Chapter 55

"Mother, can this be planted?"

"Try it, and then you'll know."

What Qiu Yunwei said is also true. Modern plants are different from ancient times. Just like this sweet potato, there is no one in the north, and the sweet potato is not big. It's okay as a snack dessert, but it's far away. It's not as big as she was in her previous life, and she can even take care of her by herself.

Can you plant a living here? If you don't like the soil and water, you will need to plant it.

Qiu Yunwei and child Nie Zheyu were busy in the field together. Now child Nie Zheyu could not change his face by grasping mud with his hands. When he was busy in the field until the sun, he was almost busy.

Washing their hands with cold well water together, Qiu Yunwei handed a piece of melon to Nie Zheyu, and asked the people in the village to take care of the sweet potatoes. Those sweet potato sprouts need to be looked after if they want to grow into sweet potato vines. She doesn't always live in Zhuangzi, or the servants here do these things.

The other seeds that Qiu Yunwei planted were also operated in this way, so now there are quite a few people in this village who have been transferred to plant those seeds for her.

It's no wonder that the firm's steward slander Qiu Yunwei's quirky hobby, which sounds neither noble nor elegant, even rustic, but it is expensive and even extravagant.

The subordinates who are assigned here to take charge of these farming matters are all honest and honest, and the housekeeper Liu at home is very worry-free.

After a short break, he returned to the city. It did not delay the afternoon class of Nie Zheyu. Oh, yes, after getting back his precious private book from Xia Juren, Nie Zheyu also got another one from Xia Juren. This thick copybook.

"This copybook is better, and I think it is more suitable for you. It is a treasure, and it is worth a thousand dollars."

"It was given to you by the son yesterday. You should practice hard and practice hard. I will check it every day. Don't perfunctory."

Xia Juren handed the copybook to the student, still a little bit reluctant. His Royal Highness the Third Prince was quite able to take advantage of this kid. With such a good copybook, he must supervise the kid's daily progress.

And the little friend Nie Zheyu didn't cherish the famous copybook like Xia Juren did, and put it away leisurely, huh, he just doesn't have enough hand strength right now, and the hairy kid in the palace who has not yet reached the crown can match it. he?

Could it be possible, kid Nie Zheyu now has to practice the tasks Xia Juren assigned him every day.

However, for the pseudo-dangzi, it is still not difficult for him.

He still has a lot of time to accompany his mother to exercise in the martial arts field, wander around in the Zhuangzi, and go shopping on the street.

The three princes looked down from above the restaurant, the mother and the son didn't know what they were talking about, the little dwarf raised his head and was touched by someone obediently, but he was stubborn in front of his mother.

And the lady was putting a hand on the little dwarf's head, smiling face was infinitely gentle, and all her eyes were on the little dwarf.

The little dwarf took his mother's hand again and ran happily to a stall. The face of the man who was led was pampered and indulged, and he was pulled forward.

I was sitting idle after talking to people, but at this time, the three princes did not have any interest in viewing the scenery by the window for some reason. After coming out of the restaurant, the footsteps of the three princes slowly stopped. .

Little friend Nie Zheyu picked from the stall and finally picked out the most beautiful hairpin, "Mother, mother, you are a little shorter."

Qiu Yunwei's eyes turned into crescent moons, she squatted down, and then she felt her child raise her hand and move on her hair. Qiu Yunwei knew that the hairpin must have reached her head.

Qiu Yunwei touched her hand, a smile dripping from the corner of her mouth into the depths of her eyes.

"Mother is beautiful, especially beautiful." Little friend Nie Zheyu said with a serious expression.

The stall owner smiled and said, "There is a mirror here, madam."

"This is a good match for your wife, your little son is really filial."

Qiu Yunwei also smiled and said, "Thank you, boss."

I took a look in the mirror, not to mention that this hairpin is pretty. The beaded flower on it is very beautiful and she likes it. It is just made of a wooden branch, and it is put on by her own children with such actions, that Qiu Yunwei. Would also like it very much.

Qiu Yunwei was about to pay for the money, but the child paid the money at the people's booth first, "Boss, money for hairpins."

Qiu Yunwei was stunned.

The kid is picking up the money that the stall owner retrieved. He is no longer the prince who didn't get change before, and even a few copper plates are also money. Every private money is saved by him with great difficulty.

When he gets older, he doesn't have to worry about silver or anything, but it still doesn't work, and now every copper plate must be cherished.

Little friend Nie Zheyu put away the change he found, and said sweetly to Qiu Yunwei: "Tomorrow is my mother's birthday, this is the birthday gift Yu'er gave to her mother."

"It's Yu'er's New Year's Eve money. I buy gifts for my mother. I will buy them for my mother in the future, and buy better ones for my mother.

Listening to the child's sweet voice and looking at the child's cute face, Qiu Yunwei's various emotions accumulated in her throat, and she couldn't speak for a while. Qiu Yunwei felt that no matter what she said, she couldn't express the emotion in her heart with this tear-jerking sugar jar.

There is such a little baby in this world, which makes you often feel that this world can be so cute and soft. He brings the brightest and purest things in this world to you.

Qiu Yunwei held her own sugar jar in her arms, hugged it tightly, and kissed the forehead of the sugar jar again, her moving voice was soft as a feather, "Thank you, Xiao Yuer, mother loves it very much. ."

The sugar jar began to mutter again: "It's good if your mother likes it, and Yu'er knows that your mother will like it."

"Yu'er wanted to give her a birthday gift to her mother for a long time, and wanted to give it to her mother tomorrow, called that surprise. But Yuer couldn't hold back it, Yu'er wanted her to be happy sooner."

Speaking of the sugar jar here, she looked a little regretful. Qiu Yunwei hurriedly touched Xiao Yu'er's head, "Well, my mother likes it very much, and my mother is very happy. I am happy today and tomorrow."

"Cough cough cough."

His Royal Highness the Three Princes had been standing for a long time, from the little dwarf wearing a hairpin on his mother's head, and he was standing there.

Then I saw that the mother and son were endlessly crooked and crooked.

That stubborn kid was really contrived and pretentious in front of his mother. A boy could make such a posture naturally, and Madam Nie was so intoxicated and indulged.

He was completely bewildered by the pretending little dwarf.

The cough of the third prince finally interrupted the infinite warmth, cough, um, the third prince looked sticky.

Qiu Yunwei raised her eyes to see the person, and was pleasantly surprised: "Little son of benefactor."


Qiu Yunwei looked at the young man in surprise and said: "I haven't seen the young man for a long time, and I have been listening to your mother that you are busy, and the young man has grown a lot taller."

The little son of the thirteenth and the 4th year, two years away, this is taller than her, but still as handsome as that year, there is no long-term disability, even better than the little son at that time.

The third prince smiled slightly, but he was a little uncomfortable. This lady almost stretched out her hand to sign on his head, making him uncomfortable.

"Is the young man busy today? Do you want to sit at home? I have long wanted to invite the young man to play at home and have a meal."

The three princes said: "There is nothing wrong with today, if you don't disturb."

Qiu Yunwei hurriedly said with joy: "Don't disturb, don't disturb."

Qiu Yunwei said to the little friend Nie Zheyu: "This is--" Qiu Yunwei was embarrassed and stuck here. She had always been called the little son, the little benefactor, and the second master, only to realize that she didn't even have the name of the little benefactor. knew.

"Bo Yan, Madam can call me Bai Yan."

Although it was not his real name when he was the prince, it was not a complete pseudonym. The name he often used when walking was inconvenient, and the people who walked close to him and the well-informed other princes knew that he still had this name.

However, Qiu Yunwei is obviously not within this well-informed range.

But His Highness the Three Princes is not a lie.

"That's your big brother Bai Yan, the big benefactor I told Yuer about." Qiu Yunwei said to the little friend Nie Zheyu like this.

His Royal Highness the three princes had a lot of time to look at the little dwarf, waiting for the little dwarf to call someone.

The kid Nie Zheyu wanted to give him a roll of eyes, but in front of Qiu Yunwei, a good boy couldn't do that. So kid Nie Zheyu twitched his mouth back and smiled at the three princes. In reality, how fake and fake it is. He only pretended to be shy. After a little laugh, he shyly grabbed Qiu Yunwei's clothes and hid behind her.

Qiu Yunwei smiled helplessly: "I'm still shy. When you were young, your brother Bai Yan brought you to play with you. Did you forget?"

Then he explained to the three princes: "Little guys are easy to be shy, but after playing for a while, they will quickly become acquainted with others.

His Royal Highness the Third Prince smiled and nodded.

Standing at close range, I found that this lady was pampering with this little dwarf everywhere.

Boys are not raised like this.

Qiu Yunwei took the child Nie Zheyu and His Highness the Third Prince to the place where the carriage was parked, and said to His Highness the Third Prince as they walked: "We have planted many flowers from the south in our mansion. I rarely see them outside, um, but in the west. You can also see some in a shop on the other side of the street. It is a shop opened in our mansion and usually earns some money."

"Many scholars like those flowers, but we still have more flowers in our house. Some flowers are more squeamish. They are not easy to live if they are transplanted. They are not sold in the store. Come to our house to see them."

"When you leave, I will cut some flowers and tapes for you. It can stay open for a few days, and it will be comfortable to look at in the study."

"There are dried flowers at home, which are good for sleep. They are good when you put them in your purse and put them next to your pillow when you sleep. They also smell refreshing. They are used as sachets. They are useful when you are reading, and you can also give them when you go. You bring it."

Qiu Yunwei smiled embarrassedly: "It's not expensive, it's just a rare picture. We don't see it here, so don't dislike it, young man."

The child Nie Zheyu raised his eyelids and squinted at the person sitting opposite. He dared to dislike it!

His Royal Highness the Third Prince said: "No, thank you Madam."

Then he added: "I also want to see the flowers we don't have here."

Qiu Yunwei smiled happily when the young man on the opposite side said this, and continued to say to the young man: "There is also a big martial arts field at home, where you can trot on a horse, and the target can shoot arrows. There are also all kinds of weapons. The little boy can go to play with Xiao Yuer."

His Royal Highness the Three Princes smiled and said, "I am looking forward to it."

All kinds of flowers in the family are planted by Qiu Yunwei over the years, and most of them have been planted by her. Qiu Yunwei does not know why, she seems to have a lot of talent for planting these things now, not to mention what she learned in her previous life. Those knowledge, but she often has more intuition.

Many plants are about to die, she can often save lives by intuition, whether it is because of lack of water, or the sun is too big, or other things should be loosened, etc., she can see with just a few glances Out, even if one trial is wrong, you can still try a few more times.

And the flowers she planted are much more beautiful than others.

An amazing water lily was blooming in the lake of Hou Mansion, and even the three princes were taken aback by the beauty in front of them.

More than that, the garden of the Hou Mansion is even more colorful and beautiful. Every plant and every flower is so eye-catching to see.

The red and radiant camellia, the delicate yellow peony, the shining rose, these are the names of the three princes, but these flowers seem to be blooming in this Hou Mansion. They are more beautiful than those seen elsewhere. , Even the tributes he has seen are even better.

This is surprising.

There are also a lot of flowers that are not named, even if it is the three princes, it is an eye-opener here.

His Royal Highness the Three Princes had just the right look of appreciation, with a gentle and polite smile, but little friend Nie Zheyu could see through the soil buns of the Three Princes.

His Royal Highness the Three Princes praised him in the right way from time to time, which not only made people feel his sincerity, but also felt that this person was very stable and without any rudeness.

Qiu Yunwei smiled and said, "The little boy will first go around and see which one he likes, and tell me later and take it away for you."

His Royal Highness the Three Princes should have refused, but only smiled, and that was agreed, and the little shoe of Nie Zheyu, who didn't want this person to take a leaf, rubbed the ground hard.

"Yu'er will take Brother Bai Yan for more shopping meetings, and my mother will cook." Qiu Yunwei asked the little benefactor: "You have something to avoid, what else do you like to eat?"

The three princes hadn't spoken yet. Little friend Nie Zheyu hurriedly tugged on his mother's sleeves, "Mother, let the kitchen cooks cook more dishes and let him pick and eat. He may not be used to eating the mother's dishes. ."

Qiu Yunwei hesitated when she heard Xiao Yu'er say this. She wanted to make it more thoughtful and humane, but Xiao Yu'er was right.

His Royal Highness the three princes smiled lightly: "If Madam can make a braised fish, then a chestnut chicken will be fine. Madam hard, I don't need to do more, I can't eat much."

Qiu Yunwei smiled at once: "Okay, this is simple and not hard."

"You still like what Xiao Yuer likes. Xiao Yuer loves to eat fish. He doesn't know how to pick fish bones. I'm afraid that I won't pick him up. Normally I don't dare to let him eat too much. Eat this."

"Okay, I'm going here, you guys will go shopping a little longer."

The smile on His Royal Highness's face remained unchanged,'Choose it for him'?

This little dwarf isn't a little baby anymore, he actually wants his mother to pick a fishbone, sneer, the little girl is more promising than him.

Little friend Nie Zheyu dropped his smirk all at once, and his eyes were dissatisfied when he looked at His Royal Highness the Third Prince.

This product is really unkind. Why should I give him the food that my mother made by herself?