Reid finished cleaning and organizing the house the best he could when it was almost noon. He fed Lucy and sat on the coach. After eating, the small cat jumped to his lab and Reid petted her for a long while, something he considered extremely relaxing. He never understood why people prefer dogs before cats. Dogs are faithful, but too dependent, while cats can always survive without humans. When he realized how absurd these thoughts were, he went to have lunch and then sent Jeanie a message. He found odd not having any message from her during the morning, but she had told him she would be looking for Ashley´s gift; so most likely she would´ve been busy.
When time was torturing him moving forward so slow every second was eternal, he decided to sleep for a while. He hadn´t reached the bed when the door bell rang and made him run.
- Hi Reid – Denisse said and came in as soon as the door was open.
- Hi Denisse – he reacted moving away and observing her before reacting – Come in, as in your place – he said.
- It was during a long time – she reminded him.
- Your things are where you left them – Reid informed following her with the glance as a cat chases its prize.
Denisse was an elegant woman, with prominent curves and a clear brown hair that was almost blond hanged up in a tied ponytail on her shoulder. Her eyes were like lightened sparks and her lips had always drowned him crazy. She had gained a little weight, just enough to make her see more fit under the tied jean and the long low-cut blouse she combined it with, making him lose breath. Reid looked away and scratched his neck without knowing what to do.
- I can´t take it everything today, but I need the clothes and the shoes I left here.
- You only let a pair of shoes here – he reminded her – Those with high hills you never wear.
- I need them for a job interview – she explained.
- Where are you gonna work? – he hesitated finding odd those shoes to a job interview – I thought engineers were always on sport shoes – he almost mocked at her remembering how much she complained about them when she graduated.
- Five years had passed since I said that – she also remembered and both laughed.
- Excuse my lack of manners – he relaxed – Would you like to drink something?
- A little bit of water would be fine – she asked while bending to pick the shoes and put them on the bag where she would put also the cloth – As cold as possible – she reminded him when Reid was looking at her buttocks, more exposed on that position when the blouse lifted.
- I´m sorry – he apologized and looked away to go to the kitchen.
They sat in the dining room table and chatted for a while to update. Denisse told him that, if she could get that job, which nothing had to do with engineering, she better got used to wear high hill all the time; because she was going to be the new representative for an international corporative enterprise that was searching for foreign inversion; and they were really demanding about image.
- They´ll give you the job just looking at you – he encouraged her – You´re beautiful and own a wonderful body.
- Thanks – she smiled – But it´s not so easy. It´s not just about a pretty face. I also need a brilliant mind.
- Said by an honored student from an impossible major – he encouraged her again.
- You´re too good – she caressed his face and looked at his eyes with tenderness.
- Not enough it seems – he longed getting away from her touch.
- Don´t say that! – she asked – It´s just… nothing. Forget it. I should go. I´ll call you later to tell you when will I pick the rest of my stuff.
- OK – he took her to the door and watched her car leaving. Nostalgia invaded him, but he had to think about something else. He couldn´t be sad again. It was too hard to move on as to fall again. He wrote Jeanie again as soon as he went back in.