Jeanie woke up startled because of the alarm sound. She felt she hadn´t slept at all, but jumped from bed and went to the shower scratching her eyes because of the light. She was ready before expected and took her light luggage to get out.
As soon as she was at the station she felt strange. That weekend in her city, with the friends she left behind to go to college was weird, like watching a movie that nothing had to do with her life.
- Jeanie? – a known voice took her out of her thoughts.
She looked back without leaving her seat to answer, but as soon as she saw him, she wished her headphones had blocked the sound and fake she was sleeping.
- I´m so happy to see you! – Ben enthusiastically smiled and moved the luggage on the seat next to her to take it.
- Hi Ben – she yearned without saying any other word, trying to show him it was not a good moment to chitchat.
- So lucky! – he kept going without taking the hint – So long I´ve been wanting to talk to you.
- You know where I live – she said lacking any emotions on her voice.
- You´re never there! – he complained – Beth has always invited me in and I´ve saw you weren´t there, if not, I would think you hide from me.
- I have no reason to do that – she kept speaking on that emotionless tone – I´m simply a busy person spending few time at the apartment, but… - at that point, Jeanie realized what he had said – Why would I hide from you?
- After what happened with Charles… - he cleared his through and looked at her ashamed – I don´t know, I thought you wouldn´t talk to us again.
- To you?
- Ernest and me – he said.
- Why would I do that?
- Because…
- Did you have anything to do?
- As far as I know, we didn´t, but… As we´re his friends… Well, I thought that.
- I broke up with him under matters that only us know and can understand. I don´t need to avoid you because of him. I thought you were going to turn your backs on me.
- Why would we do that? – he imitated her.
- Because Charles is your friend – she used Ben´s words against him.
- We´re also your friends… it´s just that you seem to be fine while he… Well, you know… he is not fine at all.
- Will you be manipulated by him as well? – Jeanie complained – I know his game by heart. Too many years besides him as to know that he would use anything he can to get back to me – she yearned noticing she had over spoken – I´m sorry. It´s just that I hate his lack of respect for everything, even his friends; he is capable to use them on his benefit.
- I´m sorry – Ben took her hands that gesticulated on air without her noticing – I didn´t want to upset you talking about it… I´m also your friend; and knowing Charles as I do, I understand how annoying he can get, but he is not using me in his benefit. That´s just my point of view.
- Ben – she longed – I think of you as a friend although I met you through him, but you care and will defend him, as any good friend would do, which I respect, but save it. Despite what he´s telling around, this relationship was over more than six months ago; and if you´re really a good friend, you´ll get professional help to the monster growing inside him. It really worries me and scares me. I won´t ask you to pick a side because that´s absurd and childish, but if you´re truly my friend, don´t ever talk about Charles to me again.
- Ok – he promised letting her now relaxed hands – Ernest won´t do it either, I´ll make sure of it.
- Thanks – she smiled.
Without noticing, chatting made the trip shorter and they were almost getting to their destination. Jeanie yearned again, this time so hard that she emptied her lungs to fill them again. When she checked the phone that she had forgotten the whole time, she had three messages from Reid. All of them saying he was hoping she had a fun weekend; and that he was eager to see her. Her face and eyes glowed with his tenderness erasing every trace of the bad memories Ben had brought to her.
- Should I walk you to your apartment? – Ben offered – It´s on my way and I can help you with luggage.
- There´s no need – she smiled.
- I insist – he took the briefcase from her hands – Come on. Your company is so nice.
- That I´ve been told – she looked at him in doubt and decided to walk fast to shake him off.
As soon as she was at the apartment, she asked Ben, the kindest way she found, to leave her alone to study before Beth arrived. He badly accepted and Jeanie ran to the shower to take off all the tension from the road before leaving to Reid´s, who will surely have his own tensions.