Lecture just ended at about 12.15pm, Taraji felt the need to at least talk to Cane for a second, she doubted if he'd talk to her or not. She felt some height of guilt hovering around her, all she wanted was a honest conversation clearing her state of confusion and forlorn.
"I really thought you wouldn't turn up..." She sighed heavily
This time, Cane kept the hard look while she stared at him, with mixed impressions
"If only its professional....Do I have a reason to not believe that?" He asked
Taraji was confused on how go start because her questions were no close to education but she asked regardless
"Cane uhm...its not but...."
He stood up taking his bags along then she stopped him
"..but I need answers, I'm confused about everything, about myself....." She explained in distress
"...I don't fuckin care!" He almost yelled turning to her finally "what do you need me for?"
She sat close to him instead, like a child interceding for her allowance
"Cane! I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I had until it left...." Her eyes welled up as she tried to hold his hands but he retreated
"Raj? Don't do this, don't fuckin touch me. You were right anyway, we just acted stupid, we were vulnerable....I just realized i never loved you...." He blurted to dissuade her
"....but I do, I feel you. You can't just let me love you and you walk away, you just can't." She confessed
It felt awkward that she said all that but it was honest and sincere, it didn't matter if she was older, it didn't surface. She was in for getting back with Cane, even though they really had nothing much. He felt tingled by her teary eyes, he just had to wipe off her tears and hugged her tightly. She sunk into his chest like a child, he understood she needed help, his help
"Look at me, Raj! We can't do nothing, else it means risking you, losing you and losing my family too. You just gotta be careful with him..." Cane advised coldly
"That's what y'all keep saying!" She blurted
"Y'all? Who told you about him?" Cane figured
"its nothing!" She lied, keeping she and Monet's promise.
"Monet right?" He guessed tight
"Cane, help me would you?" Taraji said instead
"I'll protect you, I always did and would" he stood to leave. Baldwin bumped without a knock, Cane got pissed immediately. He hated times with Baldwin, all he wanted to do to him was slit his throat and watch him beg for mercy until he gives up his ghost. Cane gave an uneasy and mischievous look
Then he walked out silently. Baldwin sat next to Taraji who was wiping her tears off
"For real, Taraji? Crying to his face, that's sick!" Baldwin taunted
She stood up landing heavy slaps on both cheeks of his. He held his face in surprise, why would she slap him all for that child? He asked himself
"Really Taraji? For that asshole?"
"If assholes were like him then I want him around, not assholes like you." She turned away to sit on her chair
"Ok! Tyson wants to see your whacked up face!" He left angrily yanking the door hardly behind him.
Monet was with Quincy and Tyrone at their usual spot at the cafeteria, eating muffins and donuts accompanied with fresh orange juice. Cane walked up to them hastily sinking into the chair like in a jacuzzi.
"What's up, nigga! Who did you wrong?" Tyrone asked while they looked at Cane intensely trying to find answers to his unruly behavior
"Nothing!..." He took Quincy's other muffin and began eating
"You could ask bro! Where were you at lately, we've been here almost an hour!" Quincy asked again
"At Taraji's?" Monet taunted as they laughed except Cane
"What the fuck, Mo? Just stop what you're tryna to procreate between you two, it makes no sense. We're trying to run from German and you're getting closer?" Cane made his point
"Mo, that's not cool. Since when did this little light of yours kindle?" Ty added and asked
"I thought we spoke about this. German could get suspicious, that's war, bitch!" Quincy added again turning away
"Y'all should ask her what exactly she wants from Raj?" Cane turned away
"Are Y'all done? I'm out!" She got angry taking her bag and phone
"You ain't leaving, we're not done..." Cane warned
"Stop me!" Monet walked hastily in a baggy blue jeans and a white long sleeve crop top, with a golden chain and Jordan's sneakers
"Y'all see that? She's been around Taraji lately cooking up shit..." Cane said
"How did you know? She might..." Ty added
"Don't try to fuckin defend her. You know that's not cool for me and us, yeah!" Cane countered
"A'ight bro, chill. We just have to find out what she's up to...like following her every step. She's up to who knows what!" Quincy suggested
They concurred. They watched her movement as Black rover picked her up immediately. They stood in shock wondering who could that be?
"Yo shawty?" German called
They were sitting at the backseat. She earlier got a text from him, she wondered how he got her contact so easily, but then, he's German, anything could actually happen.
"Monet! Stop calling me all that shawty- thing, it sucks."
"Ok Monet!" He smiled
In fact, he seemed nicer than she could imagine or maybe it was just his trick of making her feel comfortable as always then spilling the beans if there were some in stock
"How did you get my number though?"
"I'm German! Do you know what they call my ass on the streets?" He smirked
"Nope. You tell me." She simply replied
"You'd find out soon." He turned away "you must be wondering why I picked up, are you not?"
"Fuckin yes. I wasn't expecting it." Monet explained
"I know that! I like you, you seem better. I was thinking we could get more fonder then a truce or business or something...." He requested
"No German. I need to study real hard. I don't wanna work for no one." She said defensively
He smiled, he lit a stick of Marlboro cigarette.
"I wish I was just anybody but I'm not. You are not going to regret this, Monet! I know you, I know your everything move, from start to finish. I know about Cane, flexing on my woman" He pointed out
She stood wondering what to do, she couldn't try her usuals, punching or running. He was way difficult than she could think of.
"What do you want from me?"
"That's sweet, Mo! I like you a lot, you don't take chances. You see? The first time I saw you at Taraji's, your countenance, your ego, your indomitable character, I knew I could count on you......People who count on me don't regret likewise myself but can I really count on you....if yes, you are on my winning side." He dragged in the smoke then exhaled
"What do you want, German!"
Monet was confused about everything, now she was bait to what she had no idea about
"Renzo's warehouse, i need it burnt down to ashes" he turned without a smile
Renzo and Dre thought Cane told on them but unknowingly to them he tried to protect their names. Cane and his pals were walking home chattering as always
"We got to throw some sick ass party soon...It's been crazy...and right now I don't fuckin get the message like I should..." Tyrone suggested
"Something's got your blood boiling like hell?" Quincy teased
"Purple bitch always a call away. She's just there for you, man!" Cane added as they laughed hard
"Don't act like you ain't broken yet!" Tyrone said defensively
"....seriously, I'm pretty sure Raj is tight down there though..." Quincy teased
"Quinn, watch it. Don't talk 'bout my bitch with some taunts, show some respect!" Cane corrected with seriousness
Tyrone and Quincy laughed causing Cane to get pissed, but they didn't care, it was a normal thing for them to throw shades at each other.
"That shit crazy. You gotta hit it when you need it...." Quincy added
"I told him countlessly, step off loyalty. Love is shit, Go for the flings and You're sorted out...." Tyrone added.
"Ok niggas i heard. But yo' bitches would always choose me over y'all, I don't bang girls my age...y'all go for fun, I go for the best..." Cane fired
"Ok Malcolm X, that's a hell of wisdom you got..."quincy accepted defeated with sarcasm
"Yeah Bissh, exactly what you need..." Cane added in satisfaction
A black car pulled over then they stopped wondering who it was
"Y'all see this?" Tyrone asked
"Renzo!" Cane added
"Not again, I'm fuckin....." Quincy muttered underneath his breath. Dre stepped out if the car without a word, he motioned Cane into car then they drove off.
"We're fucked, Man!" Tyrone confessed
"We'll see about that. Renzo wouldn't hurt Cane for no shit reason..." Quincy