.

Bryan walked to his grandfather's grave and dug until he reached the coffin, he opened it and found it empty.

- I knew it. They told me he died in a car accident, F*ing bastards - said Bryan throwing the spade on the ground.

- I'm sorry-retorted Perez.


Perez walked away and went back home, minutes later Bryan did the same. Once home, He took a second look at the documents:

- The Freemasons. He kept speaking about them, he wanted to reveal their plans so they killed him.

Bryan threw the documents on the floor and sat down at his office.