

Jeanie didn´t like countryside that much, but she did enjoyed road trips as if they were an adventure. Her imagination used to fly away every time she traveled. It had been a long time since the last visit to her grandma´s. It felt like a past life for her; and it certainly was. After she got that scholarship, everything changed: She was away from her best friends. Beth and Krystal were great, but that couldn´t avoid her to miss Hanna and Ashley as she did. She looked away over the window and tried to enjoy the views.

- It´s been a long time since we came – Jeanie´s mom took her out of her thoughts.

- So long I didn´t drive on that last trip – said her dad smiling at them.

- If you ask me – Jeanie reacted – I´m just hoping to eat and nap so much I can get fat this weekend.

- You´re not gonna get fat in a weekend. You´re just like your dad. Your body is made to remain thin. And there are some other things you can do.

- Like what? I don´t like countryside. I wanted to spend the weekend with my friends!

- You haven´t seen your grandma in a while! And you can spend next weekend with your friends – her dad used his scolding voice – Stop complaining.

Jeanie looked away again with a moan and tried not to think about it. She was angry with her parents for that unexpected trip, but she also knew they were right and had no arguments to object their words. That made her feel even angrier, but she took a deep breath and checked her phone. It was already without signal, meaning they were close to her grandma´s farm.

Her grandma and aunt were waiting for them. A big brown cottage dog came right to Jeanie as soon as she got off the car. The dog was still a puppy, but already as big as to make her loose balance jumping towards her. She tripped up back, but didn´t fall and held the animal with both of her hands smiling at him and to her family.

- Who’s this beauty?

- His name is Rocco – her aunt answered as she said hello – It´s my new pet.

- It´s adorable!

- I know – her grandma said hello as well – But he doesn´t play nice. He is too big and has too much energy.

- It´s just a puppy! – her aunt complained – He just wants to play.

- I can see that – Jeanie said trying to walk while the dog jumped in front of her – He seems to like me!

- I would give it you, but I know you´re not living alone.

- My roommate loves animals, but pets are not allowed in our building.

- Shame.

- Maybe when I have a house on my own and not a rented apartment…

- Yes, maybe.

Jeanie got rid of her traveling clothes and got comfortable to play with the dog. The visit wasn´t going to be as boring as she imagined. Rocco was a cute friendly puppy who enjoyed playing and could be a great company. He wasn´t going to argue anything with her and he soon proved to be a protector. Anytime Jeanie had a sad face, his paw went to her hand. The whole afternoon flew away and at the time she went to take a shower she was exhausted.

- We´re eating in five – her dad announced before she got into the bathroom – Don´t take long.

- I won´t – she smiled at him.

After a great meal, Jeanie brushed her teeth, got into comfortable pajamas and went to bed. She was ready to dream away.