Chapter 24

"This is the internal information I asked someone to get. It is not printed and sold. Can you see if you can use it?" It's about some green plant planting experience and so on. Naturally, you have to give it away.

Jewelry, expensive things, this girl will definitely not accept it. Although Yu Bolin has never given it to him, he feels that way.

This girl was not like this when she was with Shao Hanyu. Although he had no impression of her at the beginning, he just knew that this girl was definitely not like this at the beginning.

At that time, she was just one of Shao Hanyu's many girlfriends. It was no different from Shao Hanyu's previous girlfriends, and she would definitely become a past tense. It was not worth his attention. Thinking about this now, Yu Bolin felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Yu Bolin quickly reduced his mind, his eyes focused and softly fell on Qiu Yunwei, giving people a gentle and humble son's feeling. It's a pity that the charm is thrown to the blind.

Qiu Yunwei was looking through the book, which was a collection of notebooks. Qiu Yunwei hesitated, "I will accept this book, thank you."

Yu Bolin laughed, "It's good to be useful to you. My cousin is the director of the Institute of Botany. If you need help, just say. I think you are so good at planting these. Do you want to work in the institute? Learn more from each other and make progress."

Regarding how good Qiu Yunwei is in maintaining green plants, Yu Bolin only said something pleasing, but did not say that he really felt that way. As for the work, he just arranged more personal matters without disturbing him. Uncle cousin, it is a cost-effective thing to win the favor of beauties.

However, Qiu Yunwei shook her head about what Yu Bolin said. She still didn't want to go to Yu Bolin's back door, "I still have Xiao Fei by my side to take care of, and I am more free to grow these by myself."

Since Qiu Yunwei had no intention of it, Yu Bolin stopped talking about it any more. He looked at the little kid with his eyes, and this look was disappointing and depressing.

Ordinarily, how could he have to please the kid more than the cold-eyed man, but that little kid actually played with Li Ze, and he seemed to be playing pretty well? !

Li Ze's hands are well-knotted and full of strength. They can knock down a large circle of people in close combat. When driving mechs, they are all in control. In the war room, they are strategizing against the map. This is the case at this time. One of his hands was putting light on his strength, patience to fight the fluffy-eared rabbit building blocks, to coax the little baby to play.

However, although Major General Li Ze had already become famous when he was in the military academy, he is now a bright star in the military. You can rest assured that any task is given to him, but he is really strange to let this person play with these little things for fun.

Jian eyebrows are also slightly furrowed, and the movements seem to be slow or slow, covering the man's awkwardness and awkwardness.

Jian Fei Zai Zai treats this guy a lot of face, and he still passes small wooden blocks to Li Ze from time to time. It seems that the young and the young are cooperating with each other, which is quite enjoyable.

This doesn't make Yu Bolin feel uncomfortable. Although he doesn't care about this little kid, he is a drunkard who doesn't want to drink, but compared with such a guy, it's unavoidable to feel sour. .

Take out the toy spaceship you bought, take it apart, cute little kid, "Xiao Fei, look at the new toy that Uncle brought you."

But the little guy only glanced at that, and didn't stretch out his hand at all. Jian Fei didn't like these toys at first. Usually playing with Qiu Yunwei is to accompany Qiu Yunwei, for fear that Qiu Yunwei is worried, but Yu Bolin Why do you want him to accompany him? I don't want to care about him at all.

Don't think that he doesn't know what the swanky kid is thinking about, he is in love with his beauty, and wants to be his stepfather? Bah, Xiao thinks their silly girl, he is not happy.

If it was said that when she was still in Qiu Yunwei's belly, Jian Fei could still happily watch the boys on the campus pursuing Qiu Yunwei, but now she has completely lost the thought of watching the excitement.


How do you think Yu Bolin is not good?

Moreover, this person is just a big surprise, how sincere can he be with this silly girl who doesn't care about his family?

So it was only natural for Jian Fei to resist such a restless heart.

Jian Fei Zai Zai handed a small wooden block to Li Ze. As for why he gave Li Ze face, of course it was not because he wanted Li Ze to be a stepfather, but deliberately wanted to make Yu Bolin unhappy.

Moreover, Li Ze is a kind of righteous and dull person. He has no other thoughts about their girl, and there is no string in his mind. This kind of person is safe.

There is also that Jian Fei deliberately made a good relationship with the old lady Li Ze and the others. He is too young now, and there is no one to support and protect the beauty of a girl. The energy of the Li family is not small, and he has a good relationship with them. If something happens, let them support one or two.

This utilitarian thinking can't be helped and cannot be changed.

Yu Bolin touched his nose, "Your little guy still doesn't want to see me."

Qiu Yunwei feels the same way, but she can't say that, can she? Still have to say for Yu Bolin: "I bought him several small spaceship toys, and he is not so rare about this now."

Yu Bolin and Li Ze left together in the end. Qiu Yunwei nodded the little guy's nose, "I don't like the one who is smiling, but he likes the straight face. The little guy is very unusual."

Jian Fei Zai Zai held the velvet-eared rabbit in his hands, silent.

Qiu Yunwei's thoughts spread to other places, "but you have very little expression, little guy, don't become that big brother when you grow up. You can scare girls away and dare not approach. My sister is worried about you. There will be no girlfriend."

Qiu Yunwei was always worried that he would grow up like this and would be like that, so she wanted to think about it. However, Jian Fei Zai Zai also had her own way to deal with this, handing the blocks in her hand to Qiu Yunwei.

Sure enough, Qiu Yunwei's worries flew endlessly for an instant, and she opened her eyes and smiled, her voice was octaves sweeter, and she said joyfully: "Zai Zai is going to give this to me?"

Look, Jian Fei Zai Zai thought very calmly, very easy to deal with.

There are more and more sounds that can pop out of the little guy's mouth, such as paper, water, water, and he can read books. Although the pronunciation is still very unclear, Qiu Yunwei can understand.

Now she is more and more able to master these baby language.

Qiu Yunwei took Jian Fei and asked him to stand on her lap, face to face with him, and look into his eyes, "Come, learn from me, jie, sister."

The little guy made the sound several times, but it still didn't look like it at all.

"Well, this is too difficult, then let's learn the next one, mom, ma, mom."

This time, Jian Fei Zai Zai still didn't learn it right. What he said was just a hum, but this time it wasn't a problem of technical ability, but the little guy himself still didn't scream.

This little slippery head wanted to escape again, so he raised his little feet and took a step forward and threw himself into Qiu Yunwei's arms. Qiu Yunwei laughed and hugged him, but at the same time she yelled, "Little guy, you are also very vigorous now. It hurts to step on your sister's leg."

Although the person is small, the bones on the legs still hurt, but Qiu Yunwei said that it hurts, but she was not angry at all, and her voice was full of smiles.

However, although the speaker didn't care, the listener started to feel guilty and didn't dare to move his small body and feet.

And Jian Fei Zai Zai also remembered these words. When Qiu Yunwei put him on her lap again in the future, he didn't dare to move again, and he would get off his lap by himself.

This is the sweetness of the little guy himself, but Qiu Yunwei doesn't know it.

Today is another happy day, because today the little guy called her sister clearly, the little milk sounds in Qiu Yunwei's ears, but it's just like that, like a big jar of honey from the bottom of my heart, I'll give it to him right away. The little guy slobbered, and gave the little guy a straight giggle.

The whole yard was filled with the laughter of the mother and the son, which could be heard even when standing outside the door. A smile appeared in Yu Bolin's eyes when he stood outside the door. He didn't ring the doorbell until the laughter inside subsided.

And he himself was inexplicable for the behavior of standing there just now, but he didn't delve into it.

Since the last time he successfully entered and gave the right gift, Yu Bolin feels that his relationship with Qiu Yunwei has taken a big step closer, at least now he can enter this yard from time to time, right?

After entering, Yu Bolin smiled and said, "I heard you laugh outside just now. What are you happy about?"

This Qiu Yunwei said happily, and said with a ostentatious meaning: "Xiao Fei has learned to call my sister."

Yu Bolin also cooperated with surprise and said: "Really? The little guy is so powerful. Come on, let's call it Uncle, Uncle."

Jian Fei Zai Zai ignored him. The phrase "sister" was still pronounced clearly after Zai Zai secretly practiced for a long time. He didn't want to call him Uncle Yu Bolin, and didn't want to call it vaguely.

Where can the unpleasant kid be called uncle for the face of him?

Yu Bolin teased the child twice, and suddenly hesitated: "He called your sister?"

Qiu Yunwei said frankly: "Of course there are some who taught him to call him mother, but the little guy hasn't learned it yet, and called his sister to be younger.

Yu Bolin said: "Then I have to ask the little guy to call my brother, so I can't be a generation behind."

Jian Fei Zai Zai twisted his head, let alone his brother, even his younger brother would not call him.

After playing for a while, Qiu Yunwei went to work to check the growth of the green plants, while Yu Bolin accompanied Jian Fei. Qiu Yunwei has become acquainted with Yu Bolin now, so she should always speak with him if she doesn't treat him as a serious guest.

Yu Bolin knew that this little kid is Shao Hanyu's kind, but he didn't come here because of brotherhood to take care of the baby for his brothers, but regardless of his thoughts, he also bothered to please him. Pihai was taken down, but he was frequently frustrated. This little biki just didn't deal with him.

Because there are Yu Bolin and the robot Xiaoyi looking at the cubs, Qiu Yunwei is still relieved. She is now focusing on the second-level green plants in front of her. The second-level green plants are really harder than the first-level green plants. Yang, it has been ill these few days, and white spots appeared on the green leaves. She checked the information and dispenses medicine. Today, she saw her condition improved.

Yu Bolin glanced at Qiu Yunwei who was busy, then surreptitiously booed to Jian Fei Zai Zai, "Brother, I will play with you XingBao."

This guy is also very promising. He secretly brought a new star brain and let Jian Fei Zai play after opening it. He also knew that Jian Fei Zai Zai likes to pull this, so he came to bribe the little guy at this time.

And this trick really worked. For the first time, Yu Bolin didn't want to be close to the little guy anymore. Although he still doesn't want to see this guy, it doesn't prevent the little guy from playing with his bribed star brain, and Jian Fei is a cub. I also thought more greedily if I could ignorant this star brain.

Randomly scratching the news picture, Yu Bolin only thought it was fun for the little guy. Yu Bolin also blocked Qiu Yunwei's sight for him.

But Jian Fei Zai Zai only thought that Yu Bolin was stupid, so he still had to watch it by himself. Sure enough, after Qiu Yunwei had recorded the three plants, she walked over to see Jian Fei's cub's situation. Yu Bolin, who was facing Qiu Yunwei, could not warn at all.

It was up to Jian Fei, who was always vigilant, to notice it for the first time, and he hurriedly gathered the star screen into a button-size, and then used a toy to cover it naturally.

When Qiu Yunwei came to see him, he was just a good cub playing with toys.

Qiu Yunwei saw that the two of them were playing well, so she was relieved, and handed a small water bottle to Zai Zai and asked him to take two sips by himself, and then snored off the little guy's hair before going back to work again.

Yu Bolin looked surprised, looking at the kid who pulled the star-brain out again, choked for a long time, and gave this innocent kid a thumbs up.

This kid is incredible.

Don't panic, don't you feel anything?

Are all the kids so wicked nowadays?

But when children with ghosts and ghosts inevitably make mistakes, another secondary green plant raised by Qiu Yunwei has grown up, and with small buds, a small blue flower will bloom, Qiuyun Wei wondered if she wanted to give it to Yu Bolin as a gift.

Yu Bolin gave out information books that she hadn't seen several times, and she couldn't buy them outside. She was reluctant to refuse, but Bai Na always felt that she owed him something and that the money was inappropriate.

This second-level green plant non-scaling flower, whether it is a leaf or a flower, is a good refining medicine, and the price is not low, and it is very popular in the market.

Of course it doesn't mean that Yu Bolin, a rich prince, will not be able to buy it, but it's not like that. You can't buy everything just because people have money. She just takes other people's things with peace of mind and doesn't have anything. Expressed.

When Qiu Yunwei walked over and wanted to talk to Yu Bolin, Jian Fei Zai Zai was watching a piece of news and thinking about something, didn't she finally let Qiu Yunwei grab it this time?

"Autumn Jianfei!"

Jian Fei's little heart trembled, and she looked up and saw Qiu Yunwei's deliberately serious face.

It's broken!

Jian Fei's cub blinked his eyes, and his small face instantly became as innocent as he was.

It's okay, he can handle it.

He is now a little baby who knows nothing.

Jian Fei's little fat claw pushed Xing's brain towards Yu Bolin, his mouth was ah, he made a posture that he wanted to stand up, his little head was tilted up, and the small gums with two millet grains were also exposed. Coming out, his small mouth bends, his big eyes squinted happily, two short arms stretched out in Qiu Yunwei's direction.

This is the hug.

"Sister~" The voice of the little milk can be sweet or sweet.

Anyway, all the cuteness is displayed, as innocent as he is, he doesn't know that he has done something wrong, he doesn't understand anything. He is just a little baby to hug.

What can Qiu Yunwei do? Of course, he must be picked up for the little guy who reached out to hug him. She stretched out her hand and prodded the little guy on the forehead, "I'm not obedient again, okay, today's share is used up, and I can't play today. This is it."

I don't know why this little guy loves to touch this so much. Like other toys that make sounds, change colors, and jump around when pressed, I don't see how much enthusiasm this little guy has for them.

Now Qiu Yunwei is paying attention, trying to reduce the time of using Star Brain in front of this little guy, for fear that he will learn to imitate.

Jian Fei Zai Zai put his finger on his mouth and rubbed his small teeth, looked at the star brain, with regret in his eyes, and his thoughts of wanting to hide it came to nothing.

And Yu Bolin, who was caught upright with the broken child, was inevitably guilty under Qiu Yunwei's disapproving gaze. He smiled and scorned, and hurriedly put the star brain away, "Hahaha, this, that, Never let him touch him in the future. I will take him to play there."

So Yu Bolin and Jian Fei Zai Zai moved to the edge of the lawn. Now the lawn in Qiu Yunwei's yard has grown a lot, and Jian Fei cubs also like to look at these green grasses.

Not only because of the vivid colors, but because of something else.

When he started to learn to walk, there would really be a large lawn in the yard.

Just like she said at the time.

Every time I see these Jane Fei cubs, I feel happy. There is also a mat on the edge of the lawn. You can put the cubs on it to play, and you can reach the small green leaves as soon as you stretch out your hand.

Although these can be sold for money in the interstellar, Qiu Yunwei is not so rare, especially for babies, they are more generous, children should be more exposed to nature and more green.

But Jian Fei Cubs would not drag them to play. He cherished them more than Qiu Yunwei, naturally not because of their star coin value, but because they were planted for him.

The little guy gently touched the little leaf with his little hand, and a fresh breath rushed into his face. Although Qiu Yunwei had just caught playing Xingnao and was criticized, it couldn't stop the little guy's current good mood.

If you are in a good mood, you want to make fun of the people around you. Well, if you are in a bad mood, you probably want to make fun of him. He pulls aside the grass, grabs a little thing and hides it in the palm of his hand.