Present day!
"To my office, Mr Wallace!" Baldwin said before leaving the lecture hall.
Monet and Tyrone wondered what could be the problem. They felt a sudden erractic feeling that caused them to ask.
"Yo Nigga! Stuck in Baldwin's pants? Ty we need a hi-five though!" Monet taunted
"For real, bissh! Baldwin's got a rival!" Ty added
"Y'all should be helping me not a jest!" Quincy said smiling
It wasn't something he couldn't handle, if he could take off his mother in a blink then no one could take him off. He hugged them took his bag, walking to Baldwin's office at his pace. He entered without a knock, it was something he wasn't used to. He sat down relaxing waiting for his questions.
"I can see that same blood runs through your veins..." Baldwin blurted leaning over with his hands on the table
"I'm proud of it! Professor." Quincy smiled sitting up right "what is it you want actually?"
"Well, I want trouble... Any goddamn person associated with Cane is negative. You all don't cause no good to happen, just tragedies."
"I think you might want to restructure that"
"That's the problem. You all get defensive when the truth is let out, that's your black ass problem" Baldwin said rubbing his fist tightly "I should warn you. You might think Cane did you good coming in on board through me, through threats...shit happens"
Quincy stood up with hesitations, smiled
"I should warn you too! You don't want to be rude, not by chance. If Cane would let you live for some reason I don't know about, i wouldn't. I'd take your life, Nigga!" Quincy gave Baldwin light punch on Baldwin's chest then continued "I don't give second chances....." Quincy warned
He walked to the door knowing his coming was worthless as rightly predicted.
"Did you think it was worthwhile?" Baldwin chuckled
Quincy didn't turn back, he could only reply
"No professor, i'd rather you take Canes' advice...I warned ya!"
Quincy closed the door gently walked away. Taraji stood at the corner in black pencil high neck gown with a zipper at the front, it was 2 inches below the knee then a burnt yellow coat. Her hair was blonde and straight reaching her chest and a black boots with heels. She stopped Quincy immediately
He saw her from a short distance licking his lips with a smile, he understood Cane had good eyes on a young professor like Taraji.
"Hi, Professor Raj! Am I in trouble somehow?" He gave a flirty look anyways
"Can we talk in my office, I got a few you mind?" She politely asked, this student was the opposite of Man like Cane, someone she genuinely admired
"I don't...." Quincy said jovially
He was behind her as they walked into her office.
They sat respectively, Quincy could only stare at her and smile, it was really a no-go for him, but this woman stunned him.
"Ok Mr Wallace....." She called
"....Quincy!" He corrected informally
She beamed and continued
"Quincy, I want to ask about Cane, I've not seen him for over two days now, I can't find him in any of the medical centers, is he ok? He's not picking up either...." She said
"He is! He prefers home treatment, he's getting better though!" Quincy feigned
"Ok! As soon as he gets better, can you tell him I asked about him? I'm only concerned about him?" She tilted her head cutely
"Miss Taraji? I know how important he is to you, and how badly you want German out of the picture....keep it low. We would protect if you let us...." Quincy understood she was pressed about something important
"What do you mean?" She tried
to act like she did not understand
"Let us help you! German is not just some guy, he is badass, i grew up in a street where he surfaced, keep it low.......I'll let Cane know you asked about him!" He smiled then left.
Taraji was completely dumbfounded, it would really cost her her profession being around German but Cane is also dirty but he's good, she said to herself.
They got out of school walking home, they preferred walking most times, and now, they wanted Cane back, but finding him was not even an option, where would they search for answers? They had searched possible places except Renzo's. They were scared that something might just change up. All they agreed on is waiting for him tonight, after tonight, they'd meet Renzo even if it was their life to recompense for his. Things he did for them was beyond it, their gang was solely based on sacrifice, exactly the words of Cane and it was beneficial for them to kill just anyone to make do with any of theirs. Baldwin pulled over in a brand new modern Mercedes as his tyre screeched against the coal tarred road. He tilted his head through the window
"Need a ride home?" He said with a half smile
Quincy and Tyrone pressed their fury, Tyrone turned to Monet immediately whispering in her ear
"Fuck him up, baby!" He faintly smiled
"Trust me, Nigga!' She smiled
Tyrone and Quincy walked two steps ahead letting her serve Baldwin what he deserved.
"Scared I might eat you? Mr Wallace? Mr Walker?" He laughed
Monet was holding a bottle of grapes juice, the only thing she could think of is was splashing it to his face, Baldwin yelled and groaned in anger.
"Don't try to fuck after-school hours, we are the streets bro!" She smirked, scurrying to catch up with them.
Already they had recorded a visual clip of the event, all they did was hug and tug her into their manly arms as a job well done. Baldwin sped off with a word, maybe he realized he had been stupid and childish, or maybe he did that Cane was absent even if Quincy gave him a scary threat, he wouldn't stop.
Meanwhile, Dre drove Cane back home all sound. Renzo was set to help and protect Cane and his family.
"Thanks nigga!" Cane shook Dre
"Anytime're still an asshole though!" Dre teased
They laughed. Cane dropped down from the car, then Dre drove away. Cane walked into the apartment and sighed heavily. He missed the smell of liquor, burnt rizzla, perfumes and food. He knew they were out to school. He walked into his room staring at his reflection on the mirror, of how crazy things got earlier, he sank into bed looking up to the ceiling. He took a shower and changed into a sweat shirt and pants, a white socks, a golden chain. He could only think of scrambled eggs.
They bumped into the apartment discussing their Victory over Baldwin.
"For real, I promise his ass some flat tyres...."
Monet promised throwing her bag on the couch, while Tyrone and Quincy jumped over the couch to sit.
"Who's in there?" Quincy asked after they overheard utensils clinking against each other.
"Someone's gonna die soon!" Tyrone added
They took their guns pointing at the kitchen's direction
"Yo mother....." Tyrone started
Cane turned in negligence, he knew they had long waited for his arrival, alive or dead
"Bloods!" he called calmly but emotionally
The three of them stood in shock and surprise. All they did was give a uniting hug. Monet's tears fought against her will, it rolled down her cheeks
"We thought we lost you....." She said out loud.
"I can't just die..." Cane added
They hugged again, enjoying and appreciating the moment that came through. Cane narrated the whole story from start to finish, and how good it ended.
Quincy didn't forget to remind him about Taraji and how overly worried she was. He knew his professor loved him and he felt even, he wished he could be extremely overprotective over her, but German was a stone he didn't have to stumble upon but kick out.