Chapter 36

Feeding this little baby is a little bit worry-free, that is, he eats very cleanly, and the area around the mouth circle and the placket are very clean, so there is no need to wipe him.

He fed half a bowl of custard, and added vegetables and meat to him. "Our feathers are so thin, we need to eat more to grow taller and stronger."

Emperor Qian turned a deaf ear to what this person was talking about, as long as she didn't spray the spit stars in the dishes.

Another chopsticks dish was handed to his mouth. This time, Emperor Qian did not open his mouth. A mutton smell went straight into his little nose, and Emperor Qian's eyebrows were slightly twisted, and his body was withdrawn, and his thin arms were stretched out. , With his little hand against Qiu Yunwei's meaty arm.

This taste is far worse than the one made by the Imperial Dining Room, and the one presented by the Imperial Dining Room has no smell.

Qiu Yunwei followed his little force and retracted her arm, "Yu'er doesn't like to eat this? Okay, then don't eat this, I know."

The little baby former Qiandi now named Nie Zheyu, Wu Qiqi's eyes fixedly looked at the pearl ball soup, that looked okay.

Although this woman is definitely not as good as the look of the eunuch who is around him, he can always read it like this, right? The one who doesn't understand is a fool.

Qiu Yunwei is not a fool, she understood, "Huh, want to eat this?"

Then Nie Zheyu waited for the pair of chopsticks to pick the ball over and opened his mouth, but in the end the ball fell not to his mouth. The little doll widened his eyes and saw the ball fell into the plate in front of the woman herself.

Little Wawa was stunned, looking at the smile on the woman's mouth, her sullen eyes sank. What does this mean? This woman is playing with him!

What a courage!

No palace servant who served him dared to be so bold. Emperor Qian could be known for being violent. In fact, his temper was really not good, but then again, no emperor who was an emperor would be really temperamental. it is good.

Qiu Yunwei herself never expected that she would have such a patient and careful day. This first time she took care of the little doll, she was so careful that she gave the little doll the ball in half with chopsticks, and then blew it twice. Feed to the little baby.

Well, she herself is great too!

Seeing the little baby chewing and chewing her mouth, it seems quite satisfied? Qiu Yunwei smiled and said, "It's delicious, isn't it?"

Nie Zheyu's little baby continued to look at the pearl ball soup to answer, it's OK, although it is still not as good as the craftsmanship of the palace chef, but it is barely qualified.

Qiu Yunwei felt that the little baby's eyes were pretty cute, and she fed him the half of the ball just now, and she had an appetite when she watched him eat it.

Qiu Yunwei also put one for herself, "It's so delicious, I'll try it too."

"Well, it's pretty good."

Emperor Qian's eyes were only slanted this time, and the previous palace people would naturally not be like her now, but this time he has no thoughts. Forget it, she is not a palace person, just waiting for this woman to finish this bite. , Feed him again.

"Let's take another sip of meatball soup, ah—"

Nie Zheyu opened his mouth and drank.

"Eat more greens."

Continue to open your mouth obediently.

But this little doll is not always behaved. Like the celery, the radish, and the lamb in front, this little doll doesn't like to eat it, and the sweet chicken nuggets, this little doll just Relatively love to eat, after taking one bite after bite, Qiu Yunwei can't eat that one.

Qiu Yunwei doesn't care about children's picky eaters. She herself is also picky eaters. Everyone has something they don't like, as long as not all vegetables are not eaten.

The little baby's ability to express his preferences also makes Qiu Yunwei happy. Looking closely, the little guy also has an expression and has his own little temper. It is not completely unresponsive to the outside world, which is pretty good.

Qiu Yunwei fed, and finally remembered, "Should we, Xiaoyu, be full?"

Little Wawa didn't answer her, Qiu Yunwei started to touch her belly. The baby's belly was really chubby when being fed.

Emperor Gandi Nie Zheyu was touched by Qiu Yunwei's sudden touch of his belly. His body suddenly leaned back, and his head hit the back of the chair with a loud bang.

Tears came out all this time.

It's not that Emperor Qian was afraid of pain. He was chopped off his head in his previous life. Hey, let's not mention that. When he was slapped by his father in his previous life, he didn't say a word.

But let me talk about it. In the previous life, Emperor Gandi was not beaten because of his stupidity. That time, all the brothers were killed. The emperor with many sons was like this, and he was often angry by many sons The brain hurts, the Emperor Xian is not a patient either, he himself is mad, and he doesn't tell which of your sons is innocent, so let's stick to them. I'm not having a good time, so don't even think about having a good time for my son.

This is a long way off, or back to the present, that is to say, although the little baby of God Emperor Nie Zheyu was in pain, but he was not crying in pain, it was purely a conditioned reflex of the little baby's body.

Qiu Yunwei stood up busy and touched the head of the little doll with her palm, "Woo, it doesn't hurt or it hurts."

This little baby had tears in her eyes and didn't cry. It made people feel distressed when she saw it, and it made Qiu Yunwei blame herself very much. She felt and blew on this little head for a long time.

At first, Nie Zheyu's little baby was quite funny when she saw this woman blaming herself in a hurry. Yes, it was her fault. She made a big mistake. Before she put it off, she had to say she was guilty.

But slowly I felt that this head was chilled by the blow, and the head being touched made people nervous, no matter whether he was an emperor or a prince, no one dared to touch his head like this.

Forget it, although he wants to punish this woman a little, it is not worth it for him to suffer along with it. The little doll stretched out her little claws and touched her head, then sat up straight and moved forward, away from Qiu Yun. Wei is a little bit, that's what she means not to be touched.

Qiu Yunwei saw that the tears in the little doll's eyes had disappeared. There was no bag on the little doll's head. It seemed that it didn't hurt anymore. She sat back in her seat again, but also noticed the little doll's little hands. She is also thin and her small wrist is very thin, which is very pitiful.

At this time, Qiu Yunwei finally had dinner, but she was also talking to this dazed little doll, "Xiao Yu'er just finished eating, do you want to leave for a while."

Nie Zheyu's little baby didn't respond to these words. She didn't want to move when she was full, so she was comfortable just lying lazily.

Qiu Yunwei suddenly remembered something and asked Lu'er, "Yu'er can walk now, right?"

Lu'er hesitated: "The slave servant has never seen the young master walk."

Qiu Yunwei frowned: "Go and call Madam Gu over."

Madam Gu was very happy when she came over. Today, the wife suddenly took the young master away, and beat the house up and down again, and her heart started to get up and down.

Although taking care of such a stupid little master will not have any future, it is indeed an easy job, and she does not want to be changed.

But when he entered the room, he found that the lady's face was very ugly. After hearing the lady's question, Madam Gu felt bad.

Madam Gu said: "Young Master is not willing to learn, and the old slaves also want to teach it, but isn't it a special situation for Young Master?"

Yes, Qiu Yunwei can also understand, this mother just feeds the food, so that this little baby will not die of starvation, and the other things don't bother.

"You and Mother Han will go back to the Qingxuan courtyard and stay there, you don't need to come over."

When Madam Gu heard this, they were just taking care of the young master. Now the lady clearly wants to raise the young master by her side. Now there is no young master in the Qingxuan courtyard. Naturally, where the little master is going, they will go with them. Yes, what do they go back to Qingxuanyuan? Do you want to be a maid who sweeps the yard?

But the next moment, Qiu Yunwei raised her eyes, "Isn't it possible that I want to go to Zhuangzi if I haven't left yet?"

This lady, who had been sick all the time, looked over so coldly, and Madam Gu didn't dare to open her mouth for a moment, and was shocked to leave the room.

The fragile lady, who has always been sick, is very different today. She wanted to cry a few times but somehow, when the cold eyes looked over, she dared not say more.

Madam Gu was shocked and went out, but the goddess Nie Zheyu's little doll didn't take it seriously. She felt that this woman was too soft. This is the way to punish people. If she is in the harem, she will definitely not be able to hold the court ladies and eunuchs, nor can she beat the concubines. Niangniang, she had to be skinned and swallowed long ago.

This little back house finally has a little more new drama today, but it is still boring enough.

Qiu Yunwei took the time to eat, and thought for a moment, she has a lot to do in the future. This little doll is now knows nothing. A three-year-old little doll needs to know how to walk and talk.

Pick up the little doll and put it on the ground, "Come on, Yu'er, let's learn to walk."

Qiu Yunwei put both hands on the baby's arms, first let go of one hand, and then let go of the other hand, "Yu'er is great, she stands steady."

Nie Zheyu's little baby raised her eyelids and glanced at Qiu Yunwei lightly. This woman felt that he could not even stand.

Even if Qiu Yunwei bends over, Xiao Wawa's small body has to look up at her, which makes Qiandi Wawa unhappy.

How to teach children to walk?

Qiu Yunwei supported Little Wawa's arm with one hand, and grasped her little trouser leg with the other hand, "Well, let's step on this foot first, and lift the foot first."

Is the little doll Nie Zheyu who wants to watch the show such a talkative person, with her long eyelashes drooping down, like a wooden man, motionless.

These days, the two wives were talking about each other all day, and Emperor Qian didn't even listen to them, and knew a lot about him. His body was a little fool.

Emperor Qian didn't mean to pretend to be a idiot, but looking at this busy woman, it's okay to pretend, anyway, it's boring.

He wanted to see how long this woman could last.

But this woman is also very miserable. Her husband is unreliable, and her son is stupid. If the husband is still alive, he can be reborn, or if the son is not stupid, he can have a hope, but these things fall on this woman. I was quite unlucky on my body.

Emperor Qiang said that if this woman remarries is actually a good choice, she is not ugly or old, she can also marry a rich family, and she can live a life of two babies.

But this is the Hou Mansion. Although her husband is the second child, he can't bear the majesty even if she is alive, and she has no fate on her. But now that her husband is dead, the boss must raise the widow's orphan. A master, who eats and drinks, can't lose her, if the heart can be enlarged, he can also live happily.

But wasting energy on a little fool, well, he wanted to see how far this woman could do.

Who knows that this quiet wooden doll has a bad taste and bad water?

Qiu Yunwei tugged on the trouser legs of the little doll again, but the little doll didn't follow her strength at all, and she stood still firmly without lifting her feet.

Qiu Yunwei didn't dare to drag such a small baby.

Finally put down the hand holding the baby's trousers, and turned it to the baby to demonstrate, "Come on, look like this, raise your right foot, and fall like this."

Chunya watched his wife teach that way. The young master just didn't move and didn't respond. Before she was sold, there was a younger brother in the family. He didn't have much trouble learning to walk, and wanted to leave when she couldn't stand still.

It would be difficult for the young master to be so stupid.

Qiu Yunwei sweated finely on her forehead, her waist was sore, she straightened her waist and said, "I also said that I want to exercise, train my body, and play with your little baby for so long, so I don't need to exercise anymore."

"We are not in a hurry. If we can't learn it today, we will learn again tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." In fact, Qiu Yunwei felt that this little baby didn't know what she meant, so she ignored her, because since she can Stop, the calf has developed well early, so it should be possible to walk.

Maybe tomorrow you can learn to take toys and eat?

As for today, forget it today.

Emperor Qiang listened to Qiu Yunwei's not irritable or impatient voice, oh, he is still patient, but people, it is often not easy to say that it is simple to do.

After a good break for the conference, it was still early, and there was no entertainment here. Qiu Yunwei picked up the baby doll again, "Let's go see the stars and the moon."

She wanted to come to those two lazy mothers and would not go out to play with her little doll. She also wanted to see the starry sky. It was not easy to see her before she died in her previous life.

The little baby Nie Zheyu who suddenly vacated, grabbed Qiu Yunwei's skirt, boldly!

"The little baby is so thin and quite heavy. When you learn to walk, don't think anyone will hold you anymore."

Emperor Qian:...

Emperor Qian's face turned black, he didn't want to be held by anyone at all, he was still held by a woman!

Suddenly I don't know who can't hold on first.