Chapter 20 Home

Qiu Yunwei guarded the baby's face tightly, preventing Shao Hanyu from seeing a trace, and still felt uneasy. She wanted to leave as soon as possible, and said perfunctorily to Shao Hanyu: "Isn't this afraid of you misunderstanding me to pester you? I saw you who wanted to hide far away, 100 meters away from you, but I'm the one who speaks." Then he kept walking around Shao Hanyu.

Shao Hanyu who was left in place:...

Did you say this at the time?

Seeing Qiu Yunwei walking fast, Shao Hanyu thought it was obedient, but he didn't think it was too exciting.

And Liu Shuzhen finally found Shao Hanyu at this time, "Brother Shao, what are you looking at?"

Shao Hanyu retracted his gaze: "It's nothing."

However, Liu Shuzhen saw the profile face of the woman holding the child in front. Her name and news about the woman also jumped into Liu Shuzhen's mind. Liu Shuzhen's face was distorted.

But in the next instant it returned to a sweet smile, "Brother Shao, do you think the hat I bought looks good?"

Shao Hanyu said perfunctorily: "It looks good, it looks good."

What happened in the mall was just a small episode. Qiu Yunwei continued her life of raising cubs and seedlings, and her scallion sprouts grew taller and taller. According to the data, this height is already okay. The slower it grew, Qiu Yunwei swallowed and finally reached out to the leaves of the green onion.

I have been coveting these small green plants for a long time, and the hands that Qiu Yunwei pinched the green onion leaves were trembling, and then she couldn't wait to taste it.

Jian Fei Zai Zai, who was on the side, had his eyes rounded for an instant:! !

Although Qiu Yunwei had chanted about eating these things several times, Jian Fei did not expect that she would actually make them.

How come you dare to put anything in your mouth after such an adult? ! Jian Fei was in a hurry.

The little guy's voice is louder than ever, and the eagerness can be heard in his immature voice. Even the excited Qiu Yunwei stopped what she had to do, bent down to talk to the little baby, watch What kind of emotion is the little baby, but she doesn't want to be caught by Jian Fei's cubs. The little guy has a lot of strength, and he really pulled it out of Qiu Yunwei's hands all at once. .

"Want to play this?"

Qiu Yunwei paused, her little cub had never strongly expressed what she liked, and finally had a favorite. Of course, Qiu Yunwei wanted to satisfy him.

Just take it and play if you like.

Qiu Yunwei thought that Jian Fei's cubs would lose interest only when they held them in her hands for a while. Children have no longevity when they play with toys.

But this time it was different. He really liked it. He kept holding his hands and didn't let go. Later, he hid it in a small blanket and covered it, so that Qiu Yunwei couldn't laugh or cry. She lightly nodded the little guy's forehead, ghost It's so good.

Later, Qiu Yunwei didn't see the green onion leaf, and didn't know where the little guy hid it.

And when Qiu Yunwei tried to taste the'little green onion' here again if it was that taste, she was snatched away by the little guy in time.

But this time Qiu Yunwei doesn't think the little guy likes this thing, because the little guy's stern face doesn't look like he likes it, and it seems to be angry?

Not only that, he had to throw this'little green onion' leaf on the ground, not only didn't like it, but it looked like it was annoying.


Qiu Yunwei speculated: "Does it smell bad?"

Qiu Yunwei sniffed carefully, there was a scent of green onions, which made Qiu Yunwei happy, it should be the taste of green onions. But the little guy's nose is also good enough.

But no matter what the reason is, the little guy seems to be very unwilling to give this thing to her mouth anyway, staring strictly at it.

This little clever ghost, as long as she gets close to the green plants, his little eyes will look over, incredible little guy.

After coaxing the little guy to take a nap, Qiu Yunwei pinched the green onion leaves like a thief and successfully tasted it in her mouth, but after all, she was caught by the little guy.

Jian Fei Zai Zai woke up but didn't see anyone. He yelled twice and saw Qiu Yunwei's tearful eyes. This made Jian Fei feel that something happened. There was no sign before going to bed. .

But then she saw Qiu Yunwei's right hand behind her back, and the sharp green spot that was exposed.

After all, she didn't prevent her from stealing the food. It was too uneasy. Is there something wrong with the food? Jian Fei is in a hurry, so go to the hospital quickly.

Qiu Yunwei didn't realize that she was caught, and she hugged the person up and laughed and coaxed them: "Ah, the baby is awake, and my sister is here."

Jian Fei Cub took Xiao Chuan's hand to wipe Qiu Yunwei's tears, her heart was very anxious, but Qiu Yunwei was patting the little guy's back with her hand holding green onion leaves, "Hey, sister just ate A good thing."

"It's just a bit spicy, a bit exciting."

"But it's just this flavor. I want to scrambled eggs with scallion, scallion pancakes, scallion noodles, my God, I want to eat them all.

The appearance of Qiu Yunwei who was going to be a hail made Jian Fei Zai Zai stop her tears, and watched Qiu Yunwei's complexion, but it didn't look like something was wrong with eating.

Qiu Yunwei's thoughts have shifted from the excitement and nostalgia of those delicious foods to the chubby claws on her face. Oh, the little guy wiped her tears, which made her sharp-hearted.

Qiu Yunwei grabbed Xiao Fatty's hand and kissed her, "Sister didn't cry, sister is fine, don't be afraid."

Seeing that the little guy looked at the small green onion sprouts in her hand again, with a look of bad expression, Qiu Yunwei hurriedly put the green onion sprouts aside, worried that the baby would catch her and throw it away again.

Qiu Yunwei also told her baby Amway: "This is a good thing, delicious. When the cub grows teeth and grows up, my sister will give you more delicious food."

Jian Fei Zai Zai did not listen to Qiu Yunwei's gibberish, and only continued to observe what Qiu Yunwei might behave, but seeing that she had been full of energy and was alive and kicking, she let her heart go.

Yes, that green plant is a good and expensive thing. Although no one will eat it directly, it is also incorporated into the human body after it is made into medicine.

As long as it is harmless, expensive and not expensive, it doesn't matter whether it is extravagant or not.

After calming down, Jian Fei cub pushed Qiu Yunwei's face away with her chubby claws, and withdrew her head back. Qiu Yunwei said, "Okay, you dislike me."

Then she deliberately opened her mouth, breathed to tease him, Jian Fei hid, and finally her little face smiled.

After tasting the green onions to eat, Qiu Yunwei couldn't let go of the two green onions to eat them, but just picked a few well-bred green plants and sold them enough to buy a large number of young seedlings.

Like the lawn she wanted to plant has already begun to take shape, she mainly picked the kind of blunt-leaf grass. Although this kind of grass required a lot of effort at the beginning, the time required to enter the stable period was short, and she had already been affected by it. I transplanted it into the yard twice.

The greenery spreading out in this small corner of the yard made Qiu Yunwei very satisfied, and said to the little cub with great pride: "When the cub is learning to walk, my sister can fill our home."

Jian Fei Zai Zai grabbed Qiu Yunwei's clothes and looked at the greenery that really grew up, and his heart rose for a while.

Always being said by Qiu Yunwei, this courtyard seemed to have become his home.