Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

Cassandra's POV

I woke up feeling all groggy and hungry. I stood from the bed and walked over to the bathroom to take a warm shower which by the way was very refreshing, I went into the walk-in closet and picked up a straight white off-shoulder dress which hung onto my body bringing out all of my curves.

I wasn't comfortable with the dress but I had no other option than to wear it since Mr arrogant doesn't want me to wear my old clothes it was cheap and demeaning to his status. I let my hair flow free on my shoulder and slipped my legs in pink flat shoes.

Who knew in a matter of weeks I'll be living with the prince of Andalusia, carrying his child and wearing fancy clothes. I thought as I went down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning Mary." I greeted Mary who was busy preparing some food,

"Morning, Ma'am, hope you had a nice night?" Mary asked and I smiled.

"Yes, I did, Mary what is for breakfast? I'm starving."

"Creamed eggs on toast Ma'am," Mary answered while she stirred something in a bowl.

"Okay, and please call me Cassandra or Cass for a short. Stop with all the formalities."

"Okay, Ma'_Cass."

"Better." I smiled at Mary and took a seat at the dining table. A few minutes later, Prince Rodriguez came down the stairs and took a seat opposite from me on the dining table.

Looking as dashing as always, he was dressed in a dark blue suit, his long black hair was properly combed on top of his head.

"Good morning sir." Mary greeted him while she dished some eggs on his plate.

"Morning Mary." He replied.

"Thank you," I said to Mary who dished some food on my plate.

"I'll be in the garden if you need anything," Mary curtsied and walked away.

I immediately dug into my food cause I was starving. Not sparing a glance at Mr arrogant since he refused to acknowledge my presence, I'll also ignore him.

"Mmmm, this food is delicious," I said while savoring the taste of the delicious meal.

"Don't you know anything about table manners at all? You shouldn't talk while eating." Prince Rodriguez frowned at me and continued eating. I felt sudden anger resurface in me but I chose to ignore whatever he was saying instead I continued eating.

"I am talking to you." He stated trying to gain my attention but I still ignored him. "You know it is rude to ignore whenever someone is talking to you." He added.

"Don't you know anything about table manners at all your highness you shouldn't talk while eating," I shook my head at him and smiled inwardly as I saw his face heat up in anger?

That is what you get for insulting me. I

smiled victoriously.

He stood up from his seat, walked towards me, and sat on the table in front of me.

"Miss Valdez, I will advise you to watch that mouth of yours or it might get you in lots of trouble one day." He said.

"Mr. Astley, I'll advice you to stop insulting people because not everyone will take insults lightly," I stood up from my seat and went up the stairs to my room. I was done with my food anyway.

Minutes later I heard the sound of a car driving out of the mansion which meant that Mr arrogant as left for work.

I spent most of the day up in my room, as promised by prince Rodriguez I got my phone so I busied myself watching movies on YouTube. Later on, I phoned Martha.

"Hey, Martha."

"Hello baby girl, how are you doing?" Martha asked.

"I am good and you?"

"I am not fine, ever since you left Mrs. Williams as being giving me a hard time at work," Martha complained.

"Sorry about that."

"So how are you enjoying your new home?" Martha asked.

"Home! It's more of a prison. I hate this place and Mr arrogant seems to make things worse." I replied and I heard Martha laugh through the phone.

"Lol, Mr arrogant, so that's what you call him now," Martha said. "Prison, you can't be serious, so you're telling me that the lovable and caring handsome prince of Andalusia makes life difficult for you?"

"Yes, he isn't lovable or caring he is rude, arrogant, and mean and I don't think he even likes me," I sighed.

"Of course he does. Maybe that is why he is acting rudely to you so he won't fall in love with a pretty redhead like you." Martha giggled through the phone.

"Oh please, that man as a wife, a very beautiful one to be precise, can we talk about something else?"

"Okay, okay so tell me are you pregnant yet?" Martha asked.

I hesitate for a moment before answering,

"Yes, I am pregnant."

"Okay, make sure you don't stress yourself and eat properly remember you are eating for two people now."

"Okay mum, can everyone stop treating me like a baby, I am still the same old Cass," I groaned in annoyance.

"You are pregnant, you should be treated like a queen. Cass, I know this child is not yours but try to enjoy this moment of your first pregnancy. I know it is going to be hard since you will end up giving away the child but try to make yourself happy because you deserve happiness." Martha said.

" Okay, I'll try. Thanks for always being there for me," I replied.

"You are welcome, I have to go now I have a date with Mark, we are going to see a movie tonight." Martha squealed into the phone.

"Okay, enjoy yourself and remind Mark that he owes me big time."

Mark Lyons is Martha's current boyfriend, he is a nice guy, he had an interest in Martha so I helped him win her over. It wasn't easy though but I'm glad she is happy with him.

"Okay bye."

"Bye," I said and hung up the phone.

I thought about what Martha said, I guess she was right. This is my first pregnancy though not legally mine but I'll try my best to enjoy the moment and won't let Mr arrogant or anyone else ruin it for me.

Later that evening I went downstairs for dinner since I haven't eaten anything after breakfast this morning.

I ate dinner alone since Emelia wasn't back from Paris and prince Rodriguez still hasn't come back from work. Not like I was missing his presence or something I just wasn't used to eating alone. Back in New Orleans, I always ate with my family or Martha, so eating alone kind of made me feel lonely. I guess I have to get used to it in this house.

When I finished eating dinner I was going back to my room when I heard the door of the mansion swing open and saw prince Rodriguez storm in. His hair was tousled and out of place, the sleeve of his shirt was rolled up to his elbow, his suit jacket was nowhere to be found now. He looked disorganized, even with that he still looked handsome, his face reflected anger.

His he ever in a good mood? I thought and continued walking up the stairs but stopped when he called my name.

"Cassandra Valdez."

"What now?" I asked, descending the stairs and walking towards him. "What do you want from me?" I asked again staring at him.

"I'll ask you one simple question and you must answer honestly or you will be thrown out of here immediately." He threatened.

"Okay, what?"

"Who is Austin Harris and when last did you see each other?" He asked and I stared at him in shock.

Shit! how did he find out about Austin? I raked a hand through my hair and absentmindedly twisted my fingers.

Austin Harris is my ex-boyfriend, we met two years ago at a charity event in New Orleans. He was a good-looking guy, with all the charms. His forest green eyes could bring any woman to her knees. He had seemed like the perfect man for me until I discovered he was into some illegal business, I broke up with him a month ago.

"Answer me, Cass." He yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Austin Harris is my ex-boyfriend. The last I saw him was a month ago when I broke up with him. Why are you asking me these questions anyway?"

"Did you guys have se_?"

"What? No, are you trying to say I lied about my pregnancy just because of the money?"I cut him off before he completed his sentence.

"How dare you think that. I'm not some whore, I never let him touch me." I shouted getting angry and frustrated. "What kind of a man are you? You don't care about anyone's feelings all you care about is yourself and who the hell are you to question me about my virginity?" I continued shouting at the top of my voice, Thank God Mary had gone home earlier.

"I am the father of the child you're carrying so I have every right." He stated bluntly.

"I hate you, you're the worst, the meanest person I have ever met," I said and stormed off to my room, slamming the door shut after me. I slumped down on the floor, back against the door I cried and cried until my eyes were swollen.

How did I get myself into this? Why does it have to be me? I thought to myself in between sobs.

"I hate you, prince Rodriguez, I hate you," I repeated this statement over and over again till I fell asleep on the wood-paneled floor of my room.

End of Chapter Seven