Chapter 56

"Little -, cough, little, your mother asked you to show me around."

"Nie Zheyu, my name." The little friend Nie Zheyu turned and walked forward, "Take a look at yourself and see which one you want. These are all grown by my mother. My mother is amazing!"

"Look, this flower is very beautiful, isn't it? It is the seeds brought back by the merchant from the western mountain nest. It is very difficult for us to grow a living here. My mother has carefully raised it in the flower room for a long time. , I finally bloomed these flowers this year."

The third prince looked at the flower in front of him and nodded in agreement. The cascading elegance of the petals contained a kind of nobility like a white bird, which was very pleasing to the eye.

"These flowers are rare, so you just need to take a few more glances here, you can't cut them away."

His Royal Highness the third prince took a deep look at the little dwarf, smiled lightly and nodded again.

"Look at this one, do these look good when they are together, but don't look at how many they are open, but it's not easy to grow them. They have high requirements for light, so my mother wants them to grow. Fortunately, I didn't waste my brain, and I deliberately picked the west side of this piece of sweet-scented osmanthus tree to plant them."

"These are just to look good when they are opened together. They are not so beautiful when they are cut out, so they can't be cut here either."

His Royal Highness the third prince twitched at the corner of his mouth again.

The little friend Nie Zheyu walked up to a few other flowers. The blue-purple flowers were very delicate, unbelievably beautiful, and had a sense of fantasy and mystery. It's so difficult to raise, my mother has asked someone to expand them again, and they are sold in our store."

"You don't need to pick so many from here, you can go directly to our store to buy, you don't lack money, right? These few plants still let them grow well here."

His Royal Highness the Three Princes smiled falsely, "What you said makes sense."


So after walking around, the three princes of the colorful three princes are not one he can choose.

I was called to eat, and there were a lot of dishes on the table. There must be some braised fish and chestnut chicken ordered by His Royal Highness, and there are several others. Little friend Nie Zheyu can see which ones his mother made by himself. of.

Little friend Nie Zheyu took the lead to sit in front of the cold cucumber. This was made by his mother. It's not like the chef's delicate carving of cucumbers. It looks very simple, but it tastes very good. Xia He likes to eat a cool cucumber dish during the day.

Qiu Yunwei poured a cup of sour plum soup by herself, and pointed to the dishes to introduce the little boy, "I made these by myself. The craftsmanship is not good, and I don't know if it suits your taste. Don't force it."

"These dishes are made by the chefs in our house. They are all their specialty dishes. You can try it. You are welcome, just like in your own home."

His Royal Highness the third prince took the sour plum soup and said with a smile: "Okay, thank you Madam, it looks delicious when you look at it, I'm not picky about eating."

Little friend Nie Zheyu, who was drinking sour plum soup, groaned in his throat when he heard this. Is he not picky about eating? Humph, it's a lie.

So she started to eat. Qiu Yunwei took a piece of fish and put it in the plate in front of her, using chopsticks to pick out the fishbone, and then the three princes saw that the chopsticks had been carefully removed from the eyes of the three princes. The fishbone was moved naturally to another plate.

The chewing movements of His Royal Highness the Three Princes slowed down unconsciously, and the eyes that spilled into the smile became distant at this moment.

The little dwarf smiled openly and grew his mouth to put the piece of fish into his mouth. It was delicious. This portrait caught the eye, and it seemed to be far away.

"Little son, let me call you Bai Yan, do you still like the flowers you saw with Xiao Yu'er? Which flowers did you like?"

The gaze at the bottom of the Palace of the Third Prince was pulled back again, and he smiled and said, "I like it all."

Seeing that the little dwarf's mouth stopped eating, his eyes looked badly at him, and the three princes smiled deeper, "I want to take everything away."

Qiu Yunwei didn't think people were greedy, but seriously considered: "Then cut a few of each and bring it home."

The third prince laughed softly. Just now, the astringent heart was amused by the lady's words a lot. His Royal Highness said: "Laughing with the lady, the flowers that the lady raises are very good. Let people see everything. I like them all, but I can't bear to pick them all. If Madam doesn't mind, I will visit my wife's house more in the future and let them grow up in Madam's house. It's great for me to take a look at it all."

Little friend Nie Zheyu bit the crispy cucumber fiercely, huh, he didn't pick the flowers, but he still wants to come home? But in a second, little friend Nie Zheyu calmed down again-this guy still lives in the palace, how can he come out at any time?

The kid Nie Zheyu calmly drank the sour plum soup again, um, sweet and sour, delicious, and glanced at the smiling three princes with disdain. This guy is still hiding his identity, and naturally it is even worse. It's convenient to come to their home.

He is not worried.

Qiu Yunwei smiled and said to His Royal Highness the Three Princes: "Of course I'm happy, just come."

"After a while, the golden flower tea at home will just be able to bloom. Come here, the crystal clear golden yellow is beautiful, and the tea made with it is also delicious, and it clears away heat and detoxifies. I will bring it to you when I leave."

Little friend Nie Zheyu heard that the third prince still said unceremoniously: "Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Although the child Nie Zheyu was dissatisfied with the unceremonious cheeky, but Qiu Yunwei was very pleased and introduced to His Royal Highness the Third Prince: "This crab noodle lion head dish was made by a Huaiyang chef at home for decades. It is delicious. , You taste it, I can't make this kind of dish that tastes like that."

"I can make something simple. I can eat it myself, but no one else has eaten it. It is Xiao Yuer, this little guy who will join me no matter what I do, and say it is delicious, let the next person taste it. They carefully tasted the chopsticks, and didn't dare to say anything bad."

"I'm so confident that I made it, and I don't know if it's really delicious."

Little friend Nie Zheyu hurriedly protested: "It's obviously that my mother made it so delicious. I like it the most. Yu'er doesn't know how to lie. Yu'er just likes to eat her mother's cooking, but my mother does it for one day, no, two days. Just do it once, Yu'er doesn't pick her mouth, and Yu'er doesn't want her mother to be tired."

His Royal Highness the third prince twitched his mouth. This little dwarf was a flatterer. If he was by his father's side, such a person would be a treacherous villain.

At a young age, this face has made people look down on.

But no matter how many times the mother said sweet words to this trick, it was very useful every time. She said: "You, how sweet your little mouth is every day, who did you learn it from." The tone of helplessness was full of favors. Drown.

"I didn't learn from anyone, Yu'er spoke the truth."

Seeing that the lady's eyes turned into crescent moons under the little short words of the little dwarf, the three princes bit the crabmeat lion head and sneered in his heart, and the expression was so difficult to say-women are so easy to be deceived.

This so-called specialty crab noodle and lion head is actually just normal to His Royal Highness the Three Princes.

His Royal Highness the Third Prince stretched his chopsticks more toward the mixed cucumbers, scrambled eggs, and chestnut chicken. In fact, without Qiu Yunwei's introduction, the three princes can also determine which ones are made by Qiu Yunwei on the table.

There is no imperial kitchen in the palace, or the chefs in famous restaurants use complicated ingredients and complex flavors, and even the presentation is far less sophisticated than others.

But the kind of exquisite and complex food is much more, and it is also very good to try this home-cooked simple one.

The third prince lowered his eyes to eat, and the taste in his mouth was delighting the taste buds. The third prince raised his eyes and smiled at Qiu Yunwei and said: "Yu'er is right, it's delicious."

Qiu Yunwei smiled: "Hahaha, then I can take it seriously. It seems that I am also very talented in cooking."

Qiu Yunwei asked again: "Does Bai Yan pick a fishbone?"

Seeing that he still eats less fish and meat, Qiu Yunwei thinks that perhaps someone from a wealthy family is served by a servant. Their family is not like this, but others might eat like that.

His Royal Highness the Three Princes: "...I will."

He is not so stupid, it's just that he is too troublesome. He turned his eyes to look at Qiu Yunwei's plate, the pair of chopsticks were picking out the fishbone from the white and tender fish.

His Highness the Third Prince's eyes deepened a bit, and the smile on his face remained unchanged, but he wouldn't pretend that he would not. He was not the one who had no distinction of grains and was indifferent. He was not so shameless.

The shameless child Nie Zheyu, who pretended not to know, was being fed by his mother. The food was fragrant and his big eyes were bent into threads. This is his gentle pampering. Every time he eats the fish, he feels super delicious. It is more than the tenderest fish that the people below pay tribute to him when he was the emperor, and the top chefs did more. He likes it.

Hey, it can only be said that His Royal Highness, who is still a teenager, is still too tender after all, incomparable with the pseudo-dumplings of human beings, and the skin thickness is still not good enough for practice.

"This piece of fish bones are few." After a while, a piece of chopsticks was put down from the plate of His Highness the Third Prince.

"Thank you madam."

"After dinner, I will take you to the martial arts field. In the back area, the place is very big. Bai Yan is a scholar. Does he usually ride a horse and shoot arrows?"

It is a rare thing for His Royal Highness to eat in this way and chat leisurely about some unnecessary topics.

"Yes, I will practice some. I have been in contact since I was young."

"Wow, then Bai Yan is both civil and military."

Nie Zheyu's small chin proudly closed, his small body straightened, but no, he was good when he was a child, and he is also good when he grows up, whether it is Biwen or martial arts.

But the child Nie Zheyu was only proud for a second, and then he saw the opposite, the guy smiled with restraint.

Little friend Nie Zheyu:...

This is not him.

After a meal, the three princes ate the slight support, and the satisfaction in the abdomen was also transferred to the emotions.

After eating, I didn't go to the martial arts field right away.

"Xiao Yu'er is now studying with Master Xia. She is very happy and progresses quickly. We have to Xie Baiyan to introduce Xia Juren to us. If it weren't for Bai Yan, we don't know Xia Juren."

His Royal Highness the third prince smiled and said: "It's okay, Madam, you are welcome."

The kid Nie Zheyu secretly turned his lips down.

"Is Bai Yan going to end the imperial examination in the future?"


Qiu Yunwei is not surprised. Li Editor's family is not considered to be a big family, and finding a way on his own will not have a good future. For such a scholarly family, the students of the family must still try the road of imperial examination.

His Royal Highness the third prince also asked, "Will Yu'er also ask him for scientific research in the future?"

The kid Nie Zheyu almost didn't get goose bumps on his arm. His mother called him Yu'er. Xiao Yu'er was nothing. When this person called out, why was it so disgusting?

Qiu Yunwei said, "Well, let's take a look later. It's still young now. No matter whether you need to walk the single-plank bridge in the future, you still have to read the book now."

"Xia Juren said that Yu'er is very talented, and maybe he can get a champion in the future."

Qiu Yunwei smiled and said: "Haha, I can't ask for this. There are so many scholars in Da Zhou, and there are so many talents. I will look at the future. I used to think that as long as he can grow up healthy and healthy, he can live independently. It's good now."

The smile on His Royal Highness's face faded a little, and soon returned to normal.

I'm a little jealous.

A very simple and easy-to-satisfy wish, but a pure wish belonging to the mother, without any other wish.

No one noticed the abnormality of His Highness the Three Princes at that moment, and quickly flashed past, and he quickly remembered that this little dwarf was diagnosed as a little fool when he was young.

No wonder this lady is so spoiled and soft-hearted to him.

But along with the thought of what was written in the information, the little fool was back to normal because of the patience of the lady.

Is a fateful little fool.

Qiu Yunwei wanted to talk about another thing, "I have bought several books in the bookstore, and they can be used during the imperial examination. I think there are scholars who are buying them. Would you like Bai Yan to see if you bought them? See if it works for you?"


Qiu Yunwei then went to the study to get a book, and the benefactor proposed that he wanted to go to the study directly, "Will it be inconvenient?"

"There is no inconvenience. I am not a court official, and there are any official documents that I can't read."

So the few people walked to the study together, and the three princes went in and saw two bookcases together, one tall and one short, and one could see who belonged to them at a glance.

Well, this was purchased specially for Xiao Yuer after he started to read officially.

Qiu Yunwei went to get the book, and the third prince also saw the full bookshelf. There were a lot of books, all neatly lined up and divided into categories.

There were several books that Qiu Yunwei said were necessary for the imperial examination, but she had read through them, with bookmarks in them.

The third prince opened the book and asked curiously, "Why did the madam still buy these books for imperial examinations? You can't use them at home, right?"

Qiu Yunwei said embarrassedly: "I just want to see, Xiao Yu'er, I personally don't want him to go to the military in the future. If the imperial examination is so difficult, I will try my best."

It's even more difficult than they used to do in the college entrance examination. This is once every three years in the country. In addition to the competition among candidates who have previously failed the exam, let alone the fierce competition.

And some of the exam questions are very tricky, and they are all liberal arts questions. If their family Xiaoyuer is actually a science seedling, if they fail to get a famous exam for decades, then they can't just die in the imperial examination.

Almost do your best.

Little friend Nie Zheyu heard his mother frown and said it was difficult, and a smile flashed in his eyes, and a gentle emotion overflowed from the bottom of his eyes.

On the other hand, the slender fingers of the young man who turned the book paused and continued, but the words on the book were not clear for a while.

Because of something that happened more than ten years later, I went to buy an imperial examination book and read it in person? After that, I came to a conclusion. I said it was difficult for that child first, so I just tried my best?

The benevolence of a woman, just like this, how can you become a talent?

Therefore, someone else must come to help.