
Finding a space to park on Main Street in the middle of a workday was a dream. But unluckily a non-free for-profit one. Occasionally, you could find it paying a fine even though you were sure that the "no parking" sign seemed to have come out of nowhere.

Fifteen minutes later, she located a legal parking space, but this was found leaving the cafeteria doors in which Catalina cited her one block away.

"You have reached your destination" commented the (Google Maps) application in her phone with the typical robotic female voice.

Serena wondered if the voice has ever belonged to a human being, she still couldn't come up with how do engineers and software professionals introduce the different voices in machines.

Her phone's incoming call ring tone sounded once more. For her to make it there that early, she had had to avoid the multiple questions of Sarah and several calls from Kim. Who was calling her for the fifth time now.