Chapter 25

With one hand curled up, Qiu Xiaofei handed a small toy similar to a Rubik's Cube to Yu Bolin with the other hand. The word'this' popped out of his mouth. Now he is also a single word, or double-sounding words appearing outward. I can't say what the words are.

But Yu Bolin was flattered. This was the first time that the kid took the initiative to care about him. Yu Bolin guessed, "Let me play?" So he played, lowering his head to compete with the little toy.

Don't look at it as a child's toy, but it's really not that fun. When Yu Bolin lowered his head, the little guy's prank has been completed.

The little guy didn't pick it up now, until the little black and fluffy thing crawled on the fake-looking man's neck for a long time, then he pointed to the person's neck, "Here!" In his big eyes Children's curiosity.

Yu Bolin still didn't know what this little doll meant, but he also touched his neck reflexively. This model didn't just touch the cute little thing in his hand.

After he fixed his eyes on what he was pinching in his fingers, a frightened tenor suddenly sounded in the yard.

At that moment, Yu Bolin's hair stood upside down, and the chill rose from the soles of his feet to his scalp. The things on his hands were thrown out in an instant. The hand was rubbing against the clothes and the neck while using the other. My hands rubbed straight, but the feeling of hairiness couldn't get rid of it.

Seeing Qiu Yunwei who hurriedly walked over, Jian Fei's eyes flashed with satisfaction, and the image of the elegant noble son created by Yu Bolin was completely destroyed.

Jian Fei, who was so successful, was full of contempt for Yu Bolin. It was not just a bug, and it was not poisonous and didn't bite. It was so frightened and outstanding.

Jian Fei, who had too many hardships as a child, is not afraid of such creatures, but for a young man like Yu Bolin, who has lived so dignifiedly, it is inevitable that there will be some cleanliness and pretentious problems, and other things will not scare him. , But for creatures like insects crawling around his neck and pinched in his fingers, the nausea and chills are really uncontrollable.

When Qiu Yunwei was worried about asking, he barely returned to his normal complexion, and it couldn't be said that he was scared by a bug, and he had to rack his brains to think of excuses.

"It's okay. I accidentally broke the little finger just now. It's okay now." Before Qiu Yunwei asked, Yu Bolin hurriedly said: "I remember something, now I have to go home first."

Not only was it embarrassing, but he was also anxious to go back to take a bath, and all his clothes had to be changed.

Qiu Yunwei looked at the person's complexion really bad, and didn't say more. As for the bad things Jian Fei Zai Zai did, no one knew about the bad things except him.

Yu Bolin, who hurried back, did not suspect him.

Jian Fei, who was picked up by Qiu Yunwei, squinted happily, and even drank a small bottle of nutritious milk for tonight.

Jian Fei succeeded in playing tricks on Yu Bolin, thinking that Yu Bolin would definitely have to stop for a while, but it was a pity that the time for this was too short.

Only two days have passed. On the way home from Mrs. Li, I met this person again. Qiu Xiaofei squinted his eyes, this man is the blow of lack of destiny.

Yu Bolin had returned to his okay appearance, and the shame of the gaffe that day was completely invisible. He was handsome and personable.

I also told Qiu Yunwei that in a few days, Professor Hu Yanhui, a well-known expert in the plant world, will have a lecture at the Star Alliance Botanical University, "I have an admission ticket here, and I am useless, here you are."

Every time this person brought out something that people couldn't refuse, Qiu Yunwei took the ticket and thanked him again, remembering the thank you gift she wanted to give him last time, so she talked to him.

"...Now it has grown and stabilized. I wrote a note and you just need to follow along. The flowers are pretty good. But if you use it as a medicine now, I have tested that its purity is reached. The highest grade, the non-scaling element content has reached 40%. The non-scaling agent made with it is good for your body if you use it yourself, and you can give it away..."

"Only something that can be handed out at this point, don't dislike it."

Yu Bolin hurriedly said: "If you don't dislike it, how can you dislike it? I'm happy and rare."

Yu Bolin was happy and sincere. This is the first time Qiu Yunwei has given him something. Isn't this just progress? Besides, top-grade green plants are very good things. Which one might be disgusting?

And Qiu Yunwei's ability in this area is better than he thought. She can grow top-quality green plants. Although her level is not high, her age is also small, and her future development potential is long. If she enters the research institute If you don't know, this is really for the introduction of talents.

The way the two talked fell in the eyes of the distant person and it became shocked.

The man is slender, with a smiling face, turning his head to the side and talking to the woman next to him, looking gentle and careful, while the woman has a beautiful face and listens with a smile, pushing a stroller in her hand with a gentle expression.

These two people walked unhurriedly, so they looked a bit cozy and comfortable, handsome men and women, plus the baby in the stroller, it was a happy family of three.

If the woman is not his ex-girlfriend, the little baby is not his son, or the man is not his friend, Shao Hanyu will not be affected that much.

He was struck by lightning at the moment.

This person Yu Bolin didn't know what he was busy talking about these days. He came to find him for something trivial, and was a little curious about the mystery of this guy, so he came to find someone in person.

Okay, what a surprise, now Shao Hanyu knows that Yu Bolin is busy talking about something.

Shao Hanyu himself is a changing girlfriend like changing clothes. He is not that kind of overbearing and unreasonable, but he doesn't care about the emotional life of those ex-girlfriends. He prides himself on being a chic man.

But looking at this scene, why are you so panicked? One of these is his brother.

Qiu Yunwei and Yu Bolin both saw the big living person standing motionless in front of him. Qiu Yunwei's first reaction was to frown, which was already a fixed reflex of Shao Hanyu.

At the moment, Qiu Yunwei said to Yu Bolin: "If I am looking for you, you can talk."

Qiu Yunwei wanted to leave now, she belonged to hiding from Shao Hanyu and hiding from the plague is no different, but Shao Hanyu, who was frozen just now, had already strode to them.

Qiu Yunwei hurriedly stood in front of the stroller, blocking it.

Jian Fei Zai Zai guessed who the arrival was. Seeing that Qiu Yunwei was protecting and blocking her in an instant, the corners of her mouth rose a little happily.

Jian Fei Zai Zai stretched out his own little hand, grabbed one of Qiu Yunwei's index finger, and quietly calmed down.

How could Shao Hanyu fail to see the meaning of Qiu Yunwei's blasting hair and anti-thief? Before, he was worried that Qiu Yunwei would pester him with a child, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all.

But how come there is a sense of sorrow?

Shao Hanyu didn't look at the nervous and alert Qiu Yunwei, but instead looked at Yu Bolin with a complicated expression.

Yu Bolin was very calm, "I have something to do with me? Why didn't you tell me that you are coming."

Shao Hanyu hesitated and said in advance. Wouldn't it be impossible to see this scene today? Shao Hanyu said with a bit of irony: "I don't know when you bought the house here. I haven't been here yet. Wouldn't it be curious to see how happy you live here? Wouldn't it be curious? Wouldn't you be unwelcome?"

"Why? You can live as long as you want. Just rest with me tonight."

Shao Hanyu's peachy eyes glanced at Qiu Yunwei again, the woman still had a very straight back, and blocked the little doll in the stroller tightly. He couldn't even see the little doll's hair, only saw The little doll stretched out short arms and small claws holding the woman's fingers.

Not to mention, there are even small meat nests on the little claws of this little baby, little fat baby.

Shao Hanyu sighed in his heart, when he was rare? He didn't like children at all, and the magic sound pierced his brain when he cried.

This woman blocked it every time, and Shao Hanyu had seen the child's face inadvertently that time. He rubbed against this woman and grinned. He didn't even grow teeth. Well, it's slightly better than other children. Well, the long one is pretty cute, after all, he grows better than Shao Hanyu.

But Shao Hanyu still couldn't resist Shao Hanyu's fear of children like creatures. He didn't even want to stick to his hands from beginning to end.

Shao Hanyu was unhappy, so he said in a bizarre way: "You two are very familiar? I don't know."

Yu Bolin: "I'm a neighbor now, I see a lot, don't you know it?"

Will Shao Hanyu believe in Yu Bolin's nonsense? He came to live in this corner with nothing to do, he was free. It's because Qiu Yunwei lives, that he followed up and became neighbors, right?

When I think of it last time I asked people who his sweetheart was, and even introduced him to him, Shao Hanyu felt like a big fool.

Shao Hanyu: "Heh, neighbors, you two are quite destined."

Qiu Yunwei realized that her good friend had nothing to do with her, so she wanted to leave as soon as possible, but she heard someone call her, "Qiu Yunwei."

Shao Hanyu took a look, okay, another man with good temperament.

Li Ze came over, his eyes fell on Shao Hanyu, with a piercing sense of fierceness. He stood next to Qiu Yunwei and looked down at her: "Why don't you go home yet?"

Whether it is standing or speaking, the expression and tone of expression give people an inexplicable meaning that he is supporting the people around him. Although this guy's cold temperament doesn't seem to have that kind of delicate and tender feeling, but when he looks down and speaks a little softly, it will give people that kind of feeling.

This is really not the illusion of Shao Hanyu and Yu Bolin. Li Ze saw Qiu Yunwei standing in front of the stroller nervously and vigilantly after a certain distance. Yu Bolin knew about it, but Shao Hanyu, who had never seen him, seemed to be It is not friendly.

Qiu Yunwei and the little baby are both juniors liked by grandparents in the family. Li Ze himself has a good impression of the mother and child. It seems that people have encountered something, so they came here.

Qiu Yunwei said to Li Ze: "Now go back."

Li Ze also walked to her house with Qiu Yunwei. Although his voice was cold, but there was no lack of concern in the words, "If you have anything difficult, you can find me."

Qiu Yunwei smiled, this is very familiar, Li Ze's subordinate Bi Shan said the same last time, they are also very cute people in this world.

Li Ze said again: "This is my communication number. If I can't get it, I will find my grandfather."

The chilly voice made people feel warm, and this time the distant relatives were inferior to the neighbors. Qiu Yunwei smiled and agreed, and chatted with Li Zeduo again, and said something interesting about Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li. Although Li Ze didn't speak much, he was a very good listener.

The look of listening carefully does not make people feel embarrassed, on the contrary, there is a desire to speak|hope.

As Li Ze listened to the girls talking about life trivial matters, his expression became more and more relaxed. Not to mention that girls or men were always intimidated by his aura, and none of them would chat with him. In fact, Li Ze liked to listen to people talking. Of course, the occasional babble in the army that pierced his ears was not counted, it would only make him feel disgusted with wanting additional training.

Shao Hanyu, who was left behind, looked at the figures of Li Ze and Qiu Yunwei in front of him, frowned slightly, and said to Yu Bolin: "Talk?"

Then talk.

Shao Hanyu looked at Yu Bolin's house, it was definitely not as comfortable as his other downtown nest, so Yu Bolin wronged himself to nest here, huh!

"Last time I said you had someone you liked, it was Qiu Yunwei." Shao Hanyu, who had been concealed to the present, couldn't help questioning.

But Yu Bolin didn't think he was sorry for Shao Hanyu in any way, so he said frankly: "Yes." But no matter how frankly he was, he knew that he was not kind, or else he wouldn't hide it from Shao Hanyu.

Shao Hanyu's face was ugly, "I remember that you have a high-sighted look, and you can't look down on ordinary people."

Yu Bolin: "I have a high-sightedness now, but I look at Qiu Yunwei quite well."

Shao Hanyu:...

Let's talk about beauty, Qiu Yunwei is beautiful, and it seems to be even more beautiful than before. Aside from other things, Yu Bolin is not that strange to see Qiu Yunwei, but Shao Hanyu frowned, and he didn't think it was too big. Happy.

Yu Bolin: "Didn't you break up already? Don't think too much."

Yes, people are much more chic than him, but they have been mixed for many years. Who doesn't know who, this guy is better than him, but in fact, he is also a scum, not a good man.

Shao Hanyu touched her still conscience, and felt that Qiu Yunwei would be cruel to others if she encountered scum. Like him, he knew what his virtues were before the association, and he didn't go into the long run. He was scumbag, plain and open.

But Yu Bolin was very deceptive, and the girl got stuck again and planted in the pit of the two of them one after another, which was a bit miserable.

Shao Hanyu said: "Can you marry her?"

A look of surprise appeared on Yu Bolin's face, and he paused and said, "It's too far to say this."

Shao Hanyu looked contemptuously, not too far away, but not at all. Yu Bolin is a face-controlling person with a human face. Shao Hanyu said: "It is not impossible to find someone more beautiful than her. She is my ex-girlfriend after all. ...My child's mother, you are my brother, can't you change one?"

Having said this, Shao Hanyu's eyebrows were raised again. What is this all about? It's not nice to say it.

So Shao Hanyu said again: "I'll find it for you, let her go here."

Yu Bolin listened indifferently, and now he felt more and more that Qiu Yunwei had grown up in his aesthetic point. How could it be possible to replace it casually?

Shao Hanyu is still saying, "You don't marry people to get people into trouble. After all, she is... the mother of the child, and it won't be my trouble then?" Shao Hanyu feels that the more he talks, the more he feels this is the reason.

"Don't be crying and weeping, don't you commit crimes? I'll find it for you, so let's just leave her with her."

I don't know which sentence struck Yu Bolin's heart, and Yu Bolin's face sank slightly. In the end, he didn't say whether he listened to Shao Hanyu's suggestion.

Qiu Yunwei didn't know anything about the conversation between the two of them, and she didn't care much if she didn't see Yu Bolin for many days, she was busy.

The baby can now stand up on the sofa!

Since the little guy has learned to stand, he likes to stand up with things, grab the edge of the sofa, grab her arms, grab her legs, that is, a little bit who has just reached the crook of her legs.

Since I can crawl, I have learned to stand, and I need to pay more attention when taking care of the little guy.

Qiu Yunwei was sitting on the sofa and reading, the little guy was standing on the sofa and playing with toys, but the kid's little toy, Jian Fei, was not very interested. After playing for a while, he went to look at the book in Qiu Yunwei's hand, although He didn't want to read this kind of botany book, but it was better than this tinkering little baby toy, and Qiu Yunwei wouldn't let him play with Star Brain.

But on this side of the body, a small hand also took off from the sofa, and the little guy's small body became unstable, and he fell to one side.

Between the sparks and flints, Qiu Yunwei slid the little guy, but didn't let the little guy roll off the sofa. It turned out that Qiu Yunwei had just been holding the little guy's clothes with one hand.

The book had already been thrown aside, Qiu Yunwei looked at Xiao Zai Zai's big bright eyes, and nodded his cheek, "You don't know how to be afraid."

Jian Fei temporarily forgot that he was a little baby who couldn't walk yet and couldn't stand still, so he was careless. Perhaps it was the hand that had been guarding him that made him subconsciously relax and swayed to plant. He didn't worry at all when it fell.

Sure enough, that hand caught him.

The little guy bends his eyes slightly, grabs Qiu Yunwei's hand, and plays with her fingers, his little face is ignorant, and he doesn't sternly hate Qiu Yunwei at all, well, he doesn't understand anything.

The little guy tried very hard and grabbed her two fingers. Qiu Yunwei looked funny, and was grasped by her soft hands. Her heart was soft, and she quickly taught her a few words. The sentence is forgotten.

Such a small guy should have taken care of his parents to take care of his safety. It was too early to tell such a small guy that he could not understand others. Of course, when he grows up, she will definitely teach what she should teach, what she should be taught.

Well, as to whether she can really do it after Zub grows up, let's talk about it later, now the most important thing is to play with Zub happily.

Qiu Yunwei moved this finger for a while, and then moved that finger to attract the little guy's attention. Sure enough, the little guy's small claws grabbed this finger for a while, and grabbed that finger for a while. Stupid, like teasing a kitten.

This kind of small game can be played for a long time by two people, and it is fun to play. Children are like this, but Qiu Yunwei is also very happy to see the little guy playing with her.

In fact, it's really hard to say who is playing with whom, but to ask Jian Fei to say that he is obviously playing this childish game with Qiu Yunwei, and she can be so childish that she can be happy and smile.

Jian Fei Zai Zai was clearly cooperating with her, and the little guy used his little fingers to touch Qiu Yunwei's fingertips one by one, like playing a piano keyboard, with a bright smile on his hanging eyes.