A week after the Dean's arrest,
Angie was depressed, she hid in the outskirts of the city. She tried to reach Quincy as always, being her only defender. Braden was out of sight and Dean was now in jail. She felt lonely and unfortunate. How could life play a fast one her, she accepted to be the streets' snitch but not ending up alone. She couldn't move freely as before, now she was held up. Renzo was not an option, right now all he wanted was to end her pathetic life, not even the Washington's would look at her twice without a gun In the way.
She sat on an old couch where Malcolm had first made love to her after marriage, she got a call from prison, she knew it was Dean, she accepted
"Angie....baby, are you ok?" Dean asked calmly
"How could I be? Its hard to live, all alone." She complained bitterly
"I know. Did you meet Quincy?"
"I don't know who he's with? I just don't have an idea, Dean!" She added
"Angie, listen. I got a plan, and i'ma need you to cooperate with me, to help me out a'ight?"
"Ok! I got you!" She responded positively
"In two weeks time, I'd be out in due cause. All I want from you is wait for me in the car I'm gonna send to you, at the same location.....Pretend to be Biggies' girl. They'd only need your confirmation, a YES. Can you do that?"
He was certain that Angie would accepted how proposal
"He's helping me get out, so would you?" He asked again
"Dean I will. Just try to call me up again before hand..." She requested
"If it doesn't bother you, I would. Thank you baby, my freedom depends on you or its 15 years for me. Please baby?" He reminded
"Yes, I will. Count on that!"
"I love you alright, all i do is to protect you and Quincy" he assured then hung up
Angie was uncertain, fear gripped her heart, she wasn't sure she could get involved with the cops or prison, even if this sacrifice wasn't so hard for her to make, it seemed like a million to her.
Mendez visited Cane at institutions' premises, in the lecture hall.
"I didn't know I could count on you for long?" Mendez blurted
"I keep to my words, that's why I'm Cane!"
"I know....I'd Make another proposal soon enough, trust me, this would change your life entirely, you'd come clean as my skin!" Mendez added
"No MVR, I won't!" Cane denied politely
"It's not a choice, not an option....it's what you have to do...." Mendez gave that unpleasant smile then he left
Cane wondered, it would definitely be turning a loved one into police custody.
Monet and Tyrone came in as soon MVR left
"What's up, Nigga?" Tyrone said
"You got another problem?" Monet asked
"No, we're good. He's only checking up..." Cane said simply.
"Checking up? Cops don't check you up, you check them up!" Monet added in doubt
"You better not be fuckin 'round, he's a piece of work...Cane, are you fuckin serious?" Tyrone said
"Chill guys...let's get some meatballs, its been a minute!" He walked ahead
They followed from behind like his followers.
Just as Dean had planned, two men came knocking at her door, then she opened up. Dean had reminded her 3 days ago, but she feigned to have forgotten
"Angie?" One of the men asked
"Any problem?"
"From Biggie. Come with us, we got one more then we'd be off in no time!" The other explained
"Can we go ma'am?" The first man asked again
She seemed to be wasting a lot of time. Everything they had ongoing was timely planned, Angie allowed her doubts overrule.
"I'm sorry, Im not Biggies' girl..."
"We are only following orders, We got this!" He dialed to speak with Dean.
Angie stood firm on not accepting and helping Dean. She was given the phone to speak
"Hey Angie? See? I told you I got this, all you have to do is come with them, they'd drive down here, at a safer spot then we catch the flight....." He began to explain
She cut in, showing her lack of interest
".....Dean...Dean! I can't do this, im not doing this....What if I get caught?"
"Holy Molly! Jeez Angie, you're safe. Biggies' got us covered, and this is the only chance we got on deck...please don't say no, Angie?" Dean explained and pleaded
"I'm so sorry Dean, I can't..." Angie said.
She passed the phone back to the first man
They could hear Dean screaming from the speaker, how badly and desperate he wanted Angie to help him out. Both turned to leave, then the second turned her
"You'd pay for the pain you caused Dean, and the risk we took coming over to save your ungrateful ass..."
They left finally.
Dean was brokenhearted, why did he think a woman like Angie would ever change? From the streets' snitch to a defender? These thoughts ran through his mind. He vowed to himself that the day he gets out of the prison gates, she'd be a dead woman running and her son would Recompense for it.
Angie changed her location and her number. She relocated to another after the tension had died down.