Chapter 62

She didn't say anything, did she? Why is this young man still wronged?

He just asked if the boy had a cold, and he didn't mean to doubt the boy.

The boy coughed, and was quickly suppressed by him.

Qiu Yunwei looked at the boy's reluctance to cough, and said, "Since she has a cold, she wears so little to run around in the morning."

The boy lowered his head and said in a low voice, "It's not running around, Madam is angry with me and wants to apologize to Madam."

Qiu Yunwei:...

Alas, the appearance of this teenager's head and brain is hard to harden his heart. Qiu Yunwei sighed again and said, "Then go back to drink ginger soup, um, maybe let the imperial doctor show you."

After hearing these words, the stubborn teenager finally saw the corners of his mouth curl up a little, and said happily, "Hey, listen to you."

Such a boy makes Qiu Yunwei really at a loss what to do.

I want to stay away, but I can't help but feel soft.

The kid Nie Zheyu who was left in the camp was very boring, very boring. Qiu Yunwei was not there, and he didn't want to go out, flipping through the books brought by his mother in the camp, but time still passed.

I don't know what's going on with my mother? My mother's archery skills are poor, if you can't shoot anything, don't lose face.

Qiu Yunwei, who was cared by the little friend Nie Zheyu, followed behind the emperor, and still hasn't released a single arrow.

The rise of Emperor Yanqing's own hunting finally remembered Qiu Yunwei, who had been left behind by him: "Medical Enbo, don't keep lingering behind, hurry up, come next prey, don't say I bully."

Qiu Yunwei rode forward, and Emperor Yanqing met the prey again so that Qiu Yunwei came first, but Qiu Yunwei's ability to shoot living creatures, that is, one arrow out of five arrows is good, and that An arrow may not be able to knock down the prey, and someone has to make up the arrow again.

"Yun Bo is not good at shooting and hunting. You can practice more in the future. People in Nie's mansion can't be bad at shooting and hunting on horseback." Emperor Yanqing said this, and then let Qiu Yunwei continue to shoot because he found out again. New fun-every time Qiu Yunwei alarms the prey, he can still shoot the prey, which increases the difficulty and demonstrates his archery skills.

So Qiu Yunwei has been with the emperor all the time, and it can't be soy sauce, and the third prince has always been not far from Qiu Yunwei.

At the moment when the emperor was attacked, Qiu Yunwei didn't have time to be surprised at the sudden emergence of a group of masked men in black, so she could only drive her horse as close as possible to the center circle of the emperor.

Those who can follow the emperor are all top masters, but those who can do the assassination are not good. For a while, the scene is extremely chaotic, with swords and swords shadows, and arrows flying randomly.


Accompanied by the young man's voice was a flying long arrow, but the long arrow did not fly to Qiu Yunwei's body, and was caught in a white palm. The young man's hand had not yet grown into an adult's. It was so wide, but it was especially powerful at this time. The tail of the arrow was held firmly in that hand and could not move any further, but that hand began to tick and drop red blood beads.

Following Qiu Yunwei's fuzhong guard also retracted the sword that blocked the arrow, and started to swing other arrow rains in another direction.

But Qiu Yunwei was anxious when she saw the boy's situation, but she was startled again by the horse she was riding. The boy's voice was calm at this time, "Don't panic, get off the horse."

After Qiu Yunwei dismounted, the boy pulled her behind.

Among them, Qiu Yunwei's skill is the worst, but the guards are also protecting the emperor. At most, the three princes, the emperor's nobleman, Qiu Yunwei, a small doctor, can Can't take care of her.

As for Qiu Yunwei, there were only two guards from her mansion. At this time, Qiu Yunwei was standing with the third prince, and they were also exposed, and even the guards who guarded the third prince gave her to him. Protected.

The figure of the young man is still thin, but he has been standing in front of her, his face is calm, blood still oozes out of the sword swinging hand, but every sword is fast and cruel.

It was not at all the same as the happy and flying look on the martial arts field in their home. The boy was cold and cruel at this time, blood splashed on the boy Ruyu's face, and the boy's complexion remained unchanged.

Although the figure was thin, standing there, it was able to shelter people from the wind and rain, not a single arrow shot from his direction towards Qiu Yunwei behind him.

When Nie Zheyu heard the emperor being attacked in the tent, the cup in his hand fell to the ground and ran out quickly.

No one can tell him what the situation is, no one can tell him if Qiu Yunwei is injured.

The fear that I have never had in my two lives, even when I was attacked into the palace in my previous life.

Qiu Yunwei persisted on their side for a long time, and finally persisted until the arrival of reinforcements.

They could finally catch their breath. Qiu Yunwei grabbed the young man's hand. The young man's hand was also thin. The skin of the hand scratched by the arrow was torn, and the blood still did not stop. Holding the long sword for a long time, the flesh and blood were blurred. Looked at this kind of horrible feeling.

Qiu Yunwei hurts when she looks at it, but this young man has always been like a okay person.

Qiu Yunwei cut off a corner of her clothes with a sword, "Did you bring medicine for injury?"

The teenager took out the medicine bottle and gave it to Qiu Yunwei, who frowned and gave the teenager the medicine and bandaged it.

The boy turned pale, but said in his mouth: "Nothing."

Nothing, nothing, this boy always said that.

The boy's hands were thickly wrapped, Qiu Yunwei raised her head and looked at the boy, "How can there be nothing wrong with so much blood? Pain is pain."

The young man's strength just now disappeared, and he became a young man she was familiar with. Looking at her, his long eyelashes trembled, and his eyes seemed to be aggrieved.

The boy's mouth was tightly pressed and did not speak. Qiu Yunwei looked into the boy's eyes, but she seemed to hear the boy's grievances and whispered that it hurts.

Qiu Yunwei sighed, raised her hand and rubbed the boy's head.

She seems to have sighed a lot in the past two days.

This time it was different from before.

Soft and helpless.

"Don't be so stupid next time, just protect yourself."

The third prince looked at his bandaged hand, and the eyes that were blocked by thick eyelashes were clearly disappearing. When he saw the arrow flying away, his hand was already stretched out.

In fact, a selfish person like him, in the palace, father is not father, brother is not brother, so-called relatives and friends have no one in his heart. In this world, only himself is considered. Even if he is cruel to himself, it is for his own sake. Ambition cannot be for another person.

But when he stretched out his hand that moment, what was he thinking?

How could he hurt himself because of another person?

The third prince raised his eyes to Qiu Yunwei. At that moment, the silly person seemed to be controlled by someone.

The man's eyes were gentle, the eyes that fell on him were pity and helplessness, the hand on the top of the hair was also warm, gently, the third prince was looked at by such a gaze, and suddenly he was at a loss and staggered his gaze. "It's just a casual move, nothing."

Qiu Yunwei remembered that this person helped her and Xiao Yu'er avoid being trampled on by a random horse at that time. When she went to thank him, he said the same.

But at that time, his guards shot, and no one was injured.

But this time it was his own hand that was injured, and in the rain of arrows, it was the boy who pulled her behind him.

But no matter what he did, the boy said it was so calm and calm, Qiu Yunwei shook helplessly, and withdrew her hand from the top of the boy's hair.

Qiu Yunwei retracted her hand, and the third prince, who had been stiff and afraid to move, also breathed out quietly, but felt so regretful in her heart for no reason.

Before Qiu Yunwei and the others left the woods, Qiu Yunwei saw Xiao Yu'er first. Xiao Yu'er and the guard rode together, looking straight ahead, without a trace of expression on her little face.

At first glance, it was extremely cold, that is, when Xiao Yuer was still unable to speak, even though she had no expression at that time, it was not like she is now. She looked like she could directly pierce people.

Qiu Yunwei had never seen Xiao Yu'er like this before, and she was stunned for a moment.

It made her think that just now in that chaos, she was also a young man with a cold expression holding a sword and beheading people.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that the children of their family also found her. In an instant, everything just disappeared like an illusion. The children of their family looked at her with red eyes.

The kid climbed down from the horse and made Qiu Yunwei anxious: "Yu'er, don't move."

But the children had already got off the high horse, and it seemed like nothing happened if they fell, so they ran towards them.

Qiu Yunwei got off the horse, and before she took a few steps, the children rushed to the front like a whirlwind, and then Qiu Yunwei was hugged tightly by her waist.

Qiu Yunwei patted their Xiao Yuer's back again and again, "Mother is okay, Yu'er is okay."

It took a long time for Xiao Yu'er to let go of the hands that held his mother's waist tightly, and his eyes were red.

Their children have never cried, and Qiu Yunwei knew that Xiao Yuer was scared.

Qiu Yunwei turned around to check on her children, and smiled at Xiao Yuer: "Look, mother is not injured, mother is fine."

Xiao Yu'er tightly grasped Qiu Yunwei's hand and hummed through his nose. He was worried that there would be tremolo from his mouth.

At this time the emperor and the others were already ahead, and Qiu Yunwei also took Xiao Yu'er to her own horse and went back.

There was also chaos after I went back. The royal hunting ground is good. The emperor is going out to play in the past few days. Safety is a top priority, so why did those people in black pop up?

What's in it, the crime of slaying the king, the wrath of the king, I don't know how many people are unlucky.

But those things are not something Qiu Yunwei can deal with, Xiao Yuer grabbed Qiu Yunwei's hand again, and now Qiu Yunwei and Xiao Yuer are going to the third prince to see his situation.

The emperor did not suffer any injuries. He was standing in the camp of the third prince, watching the emperor change the medicine for the third prince.

The imperial doctor insulted a lot. Although it was serious, the third prince looked miserable on this hand. It was a skin injury. Fortunately, it did not hurt the bones. The medicine used before was a good medicine. It will be fine in ten to twenty days.

It may leave scars, but for men, leaving some scars, but also scars in the palm of the hand, it's nothing. He also has scar removal medicine here, and insists on applying it. After a long time, the scar will not stay.

But it's just one thing. I can't do anything with this hand for 10 or 20 days. It's still the right hand that hurts, which is something wrong.

After the long-winded doctor withdrew from Luo Li, Emperor Yanqing looked at the female cyan cloth that had been removed from the hands of the third prince, and suddenly said, "How can I save Madam Nie?"

The third prince said casually: "It's not a rescue, but she helped a hand. She is a weak woman among us. As a man, I can't turn a blind eye."

The emperor looked at the three princes with some scrutiny, but the three princes seemed unconscious.

After a while, the emperor said: "Why can't you? Where are you so pedantic? The book doesn't tell you to just do it. Remember, you are the emperor and stupid."

Although his mouth was teaching, the temperature on Emperor Yanqing's body rose a little.

"But Mrs. Nie is indeed best not to have an accident. Have you noticed the skill of the two guards next to her today?"

The third prince moved his fingers and raised his heart again, "Good skill."

Emperor Yanqing: "It's more than good. I don't think it is worse than our Guards. I can't say that I can rank in the forefront of the Guards. I knew that Nie's family was well trained, but I didn't know that Mrs. Nie was still placed next to him. Master."

"It seems that I still underestimated the extent to which the Nie family protects the calf. The importance of Mrs. Nie is more important than I thought."

The three princes only listened quietly to Emperor Yanqing's seemingly self-talking words, did not speak, and did not fluctuate in his face.