Chapter 63

When Qiu Yunwei came with Xiao Yu'er, she knew that Emperor Yanqing was inside and wanted to leave, but saw Emperor Yanqing come out from inside, "Yi Enbo is here to see the third child, come in."

"Today also made you follow me frightened."

Qiu Yunwei said that she didn't dare, and then she thanked him again. Xie Huang's imperial guard, Xie Third Prince and so on, said something.

After finishing the mixed words, Emperor Yanqing looked at the little friend Nie Zheyu.

"Nie Changfeng's nephew?"

Qiu Yunwei nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Yes, Chen's youngest son."

The emperor Lang said with a smile: "Okay, it's good, looking clever and smart, when we grow up, we will add a beam to the Great Week."

In front of his much younger father, Nie Zheyu's mood did not fluctuate much. He saw it in the crowd yesterday, but when he first saw it, he just felt that the face of the father looked a little stranger and younger. Then again, and then again, it seems that I didn't think of anything else.

For him, the emperor father is more the emperor than the father.

When I saw Emperor Yanqing this time, Xiao Yuer calmly followed Qiu Yunwei to salute him, properly pretending to be a little child's fear and restraint, but there was no wave in his heart.

Emperor Yanqing said again: "I have something to do, you can go in and see the third child."

The three princes inside had already heard the movement outside, and had been listening with their ears on their ears.

At this time, I heard that someone was about to come in, first immediately put the injured hand on the table, and felt wrong, but did not immediately change it.

The moment Qiu Yunwei came into her sight, she suddenly put her injured right hand to her side as if inadvertently, and stood up with bright eyes with joy.

When I stood up, there was a hint of joy in his tone: "Why did the madam come here? I should rest more."

When the teenager spoke, the injured hand naturally hid behind her back, and Qiu Yunwei could only see the white cloth covering her hand.

The youth's face was still lacking blood in Qiu Yunwei's eyes, and Qiu Yunwei said: "This is what you are talking about. You have a cold and you are tired again, so you need to rest more."

Qiu Yunwei glanced at the soft couch on that side, "You rest, I'll take a look."

The corners of the boy's mouth bend upwards, "Ah!"

Then he sat on the soft couch like a good baby.

How can such a teenager make people feel reluctant?

Qiu Yunwei looked at the right hand that was blocked by the boy, and sighed again: "Let me take a look at your hand."

The young man said, "It's okay."

"Let me see if you have anything to do."

The third prince slowly stretched out his hand, but a little smile appeared in his eyes. This time it was not a disguise, but it was natural that he hadn't noticed.

Such an unceremonious tone made him happy.

The boy's hand has been bandaged again, and the blood and blood is no longer visible, but Qiu Yunwei always feels pain when she looks at it, especially the boy is smiling nonchalantly.

"What did the doctor say?"

"It's okay, it's just skin and flesh injuries. It's said that it will be healed in ten days. It will not affect anything. At most, it will leave a scar. The man has a scar and it is okay."

Qiu Yunwei said: "Really?" I remembered it again immediately: "No, there is no other meaning, that is, you always report the good and not the worry."

The boy smiled again, like the gentle sunshine from the clouds, "Well, I know."

The child Nie Zheyu had a sense of crisis in his heart, and he hurriedly stepped forward to let those who have been watching his mother notice his presence.

The child Nie Zheyu grabbed the third prince's hand and said, "His Royal Highness's hand was injured. My mother said that His Highness saved my mother."

The third prince was grabbed by someone, and the boy's movements did not make him feel pain, but goose bumps appeared on his body for a moment.

Forbearing without pulling his hands away, the third prince said: "It's not that serious, it's just a matter of effort."

The little friend Nie Zheyu nodded, "That is to save my mother, thank you, Your Highness, Yu'er, it doesn't hurt."

The little guy lowered his head, bulged his mouth, and blew towards the bandaged hand. It was very warm and warm, just as Qiu Yunwei watched this scene softly.

Their little jelly beans are always like this, which makes people feel warm.

But the third prince could not laugh. Goose bumps really appeared this time, and he looked suspiciously at the turning boy.

Finally drew his hand out, smiled stiffly: "Thank you Yuer, I don't hurt anymore."

Xiao Yu'er has big eyes and sincerely: "Today, the three high priests rescued my mother, and my mother came back safely. Yu'er is very happy and thankful. Yu'er will not forget."

The third prince looked down at him, and couldn't tell the truth of this little guy for a while.

Fortunately, this little boy is good at him. His Royal Highness made him laugh naturally, and touched the little boy's head with the other hand, but that's just that, gently He took it away as soon as he touched it, and rubbed the hand on the clothes without a trace.

In fact, the little friend Nie Zheyu didn't get any better, and he restrained himself from showing disgust on his face.

"His Royal Highness must take care of his injuries, hurry up."

His Royal Highness the third prince also bends down slightly and smiles gently at the child, "Okay."

Little friend Nie Zheyu with a sincere face, thank you for being true. He has never been scared today. When he sees the peaceful Qiu Yunwei, he is overwhelmingly grateful.

But this kind of truth is far from what the three princes thought would be used by him in the future, making him give up his plan of usurping the throne?

Do not! Don't be so naive! That is impossible.

In my heart, I remembered the grace of the third prince to help this time. Although in the hearts of Nie Zheyu, the third prince's hand was not pure. Based on his understanding of this person, it would be strange if he didn't think otherwise. May save one person purely? impossible.

But no matter whether he thought carefully, Qiu Yunwei came back safely, and the little friend Nie Zheyu wrote down this kindness.

However, although the gratitude is true, child Nie Zheyu also dislikes the actions that are not for the third prince. He also knows that it will not be happy for him. Meeting the diaphragm should be.

Those are all used for show in front of Qiu Yunwei.

A medicine boy outside the door brought the medicine, and he was hesitant to come in. The third prince nodded to the medicine boy invisible.

Liu Fu, who had been standing at the corner of the camp like an invisible man, took the medicine and walked to their third princes and said: "His Royal Highness should take the medicine, the doctor said, if you want to think about the injury quickly, you have to take the medicine, although It's a bit bitter, but your Royal Highness has to drink them too."

"Drink this, and you have to drink it as soon as possible when there are wind-cold medicine."

The third prince frowned and looked at the concoction that Liu Fu had handed over with a spoon. He didn't move at all: "Where is there so many words?! I'm not without hands, you put the medicine down."

Liu Fu smiled in his heart and put the medicine on the square table two steps away next to the collapse. He was not panicked, and a little bit proud. Does his master really think he talks too much? Would he not know?

"Then the master must drink it while it's hot. The emperor said it's a drink."

When the third prince frowned again, Liu Fu retreated to the corner.

Not only did Liu Fu know that the three princes didn't dislike him for talking too much at all, but the little friend Nie Zheyu knew the master and servant even more, and at a glance he could see the cooperating pretence of the master and servant.

Therefore, the little friend Nie Zheyu quickly took the medicine bowl one step ahead, held it in both hands, and returned to the third prince and said: "His Royal Highness, drink quickly, and I will carry it for you."

The third prince stiffened imperceptibly, and the boy Shui Lingling looked at his eyes so that his heart was blocked.

Qiu Yunwei smiled at their intimate Xiao Yu'er, but still smiled and said: "Yu'er, come mother."

Little friend Nie Zheyu shook his head hurriedly: "Yu'er is all right, just a bowl of medicine. Yu'er is now exercising every day. The iron ball that Master Zhao makes Yu'er exercise is heavier than this."

"Mother, Yu'er is a boy. You can't raise Yu'er. Yu'er will protect her when she grows up."

His Royal Highness the third prince listened to the childish voice of the little boy in his ear, and his eyebrows jumped. Now his hand hurts, but his ears hurt.

How can there be such a boy who can give people ecstasy anytime, anywhere? !

Boys can't be pampered because the three princes slandered Qiu Yunwei countless times in their hearts, but now that the boy's soft and greasy voice speaks out, the feeling of blockage in his heart has only doubled!

His Royal Highness the Three Princes already had a bad foreboding in his heart-no matter whether this little kid's attitude towards him has changed, whether it was before, now, or even in the future, this little kid can have a way to let him anytime, anywhere. Heart-stuck.

The three princes who are so heartbroken have to smile and thank the children: "Thank you Yu'er, Yu'er is so good."

The kid Nie Zheyu is holding the medicine bowl as a tray. The kid looks serious and sincere. If you don't feel soft in your heart, it can only show that you are too iron-hearted. His Royal Highness the Three Princes smiled and picked up the medicine spoon from I scooped the medicine in the medicine bowl and drank several mouthfuls.

When it felt like it was almost done, I could finally speak, "Yu'er, I will come by myself." Then he took the medicine bowl from the child Nie Zheyu's hand, and took it directly without a spoon and drank it.

A long time ago, he saw the mother-in-law of the four princesses feeding her a spoonful of medicine, and he felt silly at the time. Wouldn't it be more bitter to drink one spoonful of spoonful?

Now he knew it, that was really stupid.

Thinking about it now, the four princesses didn't want to be loved by the concubine Hui. Although the princesses were the biological daughters of concubine Hui, concubine Hui only saw her second prince who was expected to be the emperor.

Concubine Hui managed to marry the four princesses to the son of Prime Minister Xia. The son of Prime Minister Xia had a tyrannical temper. Although it was okay to cover up to the outside world, as long as you check it carefully, you would know that Prime Minister Xia's son's yard will receive ten from him. Every year after the age of two, there will be several young and beautiful maidservants missing.

Since the marriage of the four princesses, the sadness and haggardness on their faces have gradually become thinner, and even those who are not blind should be able to see it, but Concubine Hui has never said a word, and the two princes are still relatives to Prime Minister Xia. The son looked warm and close.

This is the royal family. Even if it is his own, he has seen more of the difference.

The three princes picked up the bowl one by one, but it was not really bitter.

Later, he already knew that Concubine Hui was just acting like a mother in front of his father, and she deliberately showed it to his father, but he had a good memory, and the scene at that time was always in his mind.

After all, neither Concubine Jin nor Concubine Cheng has even done anything before, especially when he was raised under the name of Concubine Jin, and often'being' sick, but Concubine Jin is not as smart and motherly as the concubine Hui. Looks like he can't even install it.

The third prince took the clean bowl from his mouth and smiled at Qiu Yunwei.

Qiu Yunwei took the bowl in the hands of the third prince and spread her other hand in front of him.

There is a sugar in the palm of the woman's hand?

Qiu Yunwei smiled: "Xiao Yuer's rations, can you taste it?"

Liu Fu, who was hiding in the corner, thought that his master would not eat sweets. He also wanted to talk about the things that were brought into his mouth, and that the things brought by other people must be tested for poison.

The third prince was taken aback, stretched out his white fingers, and carefully picked up the candy. Liu Fu in the corner saw the soft look on his master's face, and moved back again.

The child Nie Zheyu smiled innocent and generous, but actually wanted to take back the pine nut candy all at once.

It's not a pine nut candy problem, it's his mother's attitude toward this guy!

Yesterday this guy was thrown out of the circle by his mother, but today, it's not good, it's not good.

The pine nut candy entered the mouth, and the sweet taste quickly diminished the slight bitterness in the mouth. The three princes were unhappy, and the sweet but not greasy aroma of pine nut candy gradually filled every corner of the mouth, leaving the residue in the mouth. The last bit of bitterness disappeared.