Chapter 74

The gray-clothed man looked at Qiu Yunwei: "Offended."

There was another pain in the neck, and then the other voices went away.

When the officers and soldiers came to this boat, the owner quietly gave the leader a favor: "Guardian, what happened to this?"


"Oh, but someone has committed a crime? Lord, we are all serious and honest people on board, and we don't dare to break the law."

The leading official waved his hand, "Sou." He said to the owner: "Are there any survivors on your boat?"

The owner shook his head hurriedly: "No, no, they are all well-informed buddies, there are no treacherous people. Is this someone committing a serious matter this time?"

The leading official snorted coldly: "It has broken the sky, and there is no suspicious person to conceal it. Telling you is a head-off. Tell everyone on your ship to stand over."

The person who was called was standing on the deck and was being looked at one by one while the man in gray was looking at him one by one, while the man in gray became as gray as his clothes, inconspicuous at all.

There was a noise on the water again, and two noises fell into the water from the noise. Save people soon. The leading official glanced at the people standing in the row again, and he didn't find anything, so he took the people away. .

The cabin that was turned over by these people was a mess, the clothes and quilts were all lifted on the ground, and the gray-clothed man's room was quickly cleaned up.

Before going back, Nie Zheyu quickly started looking for Qiu Yunwei's location after realizing something was wrong, but it was a pity that he was also a step late, of course he wouldn't just wait.

In recent years, he is not very old. He is neither a prince who is expected to be crowned Dabao nor a powerful minister. The number of people with real power in the court is very limited, but he has never been idle in other places. , Chengmen Xiaobing, the shopkeeper, etc., are in his hands.

Everyone says it counts as a no-brainer, but how to do it is a no-brainer, that is, you know the news that others don't know, you can get to know the news before others, grasp the first opportunity, and then do everything possible. He is very aware of the importance of this.

These people who can be seen everywhere in Beijing are the eyes and ears, and they can see and hear the traces of the day in Beijing. Inconspicuous information can be seen by people with a heart, and they can be found to be unusual.

The actions of those people cannot be accomplished in a day. As long as someone has moved on this spider web, it is impossible to leave no trace.

But someone needs to find it out, judge, and speculate, and it needs to be fast and fast.

Nie Zheyu circled on a map, and at the same time, he was distracted to listen to what another person reported to him.

The map was spread on a stone. Nie Zheyu was now squatting on the ground. His robe was stained with dirt on the ground, but he didn't care about it at all. Finally, Nie Zheyu made a heavy stroke on the map.

When Nie Zheyu arrived at the third prince, the third prince was busy. He just came out of Qi Muduo and asked someone to be interrogated.

Even if Qi Muduo hid himself well, he got Bei Ran to give him a backdoor, but the third prince was not a mediocre person, and he was finally touched by the third prince.

But there is really no one at Qi Muduo, and now it is the spies from Qi Muduo who are taking away. The person Qi Muduo wanted to rob was intercepted and Hu Na must be a traitor around him.

This kind of spy is not as loose-mouthed as the sister-in-law of the Qiu family, so this interrogation is more than just a whip. This time the third prince didn't do anything, but he couldn't bear to look at the spy who was sweating coldly.

When Nie Zheyu was put in, the target was a spy who was tied up. The ground was covered with black and red blood, and burning charcoal was placed beside it. Someone was holding a red iron block near the tied man. .

The whole is a torture room, still torture.

But the teenager who walked in didn't squint when he saw the situation.

The third prince glanced sideways and said: "You go back to the house and wait, don't run around, I will find her and bring her back."

Nie Zheyu said, "I want to go out of Beijing to find her."

Not a fool, Nie Zheyu quickly talked to the third prince about his inference, and said what he thought was the suspect line. The third prince said: "It's just your speculation."

"I can't go down in the mansion. People who don't need you, you know that the guards in our mansion are skilled. I will take them there, but when you get to the place, your letter can save a lot of trouble. Write me a letter."

The third prince stared at the young man in front of him, the one who loved his mother the most, but he was very calm and determined during this change. At this time, he couldn't see the slightest childishness. The third prince finally said, "Okay."

Nie Zheyu and his party hurried away from the capital. They didn't take a waterway. He calculated the distance in his mind, and they were all short-cuts. He didn't dare to stop on the road.

Even if the horse is riding a horse, the horse is tired from running day and night. After walking for a long time, their talents finally stopped to rest, let the horse eat the grass, and they would eat the grass by themselves. A few bites of dry food.

"Little lord, you enter the city, and we will go with the rest. They must pass Liquan Valley if they want to return to Nanqi. We will stop at Liquan Valley and vowed to bring Madam back."

It was Chiichi who said this. Nie Zheyu and him had broken their existence before, and he was shocked when he had to find out the news from Chibe. But the little masters are smart, but they can't match the red masters they have trained through life and death. ==

On the way, the little master didn't hold back, and he had made him look different, but now he was very tired, worried that he would not be able to support it behind, so Chiichi proposed so.

"No, we won't go to Liquan Valley, Cangyun River, there is their last supply point, intercepted at Cangyun River, I have been flying pigeons to the people on the water transport."

Nie Zheyu and the others stopped for a short time, and soon they got on their horses again, and a group of people galloped away, with dust flying behind them.

The boat went a long way overnight. The man in gray seemed to finally remember something after he got up early. He walked to a part of the cabin and opened a wooden board, but it turned out that there was a mezzanine on the boat.

This mezzanine is extremely concealed, it has escaped the search by those officers and soldiers, and it is extremely narrow and short, and it cannot move at all.

The grey-clothed man took off the sermon from Qiu Yunwei's mouth and said: "The situation is compelling, and I have been wronged by the doctor. Can I get up?"

Yes, Qiu Yunwei sat up and motioned to the man to untie the rope.

The gray man seemed to be very happy: "I will be back to Nanqi soon."

The gray-clothed man was happy, but Qiu Yunwei didn't want to talk anymore, and the gray-clothed man stopped letting her go, "I don't think Yi Enhou wants to stay in a coma until Daqi."

When Qiu Yunwei felt that the boat had stopped, she hadn't stood up and looked out, the man in gray came over again, and brought a game of chess.

Qiu Yunwei said: "No."

The grey-clothed man said, "It just so happens that I don't know how, I'm studying."

In fact, playing chess is a pretense, and Qiu Yunwei knows that guarding her is the real thing.

Qiu Yunwei, who was already at a poor level of chess, was confused and couldn't watch what she played. It was a random placement, but the opponent was probably really a stinky chess basket. They played this game for a long time.

When Nie Zheyu arrived at the dock, someone was waiting, and soon someone came again. Wan Dunhai hadn't seen his master for more than a year. Today I found that compared to a year ago, the present master's aura is even more impressive. .

"When he received the letter from the son, Lao Wan had already cheered up the brothers. Don't worry, the son can't guarantee that in other places, but this Cangyun River, with the help of the son, Lao Wan and the brothers also There was some way. The brothers opened their eyes the day before yesterday, and don't even want to escape our eyes even if a water duck flies over."

Although this old man entered the officialdom, he was mixed up with many people in the arena, and he even got the habit of the rivers and lakes in his speech. Nie Zheyu only said, "We must pay more attention today."

He counts the schedule, which is the two days today and tomorrow.

The gray-clothed men were stared at as soon as their boats entered the dock. While Qiu Yunwei and the gray-clothed men were playing chess indiscriminately, a dock worker picked up vegetables on the bow and talked with the people on the boat: "Look, both They are freshly picked vegetables, grown in their own fields, and they are cheap."

"Don't need food? Why, really, ask for it. There can be no cheaper than ours. I'll pick it in for you."

The picker was pushed off the boat again: "Hey, don't just don't, don't do it, don't you like to eat this red root vegetable? I still have eggplants and cucumbers."

"Do you want eggs? Not far, my brother looked at the stall, you can't find anything cheaper than ours when you shop around."


Chi Yi picked the people who followed, hiding, spying, and assassinating. They quietly mixed into the suspected ships, and finally locked a ship at noon.

Chiichi took the people from Akabe and dived on the ship that looked unsightly. Nie Zheyu did not try to join in this time. He took a letter from the third prince and found the local government office. The people of the old man and the government office lay in ambush on the shore. , Many archers have secretly stared at the ship.

Chiichi and the others failed to protect Qiu Yunwei well, and failed to complete the master's order. This time they will not be allowed to lose again. When Qiu Yunwei was absent-mindedly playing chess, Chiichi and the others had already touched Qiu Yunwei's nearby.

Like a nimble leopard, the red man who suddenly rushed in will threaten Qiu Yunwei's gray-clothed man and leave.

The gray-clothed man's reaction is not slow, but the people of Akobe are best at assassination, especially the leader Akira, as long as his target is no one can escape.

In just a moment of effort, the person who caused great annoyance to Qiu Yunwei has fallen to the ground and lost his breath.

The form changed quickly. Akichi guard was by Qiu Yunwei's side, and there were other Akobe people guarding the door. Every time the gray-clothed man's accomplice approached the cabin, one was dealt with.

Someone caught up with the ship again, and so many people on the ship could not escape with so many people.

Qiu Yunwei saw her child in the crowd.

His child's face was full of frost, and he walked with a solemn face, but quickly blossomed like ice, and Qiu Yunwei also showed her first smile in the past few days.

"Mother, I found you!"

Qiu Yunwei was also quickly scanning her child, her voice eagerly: "Yu'er, what did they do to you?"

Nie Zheyu walked to Qiu Yunwei's side, grabbed her hand, and stopped the corpse in the room as if standing inadvertently, "No, I'm fine."

"Let's go back and say."

In fact, he had a lot to say, and wanted to tell her not to be coerced because of him in the future. He is not weak at all and can protect himself.

But she knew that it was probably useless to say it. Once again, she would still use herself to take risks.

Now he couldn't even say that she was stupid in his heart.

Because I can feel the same, if it is him, it will be the same choice, because I care too much, so I can't take into account the perfect strategy, and can't take into account the law of both.

He is her weakness, and she is also his weakness.

Not only want to have a person to treat him well, but to have a person in his life is very important and important to him, and everything else cannot be risked by her. His ambition is not important to her safety. This time he is sure It exposes a lot, especially in front of smart people.

But the things that are not taken care of are worthless in front of her safety.

If she is in danger, she can even take his own life to fight, let alone other things.

"Yu'er, your dark circles are heavy."

The corner of Nie Zheyu's mouth raised slightly, "Well, I found my mother, I have to take a good rest."

"Mother didn't sleep well either."

"Then we will go home after we rest."

"Mother doesn't want to take a boat."

"Okay, let's take a carriage, maybe we can have fun along the way?"

"Yes, this is a good idea. I wanted to come out for fun a long time ago, but Yuer, you are a student now and you have to go back to class."
