Cane was tied to a metallic chair with a blind fold around his eyes. He was severely beaten and showered with water to salt his pains. Dre took a bottle of whiskey then poured it on Cane's wounds that caused him to groan in pain. At first, he did not have an idea about who must have taken him as hostage until he heard a voice he recognized, right in his front but was unable to see the face. Renzo motioned a man to take off the blind folds for a better view of who stood right in front of him and how he could get anything when he wanted to.
"Busta!" Renzo's voice deepened in disappointment. A man from behind held up Canes' face with a tight grip on his curly dark hair. Cane released a sigh of pain but he was handicapped at the moment.
"Got anything to say?" Renzo asked again. He dragged a metallic chair towards Cane's face, with a hard look settling on his face
"No I don't....i---i don't know what I must have done....." Cane added rightfully
"....of course, you wouldn't son." Renzo smirked pouring more whiskey on wounds, Cane groaned again in pains
"I swear on my fuckin life, I did not yo!" Cane said again
Dre stepped forward to ask his question
"Who did, motherfucker? Just wondering who would. What on earth were you thinking, that MVR has a hold on the boss....Nah bitch, we own the cops, they ain't shit, nothing!" Dre added
"I got nothing to do with MVR. I don't snitch, boss you know that. After all shit the we been through, I could know no better snitching" Cane added in defense
"Who did?" Renzo calmly asked finally
"How about Angie? Dean? Dean got locked up months ago, so he'd probably spill it for a truce, don't y'all think so?" Cane pointed out
"Untie him!" Renzo ordered walking to his inner chambers in the warehouse.
Dre supervised and had Cane washed up and aided with medics.
At the house, on the other hand, Monet got home while Quincy and Tyrone were playing a Play Station. She walked without a word headed to her room immediately. The boys ignored her after spying on her earlier, they believed one way or the other, she snitched. They fixed their gazes on the screen instead
"I know she done selling us out..." Quincy first said
"C'mon man! Monet wouldn't do no shit like that Nigga. If there's anyone better at snitching then its you brother...." Tyrone teased
"Yo? That shit crazy. Im serious, she's about to mess us up, yeah?" Quincy tried to figure out
"Monet wouldn't do no shit, I repeat. Its Jalen, the rich dude.... He picked her ass up!" Tyrone defended
"Just saying nigga. You say it like it doesn't hurt you though!" Quincy turned away with a slight smile
"That ain't funny" Tyrone looked dismayed
"Then I'm no snitch" Quincy made it clear
Tyrone has always had some feelings for Monet, she was the only girl he had a real feeling for.
Monet came forward after a swift shower in sleep wear
"Hey guys!" Monet greeted
They ignored her focusing on the game
"OK! You got something I need to know?" Monet asked in seriousness
"....or maybe you got something to tell us?" Tyrone added with looking at her direction
"....anything?" Quincy added too
She turned away first then turned back to continue
"We---I just had a walk...." She began
They knew she lied
"Or maybe you hitchhiked! Some guy gave you a ride!" Tyrone pointed out
She stood silent, knowing she had a lot to say which would definitely annoy them.
"What're y'all talking 'bout? I won't snitch, I got!" Monet tried to press her emotions
"Ok Mo! You always did." Quincy added with a long face
"What's that suppose to mean?" Monet tilted her face
"The fuck you heard. We agreed on not seeing German, but you did...." Quincy also began scolding
"I wasn't with no Ger-man, Nigga! Stop questioning...Jeez!" Monet tried to calm down
He was partly right after all, and now she has something crucial on her plate to deal with. If only she has listened to her brother, she wouldn't have to know German at all, she thought to herself.
"Ty, say something!" Monet enquired
"What else?" He also flared
She stood up quietly walking to Cane's room, she found it empty. She scurried back to them
"Where's Busta? Where's he at?" Money asked
"You just realized?" Quincy said
"Fuck off, man." Ty gave him a light punch "He's....someone took him!"
"What the hell? And y'all are sitting here? Who took him yeah?"
"Who knows! Maybe Renzo." Ty added.
"Then we should go find him." Monet suggested being worrisome
"Streets' not safe...." Quincy tried to persuade her
"Then y'all are gonna let him die?" She stood surprised
They didn't worry because it was Renzo, all they assumed was that he had no reason to harm Cane, partly true.
"We wait after tonight, we'll find him!" Tyrone suggested
Next morning, the three walked into earlier than usual. The class was surprised as some groupies walked up to them
"What's the occasion? Too early to study!" One of them asked in mockery
Tyrone and Quincy had their eyes on their IOS while she stood thinking about Cane instead. It baffled her that his friends didn't move a skin, that was not enough reason to make her relent.
"Suck on my dick!" Monet answered gruesomely but calm
The hall was clouded in Laughter the lady turned her face away to sit down.
"You always do extra, baby!" Tyrone laughed
"For real, you got answers to everything...." Quincy laughed too
" my brother?" Monet added
They turned away gently, she made a point.
professor Baldwin marched in a black suit and a pair of tuxedos with a meatloaf shaved hair. He came in with high spirits and a fixed smile
"Morning students, shall we begin?.....Macbeth, page 105. Can anyone justify?" He paced around to and fro. "Anyone?"
Jalen stood up to give his opinions, Baldwin was impressed as always then he asked
"Mr Deacon Washington?"
Baldwin observed Cane's absence but he called regardless bringing to everyone's attention
"He's sick!" Tyrone answered politely
"How about a medical report?" Baldwin challenged, he believed it was all a lie
"....just last night. A migraine....I think!" Tyrone replied again
"You think?" Baldwin asked
A boy named Percy answered from behind
"I thought Cane was untouchable....for real!"
The class bursted out in laughter. Monet, Tyrone and Quincy fumed in anger. They didn't say it to each other but their minds aligned
"No one is above any ailment besides its a migraine. What's the taunt all about?" Another student named Norman Jay answered In defense
"....from thinking about Macbeth's literature?"Percy repeated, the class laughed again, then Baldwin interfered
"Enough! How about Mr Malcolm Wallace, our newbie?"
He referred to Quincy. Quincy stood up in accordance
"How about I take the whole chapter? Some sheep could be lost at the moment." The class chuckled
Quincy turned to Percy then Baldwin to give his opinions, he did well explaining cover to cover. Baldwin didn't want the positive impression, he wanted it to be a a type mockery since he hated everyone associating with Cane, his Rival.
The class was over after 2 hours, everyone moved out except Monet, Tyrone and Quincy then Jalen who tried to avoid Monet
"Somebody ain't doing the usual...." Tyrone teased Monet
"He's a leech...Whatever!" She shrugged with a faint smile
"Percy-shit got some nerves though, what was that?" Quincy stirred up showing his disappointment and unhappiness
"We'll fix him. We just got to find Cane first" Ty suggested
"Yeah. Baldwin's a bitch you know! He's asking all that on purpose" Monet added
"Just holding on, Nigga. He's a crap! And soon he gon' plead for his life" Tyrone added again with seriousness
"What I want!" Quincy added in satisfaction
At Renzo's, They sat by the fire like they wanted to execute an urgency.
"Boss, I'd never tell on you....telling on you is like telling on myself...I won't say no shit" Cane persuaded
Renzo lit the edge of his Cuba to smoke it, he turned to Cane finally
"You know, I got to realize that I've been so soft on you. Maybe its time I do what I should've done, a long time ago!" Renzo didn't seem persuaded. He beckoned Dre to hand him a gun immediately. He pointed the gun with his right hand at Cane without a stretch. He sat comfortably like a lord.
"Boss, I'd never do nothing."
Cane cared less about the gun, it wasn't a new thing for him but It bothered him to make Renzo understand how things went wrong.
"Who would you prefer?" Renzo asked almost yelling
"....I don't fuck around, I'm loyal to you..." Cane said yelling unconsciously
"Silencio!" Renzo yelled back as he stood
Dre tried to hold Renzo back. "If truly you didn't, why won't you?" Renzo asked
The boy was beyond compelling, he only wanted the truth with no intentions of killing him, Cane was resilient and firm, he wouldn't compromise their relationship for nothing.
" are like the Dad I never had. I won't snitch on you, I'd do anything to protect your name not ruin it, Boss" Cane confessed In defense
Renzo was baffled, someone could see him not just a Narcotic but a father. His hardened heart softened. He could only give Cane a hug. Cane felt comfortable again, all he wanted to do was go back to his family who would probably be on the search.