Jeanie came out of the shower wearing the towel and grabbed the phone, which had been ringing for a while:
- Where are you? – Reid asked as soon as she picked up.
- At the apartment – she calmly answered – I came to drop some stuff and I was taking a shower before going to your house.
- I thought you were coming straight here – he complained – You know you can shower here.
- I´m sorry – she longed – I had to bring Beth some books… and… I wasn´t sure if going straight to your place was a good idea.
- Why not?
- Because it´s Sunday and your ex was coming this weekend…
- She already came, picked her stuff and left – he interrupted her – You can come whenever you want, you don´t need to worry about anything or hide from anyone.
- Anyway, it would have been harsh if we met.
- I understand, but don´t you ever hesitate again, ok? Come already. I want to see you. It has been the longest weekend of my life.
- I´ll be there in ten minutes – she smiled to the phone screen and ran to get dressed.
Her restrained wishes of seeing him rushed up to her, the doubts in her mind disappeared only with his “don´t you ever hesitate again” command. Her stubborn girl´s behavior vanished under his words, her arguing strengths were nothing under his glance and when he smiled; with that smile that, according to him, no one could get… that was enough to mute all her fears.
The path to Reid´s house seemed a scene from a historical book. She walked enjoying the landscape of clears and shadows formed by the trees at both sides of the street while the sun was going down. So many times she had walked that path and so few times she had noticed how cute it was and how many showy comparisons were coming up to her creative mind.
She took five minutes longer than she had said to arrive, so when she turned around the corner Reid was standing at the porch looking everywhere. He longed relieved when he saw her and noticing she was distracted, he decided to observe her. She was wearing an extra long blouse combined with a tied jean and her loose hair was getting tangled and thrown on her face by the wind, which seemed to push her. Jeanie was a young girl with a hidden body that was only noticed when she was naked, because she wasn´t used to wear tied clothes. Her neckline wasn´t outstanding, but her waist was a ballerina´s one and her tricky hips gave way to well shaped thighs that respected the curve that separated them from the firm buttocks on someone at her age. Reid longed and smiled at her when she kissed him taking advantage of his distracted moment.
- Which cloud were you on? – she smiled waiting for him to invite her in.
- I was looking at you… and… then I was thinking how well you cover your body.
- I don´t know if that should offend me or flatter me – she joked knowing what he meant.
- Come here – he almost ordered seating on the bed.
- Do you want to tell me something? – she hesitated following him to the bed while she stared at him.
- My ex didn´t take everything – he confessed like someone who doesn´t want to.
- She won´t do it – Jeanie answered calmly – She was trying to know if she can get you back.
- Where do you get those theories from? – he mocked at her.
- I´m younger than you, but I´m not an idiot. Besides… it´s the oldest trick in history. And… if we take into account that she didn´t take everything with her, that means she´ll come back; and if she does, it´s because she thinks she has a chance.
- Don´t say silliness – he yelled as the teenager he wasn´t – She knows I won´t get back to her. She hurt me.
- I like the way you lie – Jeanie mocked at him trying to hide how much it hurt her to know better.
- I don´t lie – he replied.
- Whatever you say…
Before Jeanie could say anything or simply judge him with her glance, her lips felt the touch of his and her eyes closed to answer it. The emotional intensity went down while the physical went higher than ever. They left themselves go and only the onomatopoeic sounds of the moment covered the air. Nothing similar to a conversation came out of them until it was night.
- We should eat – Reid smiled – Spending so much energy without recovering is gonna kill us.
- You´re right – Jeanie yawned – I´m hungry.
- Should we eat out?
- Fine, but first let´s take a shower.
- You go – he said – I´ll be right there – but as soon as Jeanie got off the bed, he got comfortable and closed his eyes.
Jeanie knew he would fall asleep and wouldn´t be right there. She spent almost half an hour because she also washed her hair. She hated to have sweaty hair on her face.
- Wake up sleeping beauty – she bit her ear.
- You didn´t wait for me – he complained.
- You were taking too long! Hurry up, take a shower, I´m ready – she walked away from the bed and modeled the dress for him.
- You look so pretty – he couldn´t say anything else while watching at her on a dress that seemed more a girl´s robe than a woman´s dress. It emphasized her waist and went up insinuating, but still covering her thighs while she rolled around to show him – I´ll be out in ten.
Reid was a simple, but elegant man. He wore a white shirt with tied jeans and his blond wet hair fell on his forehead. He needed a haircut soon, but Jeanie loved the juvenile and carefree image it gave him; that´s why she never smiled when he mentioned the haircut need.
They went out to a restaurant nearby. Reid loved it and she tolerated because it wasn´t so far away and they could walk. Reid hated to drive and she got dizzy in the small sportive car.
- Will you never drive? – Reid made fun of her knowing how much she enjoyed walking.
- It shouldn´t be the same – she replied – Besides, I´ll learn with my dad. I don´t want to go to the driving school.
- You need the driving school to get the license.
- I only need permission for my dad to teach me and everything else should be easier.
- You´re a spoiled girl – he mocked at her again.
- My dad is the best and the worst professor in the world.
- How is that supposed to be understood?
- The worst because he demands so much more than a paid professor and the best because his irrational and a bit harsh methods will be my secure pass to the license – she explained excited.
- Ok. Ok – he smiled – I think I already like your dad.
- I don´t know if he would like you back – she mocked – He is too jealous with “his little girl” – she made a girly face and Reid laughed.
- I can imagine – he said in the middle of his laugh – It´s too hard to let you go – he longed.
- No one has to let me go – she complained – While I keep my wings, I´ll fly back.
- Sometimes you talk like a book´s main character.
- We´re all book´s main characters – she explained – Sometimes we write it ourselves, sometimes others write it. It depends on each person.
- Ok Agatha Christie – he smiled.
- I´m not Agatha Christie – she complained as the spoiled girl she didn´t want to be – I´m Jeanie Dickson and I´ll register that phrase – she laughed with him.
That was a funny night for both of them and no one mentioned Denisse again.