Chapter 35

It has been more than a month since Emperor Qian entered the body of this little baby, but no one who looked after him noticed the abnormality of this little baby. Emperor Qian did not pretend, but was boring. He felt boring about everything around him. He was tired and lazy. The look of is really not much different from the original silly doll.

But this is also indispensable to the carelessness of the mother who looked after him. The voices of the two mothers licking melon seeds and the groaning thick voices finally made Emperor Qian frowned and turned over.

Which one of the people he used to serve before dared to do this? Such a vulgar mother was too horrified to even wash the eunuchs in the clothing bureau.

Mother Gu and Mother Han were whispering about the secret love between the housekeeper and maid in this mansion, how much oil and water the purchaser in that mansion had made, and the stars soared.

The only master is weak and careless. After a long time, it is not surprising that the servant began to neglect his duties. Moreover, these two mothers are quite sensible. The little master is a stupid, so he just put on the small bed. Don't make trouble, it's not that they don't stop feeding when it's time.

But this day, while sipping melon seeds, drinking tea, eating snacks, and chatting about gossip uncomfortably, the wife suddenly came over and shocked the two mothers.

Madam Gu calmed down first, and said with a smile: "It's windy today, why did Madam come back here? Be careful."

Qiu Yunwei swept around the melon seed shell and the tea cup, and saw the little doll on the bed several meters away from them. Her black eyes stared at the roof in a daze, and a little doll was left alone. There, the light was also dim, and it was pitiful to look at it. It was completely different from the excitement of the mother basking in the sun.

Qiu Yunwei became angry and said coldly: "If I can't come, how can I know that the two mamas take care of Yu'er in this way, so happy, the servants in the house can still work like this, but it's really good. Errand."

Sister Han still wanted to say a few words, but Qiu Yunwei did not give her a chance to speak, "Punished three months' monthly salary."

This punishment is not serious, but Qiu Yunwei didn't want to fight when she first came, and that's it, Mother Han was still unconvinced, and she was dragged by Mother Gu, so she didn't say anything to contradict her master.

The old people in the mansion are accustomed to being bold and want to rely on the old to sell the old.

Qiu Yunwei didn't want to be entangled with these two grandmothers anymore, walked to the little doll, the little doll Wu Lingling's eyes made Qiu Yunwei stunned.

The child is thin and small, completely different from her chubby, cute, lively and clever little niece, which makes people feel pity when they look at it.

The light here is dim, and there is a sense of shady and uncomfortable feeling. For such a small child, Qiu Yunwei leaned down and picked up the child, and wanted to take it to her to raise.

It was a little hard, but I was able to hug it, but the others were surprised. Luer hurriedly stretched out his hand and shouted, "Madam!"

Qiu Yunwei adjusted her hug and said to Lu'er: "Go back."

But Qiu Yunwei wanted to take the child away, but she heard Madam Gu say: "Madam, you are still ill, let the young master get sick, this..."

"Which doctor said he would get sick, do you know better than the doctor?"

Qiu Yunwei did not stay, and walked out of the yard with the baby in her arms. The original subject was weak and in a bad mood, saying that she was afraid that she would be sick with the baby, and the baby did not even live in the same yard with her.

The little doll in her arms is like a puppet, very quiet, but this is not a good thing. Going out a long way, the doll finally moved.

The little hand pushed her out, as if she was not willing to be held by her, but Qiu Yunwei was very happy. It was not that she did not react at all to the outside world, it was better than she thought.

"I am, um, mother, from now on, Yu'er and mother will live together."

"Mother, the place is bigger."

Qiu Yunwei doesn't know how to raise such a child, but she always feels that she has to talk to him more, like throwing a little baby aside, just eating and drinking is absolutely impossible.

However, after walking on such a road and saying such a few words, Qiu Yunwei was already out of breath when she returned to the room, and she ordered Lu'er to make a small bed in the room so that Qiu Yunwei could take a good breath.

The physical weakness of this body is actually depression, lack of hope, and boredom in the house all day long. Exercise is also good, but the forehead is sweaty, the legs are weak, the arms are sore, and the eyes are sore. It's also done very well, it's too vain.

Qiu Yunwei even poured herself several cups of tea, this body bone must be maintained.

People's mood can affect health very much. All illnesses will come under the heart, but this body is weak and weak, but it is an exaggeration to say that the child will be sick.

Hugging the child on a new crib, some sunlight can be poured in, and the sun shines on the pale little face of the little doll. The little doll still looks quiet and unresponsive to the outside world.

Looking at such a thin, small doll, Qiu Yunwei was worried. There is no problem in taking care of this little baby with help from someone, but this is not an ordinary child, it is not a question of dressing and eating at all, she does not know how to take care of such a special child.

Let him grow up in this way, it is absolutely no problem to support a child with this Houfu's family, she tries to live as long as possible? Watching him till he grows old?

Qiu Yunwei is worried.


Looking at the quiet little doll with her eyes down, Qiu Yunwei gently stroked her hair, she tried her best, now it's her responsibility, she tried her best, didn't she just reacted? Maybe it will get better?

Emperor Gan was still immersed in his thoughts at this time, whoever had his head beheaded, watched his head roll far away on the ground, and was stepped on several feet, his emotions would not be good, he was considered to be quite temperamental. It's firm.

There is no prince who does not want to be the emperor. There is no reliable mother behind him, and no patronage of the emperor. A little prince is not a good one, but the children in the palace can turn their minds faster than each. Later, he was hung under the name of the imperial concubine Cheng, step by step into the vision of their father, Emperor Yan Cheng, and became one of Emperor Yan's favorite sons. Wasn't it the result of his careful planning?

Later, the emperor father died and he ascended the throne, but a lot of people were shocked, but it was a pity that the emperor father died too hastily. The layout in his hands was not perfect yet, that is, he rushed to grab that position.

After ascending to the throne, there is too much to cook. The former queen and Cheng Guifei have become queen mothers. These two empress dowagers are fighting in the palace. The family behind them is stirring and stirring in the court. There is also the left phase, Jing'an. Those old foxes of the king were fighting against him all over the world, but they were still able to check and balance, they were all crushed by him.

So a large group of people have their own small calculations, watching him as a prince ascend to the throne, think he is a bully, the spies around him were killed by him batch after batch, um, the old fox was also killed and exiled. A lot.

But the spies come and go, and there is no less than that. It is impossible for the courtiers in the court to have ghosts. He knows that as for those who kill, behead and exile, they are all due to the game of interest. That's it.

However, even the court impeached him more violently, and those old censors were very unpleasant.

Those old censors are not afraid of death, they can really hit a pillar for you, and sooner or later exile them all.

As for the success of winning a lot of princes, the court can also check and balance. How did such an emperor who was not controlled by the harem be cut off in the end? This Qiandi is not happy to mention it.

The drought that year was a big drought that was difficult to see on a large scale. Then we should provide relief. The emperor started to say that the emperor was not good and unkind. Therefore, there was a catastrophe. He sinned, fart! Can he believe that?

But at this time of natural disasters and civil turmoil, there will definitely be foreign enemies coming in. If he is the bullshit, he will also, and his second traitor and deputy wolf flame army will open the door to people from the house. In short, He was defeated.

This failure made Emperor Gan quite unwilling. He shouldn't circle those unconscious brothers and brothers to waste food, but killed them all. However, the day before the rascal attacked Kyoto, he had already given it to him. His second brother poured poisoned wine, which made Emperor Qian feel better.

Or his emperor father shouldn't die so early, he has too little infiltration in the army, otherwise it is just a lieutenant of the Wolf Flame Army, huh, how big a wave can he make?

Emperor Qian has been cherishing his memory these days, and it is not right. It should be said that he is reflecting on the past, checking for omissions and filling in the vacancies. He is very worried about the failed ending that was cut off by others.

Compared with the magnificent, treacherous, and unpredictable of the past life, isn't this small back house in any mansion boring and boring?

The sun shining people were lazy, and Emperor Qian turned over and went to sleep.

Qiu Yunwei had nothing else to do, so she held her cheek to look at the doll, which was tricky.

According to her cousin, her little niece may be shy even if she looks outside, but she is actually skinny. Everything in the house can mess up for you. She follows her buttocks every day to clean up the mess. They looked good when they went out, they were all fake.

But Qiu Yunwei looked at such a quiet little ball with a big head. This is much harder than a naughty ghost.

Qiu Yunwei said to Lu'er: "Call that, the one who has not returned from the flower house, go and buy some children's toys. Buy everything you can."

"If you can't move, just ask her to go to the housekeeper Liu, Xiaomiao can't use the great god, let her go where she wants to go."

"By the way, the little girl who was sweeping outside just now, I think her hands and feet are quite swift, let her come to the house to help take care of Yu'er."

Lu'er bent over, "Yes, ma'am."

Before dinner, the lazy maidservants were finally there. Butler Liu was also there, and Qiu Yunwei gave a lecture before dinner.

The Hou Mansion is a family of military commanders, and there are very few female servants, most of them were brought by the original master when they got married, and they were sold in her hands. And those little servants, she was the only female master in the Hou Mansion, she said. After all, if she wants to drive people out and sell them, there is no place for them to intercede.

In the past few years, the hostess complained and felt sorry for herself, so she didn't care about them. This time, Qiu Yunwei called them to finish the conversation. Now it seems that the skin is tight. Qiu Yunwei asked them to go to work. .

Looking back at the little doll, she was still asleep. Qiu Yunwei touched her eyelashes with her fingers. The little doll's hair was not good and looked a little yellow, but the eyelashes were quite black, long, and curled. , Cast a small shadow on the white delicate skin.

quiet nice.

The child's way of sleeping quietly is quite cute.

But I still want to wake up, Qiu Yunwei's finger touched the long eyelashes, and then, and then suddenly opened it. Qiu Yunwei was startled and her fingers suddenly retracted.

Little Wawa's eyes were lacquered, staring at people closely, Qiu Yunwei somehow jumped in her heart, and she felt a little intimidating.

Is this kid angry? Qiu Yunwei replied: "Yu, Yu'er, we can't sleep anymore, we have to eat first."

How could it be that he had cut off his grandfather's long beard when he was a child, and then he wanted to walk away the moment he woke up.

But in the next second, Qiu Yunwei looked at the little doll's three-headed body and drove the illusion away. She helped the little doll to her body and put on a robe. Chunya Xiao, who had just moved into the house, drove away the illusion. The maid wants to help, Qiu Yunwei said: "It's okay, I'll do it myself."

Emperor Gan was taken care of for granted, and he also thought that Qiu Yunwei's hands and feet were not as skillful and gentle as the maids beside him.

If Qiu Yunwei knew that she was being disliked by this little doll, she might spank him, but she didn't know, only thought that this little doll was not troublesome at all, and it was easy to dress him.

"You have to learn all this in the future, you can't even know how to dress." This kid doesn't have to think about how great he will be in the future, but he has to know basic life skills, such as dressing and shoes. Although there are servants to serve, Qiu Yunwei always feels that it is not the case.

Qiu Yunwei is still optimistic about this, seeing that this little baby will still be angry when she wakes up just now, it's okay, the situation is not so bad, he can always learn after teaching for a long time.

Emperor Qian's eyelids drooped, always feeling that this woman was talking about trash, and he was getting dressed much earlier than his emperor brothers and brothers. His trash emperor had to be served by the eunuch even at the age of seven. Dressed, he is not.

As for when he was the emperor later, it was the emperor's majesty to have a grand palace lady who was specially waiting for her to dress and groom.

Carrying the little doll to the table, Qiu Yunwei first took a bowl of custard, which was specially ordered by the kitchen to prepare the little doll.

When Chunya saw that Qiu Yunwei wanted to feed the young master by herself, she didn't say a word this time. Qiu Yunwei took a spoon and tasted it by herself. It was not hot or cold, just right, she changed a spoon and dug the spoon soft and tender. The custard handed it to the little doll.

Emperor Gan is still satisfied with this, if it is the same spoon, he will definitely not eat it.

The previous two mothers had no such worries, because they didn't need to taste the food before feeding, but maybe it was because they had enough experience, and they knew whether it was hot or not when they touched the wall of the bowl with their hands. The mouth is a little cold.

The three-headed little doll sits on a stool with her short legs hanging in the air, sitting very honestly. Gandiwu's eyes swept across the tabletop. His appetite for eating is not good these days, but there are a few fresh dishes here.

It wasn't that the people in the yard were saying that there was little food, but that the two wives always gave him one or two feedings. Moreover, the big spit and stars spewing out of their words made him lose his appetite.

Such a young woman should not be able to speak, spit, and stars fly around.

"Ah--, open your mouth."

Seeing the little doll opened her mouth, Qiu Yunwei bends her lips, "Well, our Yuer is great!"

Qiu Yunwei has extremely low expectations for this little baby, and now it is a surprise to see the little baby give a little reaction.

"However, we Yuer also have to learn to eat by ourselves."

The three-headed and expressionless little cool doll didn't even move her eyelids this time, and was enjoying Qiu Yunwei's feeding comfortably. She hadn't eaten enough for a month. This soft and slippery custard was not bad.