Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

Cassandra's POV

Two months later

Two months have passed and I have avoided prince Rodriguez like he was a plague ever since he confronted me about Austin. I hardly even see him since he goes to work early before I wake up in the morning and comes back late in the night after I've gone to sleep.

I've made friends with Emelia, ever since she came back from Paris. She has been so nice to me and today she's taking me to the mall to do some shopping. I dressed in a pink knee-length flared dress which covered my small baby bump, packed my hair in a tight ponytail, and wore black flats.

I went downstairs to meet Emelia who was already waiting for me. She was dressed in a red off-shoulder dress which hung on to her body bringing out her perfect curves, her auburn hair was styled in a bun. She looked really beautiful as always.

"Morning Emelia, sorry I kept you waiting I wasn't feeling well." I apologized.

"You're not feeling well, do you want to stay home and rest. I mean you don't have to go to the mall if you are not feeling well," Emelia said her expression showed concern.

"No, no, I'm fine, let's go." I held unto Emelia's hand pulling her to the door.

I don't want to stay at home, prince Rodriguez is staying home today, I don't want to be around him. I thought and then I saw prince Rodriguez walk up to us.

Speak of the devil.

"Is everything okay?" He asked Emelia.

"Cass isn't feeling well, so I asked her to stay at home and rest since you are going to be around, but she insists on going to the mall with me," Emelia explained to him.

"Uuhhh, I'm fine Emelia," I said through clenched teeth. The prince walked towards me staring at me intently, his eyes were boring into mine.

What is it with the staring? I could smell his strong male scent and cologne since he was just a foot away from me now. I suddenly felt sick, I could feel my breakfast of sandwiches and fruit juice come up to my throat.

"Get out of the way," I warned but he remained where he stood not moving an inch.

"Why? What is wrong Cass?" Emelia asked but before I could reply I threw up all over Prince Rodriguez, I puked all over his sweatshirt and joggers.

"Jesus, Cass are you alright?" Emelia walked over to me with a concerned face.

"Yes, I am f-" I vomited all over again on prince Rodriguez, who looked like he had just seen a ghost. After emptying all the contents of my stomach, Emelia helped me inside my room to clean myself up and change into clean clothes. After changing my clothes, I lay on my bed feeling disappointed that I could no longer go to the mall. I have been looking forward to it. I haven't left the house, all I do all day is to stay in my room reading novels or watching movies.

"Cass, I am sorry for putting you through all of this." Emelia apologized to me her face filled with tears.

"I'm fine, stop crying or you're going to make me cry," I said to stop Emelia from crying.

"Okay, I'll have Mary make something for you to eat."

"Okay," I said then Emelia's loud ringtone rang through the room.

"Hello, oh okay. I'll be there in fifteen minutes," She said and ended the call.

"Cass, I have to go, duty calls. I promise I'll be back early please rest, okay?"

"Okay, go now."

"I'll tell Rodriguez to check up on you," Emelia said and I shook my head vigorously.

"No, that's not necessary. I am pretty sure he is angry at me for ruining his clothes."

"Oh please, he knows it's normal. He will take care of you, bye now." Emelia darted out of the room before I could say anything else.

I don't want that arrogant man around me. We will just end up quarreling again.

When Emelia left I laid down on the bed feeling tired. My eyes were closing slowly, I almost fell asleep when a knock came on the door. It should be Mary since Emelia promised to send her to me.

"Come in, the door is not locked," I said and was surprised to see who entered the room. Prince Rodriguez walked in instead, he had changed his clothes to a white T-shirt and blue plus jeans.

His hair looked damp, seemed like he took a shower after I threw up on his clothes, the memory of it made me stifle a laugh.

"What is so funny?" He sat next to me on the bed.

"Nothing, why are you here?" I asked and stared at the floor of my room. I wanted to look anywhere else rather than look at him. He was so handsome, sitting there with his legs crossed on my bed. I could feel his blue eyes staring at me but I didn't dare look up at him. I didn't want him to see how his stares affected me.

"Look at me, Cass." He said bringing me out of my reverie. "Cass, I am sorry for how I have treated you, I shouldn't have said those things."

Oh my God. Did Mr arrogant just apologize to me?

"Where is this coming from? "I asked and his eyebrows pulled together in a crease.

"What? "He asked, confused.

"Why are you apologizing to me? You don't seem like the type to always apologize." I eyed him suspiciously.

"Of course I do but not all the time

I am not heartless, Cass." He replied.

"And I was thinking maybe you were," I sent him a sarcastic smile.

"Cass, I am sorry, okay? I should have never doubted you." He took one of my hands and placed it in his firm hands. I felt a current run through me at the feel of his firm hands on mine.

"Oh, okay. You can leave now, " I removed my hand from his and got down from the bed.

"Why are you always in a hurry to send me out? Do I scare you?" He said with a smirk that I desperately wanted to slap out of his face.

"Of course not, it's just that I was about to take a nap when you walked in," I said.

"Okay, go to sleep." He laid properly on the bed and I stared at him with annoyance.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Lying on the bed." He said with a duh tone.

"Come and sleep now."

He patted beside him on the bed and I looked at him with disbelief.

Doesn't he know this is my room, he is not supposed to be lying comfortably on my bed? What would Emelia think if she sees him like this?

"No, no, no, thank you but I can go to sleep on my own,"

"Come on, don't be stubborn, Emelia instructed me to take care of you, so that is what I'm doing." He sent me a devilish grin.

What is wrong with him? How do I get rid of him? I raked a hand through my hair and stared at the arrogant prince on my bed.

"Thank you but I'm fine and I am capable of going to sleep on my own."

"Come here now or..." He said.

"Or what?"

"I'll make you." He replied.

"No, I won't," I said adamantly. He didn't say anything again he just played there on the bed staring at me.

"Cass, look cockroach." He pointed at the floor and I screamed. I hate cockroaches.

"Aaaaahhhhhh," I jumped on the bed and held him tightly as my life depended on it.

"I hate cockroaches. Is it gone now?" I asked and then prince Rodriguez started to burst into laughter.

"What's funny?" I stared at him in confusion.

"You." He replied and continued laughing.


"Yeah, you. There are no cockroaches Cass."

"Yoooouuuuu. You made me scared for nothing." I removed my hands from prince Rodriguez's chest and stared at him in anger. I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.

"I needed to get you on the bed and now that you are here you can finally sleep. You should have seen your face. Well, I finally got payback for ruining my clothes." He smiled victoriously.

"You are such a jerk," I said then I burst into tears. "I was scared you know," I added.

"Are you crying? I am sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." He drew me closer to him and hugged me while I cried like a baby in his arms. He stroked my hair and tried to stop me from crying.

"There, there, I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's okay, the pregnancy hormones as turned me into an emotional wreck." I wiped tears off my face with the back of my hands.

"It's okay. I understand." Prince Rodriguez continued stroking my hair until I fell asleep in his arms.


"Wake up, sleepyhead." The feel of someone's hand tapping me lightly on my shoulders woke me up. I yawned and sat up on the bed.

"How do you feel now?" Emelia asked.

"Better, when did you come back?"

"About an hour ago. You were still sleeping so I didn't want to disturb you."

"Okay, where is p-" I was about asking of prince Rodriguez but stopped midway.

"Where is who?"

"Never mind. How was work?" Did I change the topic?

"It was fine. I had to model beach wears for Sapphire Swimwear Company. Do you want to see some of the pictures?" Emelia asked and I nodded in response.

She brought out her phone from the black purse she was holding and showed me pictures of her in different provocative beachwear.

"You look sexy in those beach wears," I said.

"Thank you." Suddenly my stomach gurgled and

Emelia chuckled. "I am starving."

"Good thing I made dinner." Emelia's face was beaming with a smile.

"You cooked?" I asked in surprise. I have never seen her cook for the past two months that I have been here.

"Of course, I just don't do it all the time, it takes a lot of time and effort," Emelia replied.

"Oh, okay, so what did you make?" I asked.

"Chicken Cacciatore with prosciutto tortellini gratinate." She replied and I licked my lips.

"Mmmm, yum."

"Okay, I'll go set the table." Emelia stood up from the bed.

"I'll be down in a sec. "I said.

"Okay." She replied and walked out of the room. I stood up from the bed still thinking about Prince Rodriguez.

Where could he be? I slept in his arms this morning and now he's nowhere to be found. I heaved out a sigh, then brushed my hair since it was tousled from sleep. Afterward, I went downstairs to eat dinner. I took my seat on the dining table while Emelia dished some food on my plate.

It looks delicious, I hope it tastes as good as it looks. I thought and took a spoon full of food. Wow, it is delicious.

"Do you like the food?" Emelia asked.

"Of course I do, it's delicious," I replied taking another spoon of food. I ate like a hungry bear, the food was delicious plus I was seriously hungry.

"Rodriguez couldn't have dinner with us, he is busy at work, an emergency came up," Emelia said though I didn't ask.


"I have to tell you something,"

"What?" I asked.

"The queen, queen Clara is coming over tomorrow," Emelia said much to my horror.

End of Chapter Eight