Chapter 57

Qiu Yunwei asked the third prince: "Is it useful? You can take all these with you."

The third prince looked up and smiled and said: "It's useful, thank you Madam, then I'm not welcome."

My eyes swept across the bookshelf again, and there were a lot of textbooks, agricultural books, local chronicles, miscellaneous notes, and classic poems that readers must read.

Heh, I also saw some of the paintings that Qiu Yunwei drew casually. They were still not very good painting skills and were thrown away in the painting basket.

Seeing the little boy looking at that, Qiu Yunwei rolled the scroll again with embarrassment, "I'm just laughing, I don't paint well, and I'm always rejected by the painter, so I paint and play at home."

There is little entertainment in this place, so I want to learn a few things, and I also want to be able to use a paintbrush as a camera in my hand, but the gap between ideal and reality is so big.

The painter who invited her to teach her was not good at all and despised what she could see.

Little friend Nie Zheyu said: "No, the paintings my mother painted are very interesting, and my mother is improving faster and faster, just like Yuer's calligraphy."

Qiu Yunwei smiled and touched Nie Zheyu's head: "Well, let's study and make progress together."

His Royal Highness the Three Princes went to the painting basket and opened the painting on the Qiu Yun Weigang scroll, "It's not bad. Although there is still a lack of skills, but the use of color, and the manner of grasping are very vivid. Spiritual."

Ah? Qiu Yunwei looked at His Royal Highness the Third Prince suspiciously. Is this true? Why doesn't she know so many advantages? The painter has never boasted.

But judging from the sincere look of this young man, the gentleman's good young man doesn't seem to be a liar.

Little friend Nie Zheyu twitched the corner of his mouth, looking up at the shamelessness with contempt.

That's not what this shameless said last time.

Coming out of the study, Qiu Yunwei said, "Why don't I make you ice fruit?"

Little friend Nie Zheyu is a little entangled. Qiu Yunwei usually doesn't let him eat more of this. Only three or four days later, he only eats a small amount. Now he wants to eat this for him. He naturally wants it, but he doesn't want the person on the other side to eat it. superior.

But the third prince once again preemptively said: "Okay."

Well, little friend Nie Zheyu glared. He really didn't remember that he had been like this at that time. He was definitely not like this.

So shameless, what about your prince's arrogance?

Are you fussy and fussy?

Qiu Yunwei let them play for a while, she went to get ice fruit, and the child Nie Zheyu said with a small chest and said that it was okay, he would be good to entertain the guests.

As soon as Qiu Yunwei left, Nie Zheyu smiled politely to the third prince, "Would you like to play with our Dahei? Our Dahei is very relative and loves to play with people the most."

"Come here, Dahei Dahei, come and treat the guests, stretch out your claws."

The big black dog with its tongue out slammed over and squatted on the ground, with its big tail flicking and flicking behind it, and then sticking out its right paw obediently.

He is a good obedient dog. Although he is a little bigger, he is also very cute.

"Master Bai Yan? Da Hei wants to hold a claw with you, he likes you, please reach out."

The three princes tortoise feathers that Nie Zheyu's child slandered were not wrong. His Highness's eyes fell on the dog's paw, and he couldn't help thinking about how long the dog's paw had been on the ground and how long the dog hadn't been bathed. .

His Royal Highness the Three Princes now wants to put a handkerchief on his hand.

Little friend Nie Zheyu had a lot of time to watch the three princes, and the corners of his mouth ran up uncontrollably, and even grabbed the hands of the three princes and sent them to the paws of the dog, saying enthusiastically: "Don't be afraid, it doesn't bite, it's obedient. "

As soon as the furry claws touched their hands, His Royal Highness could not help but want to withdraw his hands.

The corners of Nie Zheyu's mouth were raised high, and the excitement in his voice could not be concealed, "Da Hei, jump one."

Da Hei is a good obedient dog. He stood up with two paws and rushed to the third prince. He was very enthusiastic. He stood upright and hugged people with his paws, and wanted to wash his face with his big tongue.

! ! !

For a big thing that came over so suddenly, fortunately, His Highness the Third Prince hid quickly, the dog's saliva did not lick his face, but it also licked his chest.

His Royal Highness the Three Princes had a numb scalp, panicking like never before.

I don't know how to break free, anyway, after the chaos and embarrassment, the enthusiastic dog finally was hardly pushed to the ground by the three princes with two hands.

And this enthusiastic silly dog ​​didn't understand the murderous aura in the eyes of His Highness the Third Prince, and he jumped up enthusiastically and had to give His Highness a face-wash kiss.

Seeing that this stupid dog was completely pressed on the ground, and completely lost all hope, after watching a big show, the happy little friend Nie Zheyu said: "Hey, Da Hei, why are you so disobedient? I want you to be a man. Young Master Yan performed a jump stand, why did he jump on his body."

"How many times have I told you, no relatives, stupid dog!"

The big black dog's brown eyes were innocent, and he started to get excited again when he heard the word jumping up, as if someone had pressed the switch again.

He increased his strength to press the dog to the ground, and the blue veins on the forehead of the three princes jumped. Looking at the little dwarf who was frowning and scolding the big black dog, the three princes slowly pulled out a smile.

good very good.

This little dwarf is very nice.

Take a deep breath and don't hit anyone.

Laugh again, laugh again, at least now, here, you can't beat this brat.

The kid Nie Zheyu found a piece of dried meat as a reward to Da Hei, and said, "Da Hei, go and play with Da Bai by yourself. Don't play with you, you are not obedient."

He said to His Royal Highness the Third Prince: "Prince Bai Yan, you can throw it away."

His Royal Highness the Three Princes let go on guard, as long as the dog still rushes, he is ready to push it down at any time.

But in fact, this big black is very human. He swallowed the jerky and flicked his tail out of the house.

And the Three Princes couldn't stand it for a second, so he was busy wiping his face with a handkerchief and slapped his clothes, feeling quite bad.

Nie Zheyu said leisurely: "Our Dahei is good everywhere, but it's too enthusiastic. I will let my Ali come to pick up the guests. Ali is reserved, and the fat guy can't run anymore."

He said that he was going to hug the fat cat. This fat cat can shed more hair than the stupid dog. Little friend Nie Zheyu usually doesn't like to hug the fat cat, but now he can hold back his disgust and hug it reluctantly.

However, His Royal Highness immediately stopped and said: "No, no need, I'm thirsty now, just drink some water."

"Oh, the water is there. Pour it by yourself. You are welcome. Don't play with Ari?" Little friend Nie Zheyu said regretfully, "I promised my mother to treat you well. Our family Ari is very fun, hairy. Yes, my mother loves to hold it every day."

Having said that, the little friend Nie Zheyu looked at the group of fat cats with a contemptuous look. It's best to lose all hair and become bald. See how it always sells lust?

This clingy cat is better than that stupid dog. Nie Zheyu despises this creature that only eats, sleeps and plays.

The third prince smiled cordially, and couldn't hear the meaning of gritted teeth at all, "It's really not necessary."

When Qiu Yunwei came back, she saw the two people in the room sitting and drinking tea. They were friendly, and she didn't know what was going on in the middle of the chaos.

The three princes now even have neat hair, and they are also handsome young men, and the child Nie Zheyu is also a well-behaved child, and the two are courteous and friendly.

Put three ice fruits on the table, one for each, one big for Qiu Yunwei and the third prince, and the small one for Nie Zheyu.

The refreshing fruit is a great pleasure to eat in the summer. It is refreshing and sweet, and the whole body is refreshing and refreshing after a bite. It is delicious.

The more Nie Zheyu is supervised by others, the more he loves to eat this. He cherishes such a small portion, even if he cherishes it, he eats it quickly.

After taking the lead in eating, his small eyes were greedy.


His Royal Highness the Three Princes smiled slightly and said to Qiu Yunwei: "I still have mine. Give him some."

Qiu Yunwei didn't look at the pitiful eyes of the child Nie Zheyu, and didn't raise her head: "No, I forgot about your stomachache last time after eating too much."

I finally saw Qiu Yunwei sternly, but the little boy's aegyo and the lady's "stone heart" were not so pleasant.

The fruit in the mouth is not ripe enough and a little sour.

Qiu Yunwei said to the third prince: "Don't worry about him, you can eat it yourself."

His Royal Highness the three princes smiled'friendly' to the little dwarf, and cast a helpless look at him. Little friend Nie Zheyu dismissed this guy's pretense.

When he was scared of what was left in his bowl.

He wants to come to a new bowl, although he knows it is unlikely, but what if, and this is he playing with Qiu Yunwei acting like a baby, this pretentious person doesn't understand.

Little friend Nie Zheyu looked at his empty bowl again with regret. The melon I just ate was sweet and sweet, cool and delicious, but it was only two bucks, and I lost it in two bites.

I went to the martial arts field. It was not so hot outside. Qiu Yunwei took the third prince to go there. Then Qiu Yunwei found that this young man was not a scholar, but he was good at riding or archery.

Naturally, Qiu Yunwei did not hesitate to praise her. This benefactor young man has a good character, and he is a good boy who can learn the arts and martial arts.

The kid Nie Zheyu saw this guy not only performing long-distance archery at the flat ground station, but also showing off shooting arrows from the horse while riding a horse. His mother applauded and applauded the people with bright eyes.

This product is so short of applause? Isn't there not enough flattering around?

And ran to a woman's house to show off those two brushes?


The young boy stopped the horse in a very chic and beautiful posture, and then turned over from the horse very neatly with the bow.

Such a self-confident young man is very dazzling and awesome.

Qiu Yunwei's palm was almost red, and she gave her both hands a thumbs up.

His Royal Highness the Three Princes smiled and walked towards Qiu Yunwei and Nie Zheyu with a bow, and asked Qiu Yunwei, "What does this mean?"

Q Although asked like this, His Highness the Third Prince can guess from Qiu Yunwei's full praise that it must be positive.

Sure enough, I was satisfied to hear Qiu Yunwei say: "It means very good, very powerful. I didn't expect Young Master Bai Yan to be so good at archery on horseback."

His Royal Highness the three princes smiled and accepted the praise.

And the kid Nie Zheyu looked down at his short legs, and then at the small bow in his hand. Now he must be the first to gain the limelight.

Moreover, this kid is not over after such a show, he also walked to the various weapons next to him, playing each one, a red tassel gun was played by this kid with great momentum.

But the little friend Nie Zheyu is not as tall as it is now, let alone any imposing attitude.

"Xiao Yu'er learned boxing from his uncle, and insisted on practicing every day, which is also very powerful."

The third prince was very interested and said: "Well, Marshal Nie taught it? That's pretty good. Would I be lucky enough to have a look."

This product is very good at changing concepts. To him, Nie Changfeng is very good, not him. Moreover, letting a small beanie play boxing, no matter how good it is, the small body will greatly reduce the effect, and it can even look naive.

Perhaps it was prejudiced first, anyway, little friend Nie Zheyu felt that the guy who was waiting for him to punch with great interest was not good-natured.

But can Nie Zheyu kid him? can not.

With a small face, he finished a set of punches vigorously. Although his body is small, the expressions of the children are very solemn and true, and every movement is very sharp and powerful.

The child Nie Zheyu closed his fist and raised his chin to the third prince. He didn't believe that this guy could still find an angle.

No, the three princes even boasted, but how can little friend Nie Zheyu not hear the perfunctory, well, who is it rare?

The child Nie Zheyu rubbed against Qiu Yunwei, tilted his head up and asked Qiu Yunwei to wipe a little sweat on him, and his eyes sparkled for praise.

"Has Yu'er performed well just now?"

"Of course, it's great." If the child is doing well, of course he has to boast.

The third prince smiled and said: "This kind of thing must be practiced every day. Even if I don't take the martial arts, I will keep fit. This has been the case since I was a child. The cold winter and heat have never been interrupted for a day, and now I rarely do. Get ill."

"The skill is also one point better than ordinary people. In case of danger, if you don't say that you can defend against the enemy, you can also fight for yourself.

Qiu Yunwei nodded approvingly, the young man Li is really good, he has a high level of consciousness, and suffers from self-discipline.

Then the third prince, who was very able to endure the hardship, suggested to Qiu Yunwei again: "Marshal Nie has not been in Beijing for a long time. Yu'er did it by himself? I have a martial arts master here, although he is not better than Nie. The marshal, but also very good, or let him come to the mansion every day to teach Yuer. It would be better if there is a martial arts master watching him nearby."

"Huh?" During this conversation, the little son recommended a master again, and Qiu Yunwei hesitated: "Then let the master try?"

Little friend Nie Zheyu is very calm, try and try, will he be scared?

This matter is set aside for the time being.

With a little smile in his eyes, His Royal Highness the Three Princes stretched out his hand to another weapon. There was a word called "Forgetfulness", and another word called "Le ji sheng sorrow". Maybe it is not so appropriate, but you can use it for now.

His Royal Highness the third prince picked an epee and wanted to play a trick again, but he was fine when he was doing it, but he tripped over when he was picking up the sword.

He deserves to be unlucky. The place they are standing on is not on the soft ground just now, but on a flat bluestone slab. He has stepped on a stone that slipped through the net without knowing where it came from.

It would be fine if he didn't hold the epee in his hand, but the current situation is that the third prince staggered and was directly carried by the epee and planted on the ground.

Just now he was still admiring the young boy's vigorous and heroic Qiu Yunwei, and she was stunned to see the sudden change in the style of painting, the little boy had already hissed, and his elbows were firmly on the ground.