Chapter 73

Shi Da rushed to Mingtai Temple with people, but after all he did not catch up, Qiu Yunwei had been taken away. Shi Er put a knife on the ground and did not fall. He pointed out the direction for Shi Da and the others with difficulty, "Quick!"

Yi Enhou is missing! The emperor was furious and ordered a strict investigation.

Suddenly, the capital of the capital city Yin, the governor of the central government, many people began to move, and all parties concerned, a team of people surrounded the mountain where Qiu Yunwei passed by when she disappeared.

Before the fragments of tea cups in Qimuduo's room were cleaned up, someone came to report that they were surrounded by people, not only for them, but also for other envoys from the coming week.

The faces of the people surrounding them were cold, watching their eyes full of hostility, suppressing anger.

In the past few years, the people of Dazhou have been better off. They praised the emperor Shengming for worrying about the people, and promoted the same good things for them, so that they can eat and dress warmly.

But they also know the importance of Yi Enhou. Yi Enhou first produced the high-yield rice and the sweet potato to save the people. Their Yi Enhou was their treasure in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Doctor Enhou who had brought them a good life was lost, or at this time, these people from Outland are the most suspicious.

Qi Muduo did not panic, but just asked if the traces were completely cleaned up, so that people should hide what should be hidden, and what should be withdrawn. The heart is more angry, because in Qi Muduo's eyes, it is now cooked. The ducks are all flying, and I don't know which person in this area broke his good deeds.

How can Qi Muduo, who is full of expectation, not angry?

Facing the Da Zhou officials who came to ask questions, Qi Mu Duo's straight face was full of concern and anxiety, and he asked if they needed help.

Da Zhou officials glanced suspiciously across the courtyard: "I need your cooperation. Let my people search this place and ask a few words."

Qi Muduo readily agreed, and he also accepted the Dazhou official's inquiry, "We will be returning in the next few days. We bought some things in Beijing to take back. Most of them were walking northward at Honghu Temple. There are many shops in that area of ​​the street."

"I ran into someone from Ranguo at the gate yesterday, and then sat with Tuoba Hong for a while."

"Is there anything unusual? I didn't see this, and I didn't hear any movement where they lived."

"You mean it's possible that the group of Ranguo did it?" Qi Muduo said, his eyes widened and angry.

The Dazhou official shook his head, "I'm investigating, no matter who did it, this is the realm of Dazhou. Your Majesty treats Doctor Enhou very seriously. All the passages outside the capital have been assigned manpower, so he will be difficult to fly."

Qi Mudu said: "Exactly, I hope that Yi Enhou will return soon. A few days ago, I have just discussed with your Majesty that Yi Enhou will help us plant grass seeds on the grassland. I am about to rush back to tell the patriarch this good news. After the patriarch agrees, we will be able to graze more sheep in the coming year, and Yi Enhou must not lose it."

"Which calf is so disrespectful to Doctor Enhou, don't let me know!"


The Dazhou official asked many things here in Qi Muduo, and finally stood up: "I need you to stay here for a few days."

Qi Muduo responded with a good attitude: "No problem."

When the official left, there were still a few people who stayed at Qi Muduo's residence, and Qi Muduo's expression became irritable after the Da Zhou official left.

He also wanted to know who picked the fruit. This time he was busy doing nothing. He didn't eat the meat and made him feel fishy.

When Yi Enhou had an accident, the three princes immediately stood up and took the initiative to take the matter over. At this time, he was personally leading the investigation.

Checking the map, arranging the focus of the search, and listening to the various news from the people below, the minds of the three princes did not stop for a moment, the graceful and luxurious, the royal family who was not surprised at this time, his face was gloomy as water.

And in the midst of all his busy schedule, he even went to meet someone in person.

In a side room, the window was not open, and it was wet and gloomy. A woman was pushed in. At this time, she was still yelling: "So courageous, do you know who I am?"

"Which yamen dog thing, you dare to do this, tell you to let me out quickly, I can't spare you!"

"Keep your dog eyes wide open, I am the daughter-in-law of Yushi Qiu's family, and my sister is a doctor!"

But when the sister-in-law of the Qiu family yelled like this, the person who was guarding the door turned on deaf ears, and took out the saber two steps forward, and scared the sister-in-law of the Qiu family back straight and fell to the ground.

"Your Highness!"

The sounds that sounded neatly, and the people who came in made Qiu's sister-in-law's heart stop beating in shock.

The sister-in-law of the Qiu family had never seen the third prince, but the names of the people around her, as well as the extravagant and imposing man she saw when she raised her head, let her know that things were not good.

A chair was put down in the dark room, moiré boots passed by her eyes, and the man who came in sat down three steps away from her, and the dark side room became more gloomy and stagnant.

This person spoke, his tone was flat but frightening, reminding people of the dark clouds that had accumulated before the storm, extremely depressing.

"Why stopped Yi Enhou today? Who instigated it?"

The sister-in-law of the Qiu family was scared in her heart, and said: "What are you talking about? My mother is sick, so the little girl is going home to visit."

"Don't challenge my patience. Believe me that your bones are not that hard. Either just say it, or you can remember it when it hurts."

This person's eyes looked like she was about to peel her skin and swallow her bones. The sister-in-law of Qiu's family who was sitting on the ground couldn't help but moved back again, her lips started to tremble, "It's really because my mother is coughing, and the little girl goes home to sit for a while Did something happen when I left?"

"Yi Enhou is missing, the emperor is furious, you should know the importance of Yi Enhou."

The sister-in-law of the Qiu family was surprised: "She is missing? She was fine when she left our house. It's none of my business."

"Don't tell me?" The third prince spread out his hand and was immediately handed a whip respectfully. Before the sister-in-law of the Qiu family could react, a whip was dropped from her body.

Severe pain immediately came from the flesh, and the sister-in-law of the Qiu family screamed. Where did a female stream like her pass this? When I saw someone being beaten, I didn't feel that it fell on me, she couldn't stand it at all.

Especially this person did such a thing, but there was no hideousness on his face. The sister-in-law of the Qiu family was screaming here, her body was trembling, and her tears were falling. She was extremely embarrassed, but the man with the whip was calm and dressed. The young man in suit is like looking at flowers in a leisurely courtyard.

Another whip brought the wind, and this time it was about to fall on her face. The sister-in-law of the Qiu family hurriedly raised her arms and hugged her head, collapsed and shouted: "I said, I said."

It was indeed someone who gave the sister-in-law of Qiu's advantage and asked her to take Qiu Yunwei home. "Really, she just said she wanted the younger sister to help her, she, she, yes, she just wanted the younger sister to help her. Just looking at the flowers, I didn't expect that, I didn't know that she would be disadvantageous to the little girl."

"I won't do bad things to the little girl, and I don't dare to do it. I still expect her to pull out her elder brother's nephew. What I said is true."

The third prince didn't comment on what she said, just let her continue to talk about that woman, to know everything about that woman.

Soon, someone rushed to the shop that Qiu's sister-in-law said with a portrait.

The sister-in-law of the Qiu family said: "She said that the flower is to be used as medicine to save her life. As long as the little girl can save the flower, her mother can't wait for her illness. I want to see the little girl and beg the little girl to do it. I think she is pitiful. I didn't expect her to hide her evil intentions."

The third prince handed the whip in his hand to the person behind: "Well, she is pitiful, so you just listen to her and take her back to the house as a maid?"

The sister-in-law of the Qiu family was taken aback for a moment, but before she could continue to speak, the third prince had already raised her foot and walked out of this gloomy room. The sister-in-law of the Qiu family was also busy getting up from the ground to follow out, but her sharp blade blocked the way.

The sister-in-law of the Qiu family hurriedly shouted at the back of the young man: "I have said it all, and what I said is true, let me go out."

But the man's figure didn't even stop, and then there was a bang. The two doors were closed abruptly, and the dark side room was even less bright. The sister-in-law of the Qiu family patted the door hard, but the door did not move, dim and gloomy. The room made Qiu's sister-in-law's fear intensified.

In her confusion, Qiu Yunwei only felt that she had passed many places and was still unstable. When she woke up, she still felt dangling. Not only was she dizzy, but the place was dangling.

It turned out that she was on a boat now, and someone lifted the curtain and entered, "Wake up?"

The visitor was dressed in gray clothes, very ordinary and low-key, but Qiu Yunwei looked into his eyes and could tell that this person was not an ordinary person.

But Qiu Yunwei looked carefully, but couldn't recognize who this person was.

Qiu Yunwei: "I woke up, who are you and what are you going to do?"

"What do you do? Don't worry, Yi Enhou, please be a guest, distinguished guest, guest. Can Yi Enhou be hungry? Let's eat first, and we will be able to get there in a few days."

Qiu Yunwei sat up, "Isn't this the way of hospitality? What about my son?"

The gray-clothed man said: "Your son is fine, as long as you leave with us safely, your son will always be fine."

"No, let me see him, or how would I believe you?"

"It's not that you don't want to see you. For safety's sake, your son is not with us. He can't see him now. He will naturally let you see him when he gets there." The gray-clothed man said lightly: "You are on my boat now, and there is no other choice if you don't believe me. Isn't it?"

The grey-clothed man calmed down again: "Don't worry, I'm not going to bring back an enemy, as long as you are honest, we will definitely not touch your son."

"eat first."

This person didn't treat me badly at the meal, but Qiu Yunwei had no appetite, and she also picked up the chopsticks, "Bei Ran, Nan Qi, Wa Ci, Ju Li, Silla, which country are you from?"

The man in gray smiled: "Guess."

"There are few waterways to Beiran and Wathorn, and the people in Beiran and Wathorn are not good at water, and don't like waterways. I don't think you are from Beiran and Wathorn."

"Hmm continue."

"Nanqi." With a sudden and determined cry, the man in gray made a flash of surprise, "How did you know?"

"Guess, I guess I guessed it right." Juli Elementary School is weak, it is difficult to bring her out of Dazhou, and Juli dare not offend Dazhou. And Silla, Silla has plenty of food, and the Lord of Silla is old and well-established, and it is unlikely that she will take a risk to grab her in Da Zhou.

The grey-clothed man smiled: "Well, you guessed it right. When we arrive in Nanqi, Dazhou can give you what we can give. You can rest assured that there are books in the house and let you pass the time."

But even if Qiu Yunwei has a book in her hand, how can she read it at this time?

When the grey-clothed man was called in, there was no impatient expression on his face. Instead, he asked with a good temper: "What's the matter with Yi Enhou?"

"Dizzy, uncomfortable in my stomach, I want to vomit." Qiu Yunwei's face was ugly, and after saying this, she really vomited.

The dirt on the ground finally made the gray-clothed man take a short step back, but it is different that people can do big things. Soon there was not a trace of color on the face, and Qiu Yunwei thoughtfully handed a glass of water to Qiu Yunwei.

But Qiu Yunwei herself was very disgusted. She covered her nose and wanted to vomit, and finally said to the gray-clothed man: "Can I go outside and blow a hair? I should be seasick. I have never been on a boat before. ."

The gray-clothed man glanced at Qiu Yunwei, still talking easily: "Yes."

Qiu Yunwei was sitting on the deck, reading a book, and there was a breeze blowing and the sun shining diagonally, as if she was playing leisurely, but in fact she did not take the contents of the book into her mind.

There was always someone staring behind her, and Qiu Yunwei said to them: "I don't know how to water, and I won't jump down." But the person staring at her didn't respond, and Qiu Yunwei didn't care.

It's just that Qiu Yunwei read the book for a long time. Later, even though they kept staring at people, they were not so vigilant, and Qiu Yunwei did not make any noise.

After dinner, Qiu Yunwei wanted to go outside to blow the air again, "After eating, I feel sick when I have something in my stomach."

The grey-clothed man still accepted, and gave her a thick dress, just as he said, treating her as a distinguished guest and sitting as a guest.

Qiu Yunwei said, "Thank you very much."

Standing on the deck, there was a lot of wind blowing, and the light was getting darker and darker. Qiu Yunwei's heart was tense and calmed down. Qiu Yunwei went to caress the wind-blown hair, and the veil in her hand fell outside the deck. .

However, it was caught by a hand in midair.

The gray-clothed man held the veil in his hand and looked at Qiu Yunwei with a smile, "You have to take things well, maybe Yi Enhou doesn't need to blow it out anymore, right?"

"Yian En Hou An went back to Daqi with me peacefully. There are a lot of prosperity and wealth, but if you are restless and don't want to go back to Daqi with me, do you say that what Qi Guo can't get, will you leave for Da Zhou? You are a smart person. In this case, simply ruining is the choice we should make at Oki. Are you right?"

People who have always had a good attitude, saying this is full of murderous intent, but still have a good attitude.

The atmosphere was stagnant, and there was a sudden movement on the water. There were torches on the surrounding ships, and people heard voices.

Without much effort, someone reported to the gray-clothed man: "There are officers and soldiers checking the ship, sir, we will be found on board soon."