9 days later- 29/08 - 8 : 15 pm - CIA - Central Intelligence Agency - Interrogation room.
- Who kidnapped you? - asked Bryan.
- I didn't see their faces and they didn't tell me their names. They were wearing masks all the time. Jack replied.
- What did they tell you? Said Perez.
- They drove me to a public park and told me that they were ex-Illuminati and that they wanted to prevent its active members from destroying the world.
- Is that all they said?
- No, they told me the only way to stop them is to get into the hotel basement. Listen! I have nothing to do with this! I'm innocent!
- Of course! - said Bryan.
Bryan walked over to Jack and head-butted him, the latter fell down on the ground.
- It was for earlier. Said Bryan.
-Hey! Calm down! - intervened Perez.
Jack straightened up and said:
-You hit like a girl- then he sat down again, Perez looked at him and said:
- What did you find in the basement of the hotel?
- Lots of interesting things. replied Jack.
8 days earlier - 20/08 - 11:00 p.m. Jack Brown Lab - Washington- NASA headquarters.
Jack was in his lab at NASA working with his two colleagues: Theodore Maxwell and Carl-Jhonson Worthtry.
- The eclipse is in two days, said Jack.
-It seems the Freemasons are waiting for it- said, Theodore.
- The who? - asked Jack
-The Freemasons, a secret group that controls everything, the politics, the economy, the media ... Its members are the richest and most influential in the world, celebrities, businessmen, politicians... It seems that even NASA administration is part of them - murmured Theodore.
- Shut up, if you don't mind, said Carl, I want to keep my job.
- I've never heard of them - Jack replied.
- It seems that its highest members meet every year for a week in a remote place far from society to discuss their evil plans. And it looks like they've come to their last step of destroying the world! - said, Theodore.
- Conspiracy theories. Fairy tales said Carl, little advice, stop viewing those stupid conspiracy websites, or you will end up being stupid like them.
- What? Do you think the conspirators are stupid? I inform you that it is the opposite, they are smarter than the rest of the population, it is scientifically approved, by the way, most of them are INTJs, just like you - said, Theodore.
- Yeah, whatever.
- Listen to this Jack, continued Theodore, I know they are meeting tomorrow at a 5 stars hotel in Georgia. They will stay there for a week. Their meeting will start at 7 pm. In their program, human sacrifices. do you believe this? They are publicly revealing their program! They have enough power that they don't care!
- Anyone can write whatever he wants on the internet, said Carl, don't be naive. Little advice Jack, don't let him fool you. It seems that bullshit is contagious.
- Shut up! said Theodore.
- Finally, it's time to go home! said Carl, Bye! I'm coming my darling television!
- Do you believe me at least Jack? - asked Theodore
- I don't know ... I've never heard of such a thing. Anyway, it's time to go home. See you on Monday! Goodbye- said Jack before leaving his lab.
11 :59 pm - Jefferson Ave- Agent Bryan Wilson's Apartment:
Bryan was sleeping on a sofa, he was having a nightmare. Suddenly he opened his eyes:
- Grandpa ! he said, it was just a nightmare.
He stood up, grabbed his phone and called Perez, few moments later she arrived at his apartment; she found Bryan sitting in his sofa, looking very sad:
- What's going on? - she asked.
- Did I ever speak to you about the Illuminati before? Bryan said.
- We are Illuminati, answered Perez, that is what we work for.
- And what did I exactly tell you about them?
- They are the best race in the world, they want peace and love to reign, we work for this cause, we sacrifice everything for them.
- I lied. The Illuminati are the worst kind that ever existed on the planet.
- what? I...
- They don't want peace, quite the opposite, they want chaos, destruction, and see the world burn before their eyes.
- I... can't... remember...
- It's nothing. Your mind can't process such information. You've been the subject of a brainwash.
Perez drew her pistol and pointed it at Bryan:
- You asshole ... who are you? Speak!
- Agent Perez! Dropdown your weapon right now! That's an order!
- I..
Perez put down her gun and left the apartment.
21/08 - 7:30 a.m.
The next morning, Bryan left his apartment and headed to his car, he opened the car's door but suddenly someone hit him from behind. He lost consciousness.
21/08 - 7:45 a.m. - Somewhere, inside a construction site.
Bryan opened his eyes, he found himself inside an abandoned building, his hands were tied to a wall. He looked ahead and saw Perez in front of him.
- Perez! What are you doing? Set me free, right now! Said Bryan.
- The Illuminati, tell me everything you know about them, you have 5 seconds to start talking otherwise I swear to God you will regret the day you recruited me. five.
- Perez! Listen to me...
- four!
- Perez! Listen to me damn it! remember who you are!
- two!
- Perez!
- Sorry, you're going to lose a hand.
- okay ! Okay! I am going to speak!
- I'm listening.
- the Illuminati, also known as Freemasons, a secret cabal that has its roots in ancient Babylon. These members use dark magic to reach power. They are responsible for all the coups and assassinations that have taken place around the world. They have become rich and powerful by killing millions of people and causing wars and natural disasters like Covid 19 and others throughout history.
- Keep talking.
- they want to establish a New World Order.
- a what?
- The preparation of world civilization for the coming of the Antichrist. They believe it is their promised prophet. They want him to come so that he can establish his kingdom in Jerusalem, and rule from Solomon's third temple.
- I believe you.
Perez cut the ropes that tied Bryan's hands and then said:
- We did all our operations for that? 9-11, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria ...
- That? It's nothing.
- What do you mean?
- They will soon put an end to our civilization with a nuclear war.
- What! Why did nobody tell me about this?
- Because your task is to execute that's all. You are not supposed to know everything.
- Assholes!
Perez put away her knife and walked away.
- You can't leave us, they will kill you! - he said.
Bryan was about to go after her but stopped when his cell phone rang. It was CIA Director Jefferson Mizd calling him. Bryan replied:
- Yes Mr Jefferson, what's up?
- Come to my office. Now.
- Yes sir, right now.
21/08 - 8:00 a.m. - CIA,
Bryan entered Jefferson's office.
- Mr. Jefferson, what's going on? He said
- I want to speak to you about your grandfather, this afternoon will take place the memorial ceremony of his death, you know that right?
- yes.
- I will not be able to attend the ceremony, I will go to Georgia this evening, do you know the date of tomorrow?
- It's the 22nd.
-Yes, it's not an ordinary day. 2 + 2 = 4, 4 + 4 = 8, 8-2 = 6. The numbers correlate. Tomorrow will be the solar eclipse predicted thousands of years ago by the Mayans. It will mark the start of a new era. This will be our last reunion, and by that, we would have accomplished what our ancestors started thousands of years ago. We will finally be able to reach the true power of the Illuminati.
- Wonderful - said Bryan, faking a smile.
- You are my best agent, I am going to give you my post of director, you will replace me temporarily.
- Of course. Bryan said.
- You are ok? I feel you're hiding something..
- No... it's just... I didn't sleep well yesterday.
- Well then. See you later.
Bryan got out of the office and walked over to his, he waited for Perez to come but she didn't show up. In the afternoon, he went to his grandfather's memorial.
- All those drums and military marches to honor a fake death. Bryan thought to himself. After the ceremony, he returned to the CIA and took his post as director.
9 days later - 29/08 - 8:16 p.m. - CIA - Interrogation room:
Bryan entered the interrogation room with a cup of coffee in his hand, he sat in front of Jack and said:
- So, what did you find in the hotel basement?
- the Dark Matter, are you happy? Now release me!
- We interviewed your former colleagues at NASA, they told us about the rocket. Did you put the Dark matter in it? -
- O boy!