XXVII: First stages Part IV

“I bet you will pay more attention to your surroundings now.” The nurse tutted, and I nodded eagerly.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. Now drink this, it’s the anti-venom.” She handed me a cup of a black beverage that I swallowed whole in one gulp, not wanting to experience what she had described and then grimacing at the bitter taste.

“Good girl. Now, be a dear and drink this one.” She took the first cup from my hands and placed another one, this one faintly yellow; now, however, instead of downing it, I glared at the liquid, not sure whether I could stomach another bitter thing. I heard her hum and looked up in time to catch her smiling. “It’s honeyed tea, to wash the aftertaste of the medicine.”

I took a small whiff and detected nothing but honey, and thus braved a small sip, discovering that it was just as what the woman had said. After that first sip, I drank it eagerly while the woman bandaged my leg. After it was all said and done, I felt tired.