Chapter 21

It will take some time to learn to walk. Now Qiu Yunwei is feeding her cubs, and now the cubs don't let her take the bottle. She uses her two fat claws to hold the bottle and drink, Qiu Yunwei holds it. A wet tissue wiped the milk stains from his mouth.

Zai Zai knows to hold the small baby bottle and hand it to Qiu Yunwei when he is full and does not want to drink, but, "Baby, are you teething?"

Qiu Yunwei looked surprised, pinched Xiaozai's small mouth and looked closely, confirming that a little bit of millet grains had appeared.

Xiao Zai Zai's growth is even more delightful than Xiao Miao Miao's growth. Qiu Yunwei is very happy all day, and a lot of space has been added to her diary.

But after the baby started to grow teeth, he also added a hobby. He likes to stuff his little fist into his mouth. It was only three, four or five times before, but now the frequency is rising linearly.

And Zai Zai knew that she wouldn't allow him to do that. Every time she saw her and was caught by her, he put down his little fist with a guilty conscience, making Qiu Yunwei dumbfounded.

Qiu Yunwei bought a small mouthpiece for Cub Cub on Xing Brain. She didn't know she needed this before. The person raising a child for the first time still lacks experience. Even if Qiu Yunwei is dedicated, she will inevitably have omissions. .

But after the little mouthpiece was bought, Zai Zai didn't like to use it, and he didn't even bite his little fist.

Of course Jian Fei didn't like it. He didn't need to be naive.

I was talking about lack of experience, and an experienced visitor happened to come to the house. Since the last time, Qiu Yunwei hasn't gone to Li Ze's grandparents' house, but Mrs. Li has come to Qiu Yunwei's house and brought small toys to Jian Fei's cubs.

"Grandma Li, don't be so polite when you come over."

Mrs. Li smiled and said: "Next time, there will be no more. Don't just talk about me. You shouldn't be polite. You can say yes last time. I often go to sit with our old man and I haven't seen you. Did you come here by yourself?"

"My fault, my fault, as long as you are not annoying, I will take Xiao Fei often."

Mrs. Li said, "It's not annoying or annoying, such a beautiful and lovable little girl, and such a cute baby, how can it be annoying? If you don't have a few steps, you should walk more."

In fact, Mrs. Li has something else to say when she came here, "The last time you gave us the Feishuang, we smelled a lot of sleep better, and the old man's dysfunction was alleviated." Speaking of this, Mrs. Li couldn't hide her joy.

Energy dryness is a very common disease in the interstellar. Just like the restless energy in alien animals and alien plants, humans also have it. It is fine when you are young, and when you are old, this uncomfortable symptom begins to affect your body. It appears that this disease is more serious in old age, especially for people like Old Man Li who have overworked their bodies when they were young.

There are corresponding soothing agents for this disease, which can reduce the restless energy in the human body to a certain level, but it is impossible to completely eliminate it, and the patient will still feel uncomfortable.

Although the old lady Li Qiu Yunwei likes the green plant, she didn't expect to have such a huge surprise, and after checking her body, the restless energy in her body is indeed a little bit less.

Just a little bit is a very pleasant thing, okay? Mrs. Li immediately bought a lot of these green plants and placed them at home.

And I am also grateful to the old lady Qiu Yun Wei Li, is this inconvenience coming?

Qiu Yunwei was surprised when Mrs. Li finished speaking, she didn't expect it, but she was also happy in her heart.

Mrs. Li went to see the green plants raised by Qiu Yunwei again, and felt that the plants raised by Qiu Yunwei were very good. The ones she bought were good in appearance, but Mrs. Li didn't look like the girl raised.

So she praised and praised, and she was full of praise. Qiu Yunwei was also proud of this. The feedback she had sold before was also very good, and she asked her if she had any stock in her hand and wanted to buy it again.

Mrs. Li also liked the small lawn where Qiu Yunwei's house had spread out in a small corner, so Qiu Yunwei got a chair and two people sat down and chatted in the sun.

Lao Madam Li looked at this lovely green color, with love and rareness in her eyes, "It looks more beautiful than those with gems and beads. Those are dead, without these vitality. It's a joy to look at it vigorously."

Qiu Yunwei smiled and said: "Then Grandma Li will come over more in the future. I just grow this. There are so many things at home."

"The relationship is good, I will go back and ask Xiao Liu to come to your house to take care of the security protection. There are so many things in the house, just you and a child, which makes people worry."

Qiu Yunwei said with joy: "That's great."

Since that day, Mrs. Li has come here often, and Mrs. Li will come often, adding two more excitement to the house. Unlike other young people, Qiu Yunwei feels that there is a generation gap, and she doesn't like to talk to the elderly. She loves to listen to these two old people chatting. Because to speak, she is much older than these two. Listening to these two chats, she has gained a new understanding of the world.

Zai Zai started to get acquainted with them, and the two old people also liked Zai Zai. Old man Li even introduced his treasures and the old mecha guy to the little guy, let him touch them, and even took the little guy to stroll around in the mecha cab.

Qiu Yunwei went home holding the cub, and touched the little guy's nose with her fingertips, "Our little dear is really cute, and the flowers bloom."

"But who makes my little baby so good? You should like it."

Jian Fei Cub kept his small mouth closed, without grinning, but his eyes were sparkling.

The councillors will never eat sweet talk and ecstasy.

Now, Qiu Yunwei is teaching Xiao Zai Zai to speak, although he still can't, but compared to the original only, the syllables he can utter now have become richer, like'Huh, ah, mua, pa' , There are many kinds of little milk sounds, and Qiu Yunwei can always find little surprises day after day.

The corners of Jian Fei's Zubzai's mouth were secretly turned up, and the pinkish little mouth was not closed, and there was crystal saliva dripping down the corners of the mouth, and Jian Fei quickly wiped it off with the back of his hand.

She can be so happy with just such a small matter, nothing is counted.

There is such a person who is always so happy because of his little things.

Qiu Yunwei became very naive when she talked to Jian Fei during this period. Before, she couldn't imagine that she could become like this when she talked, like, "Baby, let's wear socks and socks. These are socks."

"Come on, drink water."

"This is a table."


Anyway, they have become repetitive words, which are very numb and unbearable. In the past, they used to watch others talk to children like this, and to see others communicate with children as if they could understand baby's language. It was always silly. I can't do it in the future, but now it is natural.

Although the baby can't speak yet, Qiu Yunwei is very happy to teach. If she talks too much, the baby will know what she is referring to. It's like wiping the little guy with a wet wipe every time. At that time, I said that I wiped my hands, and now the little guys will stretch out their little hands by themselves.

Anyway, Qiu Yunwei felt that the little guy could understand a lot of vocabulary now, and Qiu Yunwei couldn't wait to teach the little guy to call his sister.

But the little guy can't make this sound yet, and it is not this sound that is imitated every time.

"Then mother?" It is strange that Qiu Yunwei herself is not very natural with this title, but after taking care of the little guy for a long time, it seems that this title is not so unacceptable.

Mother is just mother, if this little guy calls her, she will be happy whatever she calls.

"Mom, come and learn from me, ma, mom." After Qiu Yunwei did a good job of mental construction, she became more and more fluent in teaching, but this time Jian Fei didn't follow along with her, and only did not interested in this matter. , I lower my head and play with my fingers.

It's not that he couldn't make the sound, but that he couldn't make it out. Not only Qiu Yunwei felt strange, but he himself felt strange.

His mental age is too old, Qiu Yunwei is very shallow in his eyes, and she also brings some naive and childish young people, and it is reluctant to call a sister, as for the name of mother, he can't say it.

Uncomfortable, unfamiliar, unable to open his mouth.

But Qiu Yunwei didn't care. Teaching a child to talk is to teach play. Putting the little guy on the sofa, the little guy still couldn't sit still, so she put a pillow for him and a toy for him. , Encircle him with one hand, read the book by yourself with the other.

She also has to learn, all kinds of information about the plants in this world must be read and remembered, and her baby is really good, and he put a small toy for him, and he just put it there to play without coming to her. , At most, just rubbed her here, and looked at the book like her.

Such a baby can make people cute, Qiu Yunwei bent her eyes and kissed the little guy on the cheek after the baby's soft body came over.

In this regard, the little guy has been very calm, and this is the case with unstable young people.