Chapter 5

"You seemed happy. What happened?" Kisaki asked Luca as the two walked together towards their classroom.

"I made a new friend today. He gave me a present." Luca said as he gripped his bag as if a golden treasure was hidden inside. Kisaki looked at the other's small and meek face. Luca's smile was so brilliant that even the person beside him seems affected by his charm and felt happy too. However, he somehow felt an itch to his heart that he cannot explain. Maybe he is just used seeing Luca beside him all the time. The person seems to like him a lot that he gave him a present, this was inside Kisaki's thought after Luca said those words.

"What kind of gift is it?" he asked as he gave Luca a faint smile indicating that he was happy that Luca made a new friend. Luca lowered his gaze shyly and answered...

"He gave me a book. And it is also a limited edition, Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare."

'No wonder he was so happy. It was a book.' Kisaki thought as he looked at Luca's happy face, seeing his rare smile that was so cute and charming. He then thought that he will give him a book that was much better than the person who gave Luca a present. He somehow felt sour inside his chest. Maybe because he wasn't used Luca had a friend other than him.

'I should give him a present too.'


It has been an hour since the class started and the two were casually listening to the teacher. Luca listened attentively as Kisaki kept pondering of what should he give to Luca. His head was fuzzing over it and his mouth was itching to ask about his favorite things. Luca noticed Kisaki's wariness and took a glance at him. Kisaki then turned his head towards the board and pretended he didn't look at Luca. Luca bowed his head and his gaze landed on the book he was holding. His face was hidden with his long bangs and wide specs. But deep down, he smiled faintly and amused on how Luca caught Kisaki glancing at him.

'What was that just now?' Kisaki asked to himself as he he felt a quick thump inside his chest. It was so clear that he saw Luca's cute face after that happened. It was a quick reaction. Yet, somehow deep inside him that something was wrong with him. 'I think I'm unwell today,' he thought.

Well, he shoved it off and proceeds thinking about Luca's present. Luckily the teacher didn't discerned his behavior or else he will really get punished if he got caught. He was immersed in his thoughts that he didn't noticed the school bell rings loudly. He then slumped his thoughts when he remembered he have a practice the whole afternoon.

"Kisaki, you're not going to go to class this afternoon?" Luca said. Though they considered themselves as the closest of friends, Luca still couldn't help himself being shy when talking to another person. At least to Kisaki, he didn't stutter and instead, he can speak to him without being cut off by his nervousness.

"No, I have a band rehearsal this coming Friday. So, we will going to get busy this afternoon for the preparations." He said as he put up a smile on his face, a smile that could blind someone by his charms. Luca was startled when Kisaki had the biggest grin formed on his lips but he himself was the only one who know this. He hid his emotions well.

"Oh. Okay." Luca said, he doesn't know why he was feeling awkward towards the handsome man. He doesn't know why his heart was beating fast too. Maybe because he admired him so much and that his heart was overwhelmed by his presence. Kisaki was awkward too, but he masked it with his smile and doesn't show a hint of awkwardness towards him.

Luca was about to turn around towards the door after Kisaki grabbed his wrist to stop him from going.

"You really can't go to the festival?" Kisaki said, hoping that he would go to the festival seeing him perform. He wanted to show him about himself slowly, so Luca would open his thoughts and worries about himself too. He maybe thinking crazy, but he was overprotective towards him. Thinking about him with Kenji made his face look sour. He was just afraid that he will be hurt and will not open himself to the world again. Thinking about Luca's sparkling eyes turned into lifeless and dull, he couldn't take it. Deep inside he treasured the young man as if he was his younger brother. And he really loved it.

He then thought that this was the cause of his unusual feeling inside his chest. And, if possible, he wanted Luca to see him perform in the stage.

"I asked my father about it and he agreed. But I can't accompany you though." Luca uttered as Kisaki released his hand. He clasped his palms in the back, he also kept fidgeting his fingers.

"It's okay! If it's alright with you, will you come to our concert this Friday. It's fine if you brought your father along. I just...wanted my friend to see me on stage." Kisaki said, his nervousness stretched his entire body. He was worrying if the other would reject him.

Luca was shocked that he would ask him to come over. After all, if he still didn't tell him he would not hesitate to come. He also looked forward seeing his only friend to sing his stage as his fingers plucked his guitar. Imagining the scene felt magical to him.

'Magical?' Luca was shocked with his thoughts again. Why would he think that moment will be magical to him? He was confused. He looked down to his feet. His face was once again covered by his bangs. Now seeing Luca like this, Kisaki felt aggrieved that the other will totally reject him. But to his surprise, the latter instantly nodded that made Kisaki felt the seventh heaven and hugged him tight.

"..." Luca was speechless, he can't move. The moment when Kisaki wrapped his arms around his waist, it was as if the whole world slowed down. He could hear his heartbeat rise every second and his cheeks to the tip of his ears were bright red. Luckily, his bangs were a bit longer that covered his ears and his wide specs mantled his face that his blush unrecognizable for the person who hugged him. Luca then recovered himself after Kisaki broke the hug.

"I'll find you in the crowd!" Kisaki yelped, and slumped his bag on his bag and ran away towards the Sound Club.

Luca clutched his chest. Something inside him was wrong.


In the Sound Club, Kisaki violently opened the door that made the drummer of the band flinched. He was startled by the noise and looked at Kisaki with a hint of annoyance on his face. Either way, that's just what friends do, except for Luca.

"So, why are you late?" Kobayashi Kaito, the leader and the bass guitarist of the band, scorned upon Kisaki's arrival. It's just like this everyday. Not a single minute that Kai to and Kisaki bicker to each other. Even the other bandmates couldn't handle their stubbornness. However, he and Kobayashi were inseparable, best friends, buddies amd partners in crime.

"Nothing, I'm just happy that's all."

"Oh?" Kobayashi raised his one brow and crossed his arms. Kisaki didn't didn't mind Kobayashi's attitude towards him and smiled again. He then thought what he should give to Luca.

"You're nuts. What are you doing, grinning in the corner like an idiot?" Kobayashi said as he picked his drumsticks and sat in the stool of his drum set.

"Nothing, by the way, where are the others?" Kisaki asked as he adjusted his guitar. Kobayashi shrugged, telling that he doesn't know where they are.

"Damn this kids! I ran here till my lungs burst out in case I was late! And yet, they aren't here yet!" Kisaki huffed and puffed, he then took his phone and sent them a cursing message while the other good friend looked at him pathetically after he recalled that this singer of theirs is as lazy as a sloth.

Why is so enthusiastic today?

Kobayashi shook his head sighed. He pretended that he didn't know him and casually wiped his drumsticks with a clean cloth. He then beat the drum with ease. The beating was violent and smooth, like a rushing heartbeat in the middle of a war. His eyes were raging fire, his passion was burning. Kobayashi might be stern and aloof, had a poison tongue and blunt. However, nothing beats him when he was determined. One could look at him with admiration as he played the drum, totally charming.

"Another beat? The one you played is good." Kisaki said as he stared his phone. Kobayashi snorted and played another beat again. This time, the timing and pace were much slower than he played earlier.

"By the way, have you done composing the song for the festival?" Kobayashi said calmly. Kisaki nod and said, "Yes. That's why I want the other two idiots to be here. Why aren't they here yet?"

"You asked that not long ago. I don't know."

"Yeah I forgot." Kisaki laughed dryly. He grabbed the music notes in his bag and checked it in case there was a slight mistake. As he held the music notes, a light bulb illuminated his mind. He then had an idea what he should he give to Luca.

Kobayashi looked at Kisaki suspiciously and wrinkleed his brows. He thought, what's going on with this idiot's mind again? Kobayashi felt like something's up with him, or maybe he had drank too much water that it rises up to his head. He then looked at him sympathetically and tried to called other two.

"Hey, the annoying imp is here already. Come to the club quickly or the imp will burn you alive."

"Who are you calling imp?!" Kisaki yelped angrily. He then glared at the culprit and huffed. He really wanted to tear off Kobayashi's tongue.

"Okay boss! Wait we're coming right away." The twins, Inoue Saito and Shimizu said on the phone. Saito was the bassist and Shimizu was responsible for playing the organ instrument. The two then hurriedly dashed to the club and kicked the door. The two saw Kisaki's stiff face as the door in the club was destroyed.

"You guys deserve a beating!" Kisaki wanted to cry as he looked at the door that was lying on the ground. They need to repair the door again thanks to this two damned twins.

The club funds will going to be demolished again.

"Hehe, sorry!" Shimizu made a V-sign on his fingers towards Kisaki and Saito's watery eyes looked at Kisaki. Their actions made Kisaki's scalp numb. He wanted to throw them in the sea. The club funds were enough for the repair on their instruments in case it got damaged. But, it was all going to spend in the club's door. Thinking about this made Kisaki felt sour.

Kobayashi just stood there, not caring if their club room will soon going to fall down. This unbothered leader of them was also the reason of Kisaki's headache. He wanted to strangle him to death.

"You three! You're all responsible for fixing this door or I'll goinf to rob all your money from here! Hmph!"

Kisaki shouted angrily amd walked out, leaving the three behind.

"But boss, the practice..."

"Let that big Mount Fuji erupt for now. And for the door, you two destroyed it. So be responsible. I'm out." Kobayashi stood calmly and lifted the door. He leaned it on the wall.

"Boss, have mercy on us..." The two whined, but Kobayashi had a hard heart. He looked at them and sneered,

"Well, don't grow mushrooms in someone's closet. You can do it, wish you luck."

And so with that, Kobayashi ran with all his might, leaving the pitiful twins behind.