Chapter 75

Wan Dunhai, who was walking behind Qiu Yunwei and Nie Zheyu, was surprised in his eyes. The master he had ever met had always made people ignore his age, and did not dare to feel contemptuous in his heart.

But now like this, the voice is a bit obedient and a bit soft... kid? Wan Dunhai gave a sharp shot, his eyelids lifted and glanced again, doubting his life.

"Well, mother, please take a vacation with the college, okay? Where do you want to go, mother? Yu'er has never played either."

"Okay, okay, reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, my mother wrote to the gentleman of the college to help Yu'er ask for leave."

The news that Qiu Yunwei was found first spread to the central government. Emperor Yanqing was overjoyed and asked: "Where is the man? When will I return to Beijing."

"Yi Enhou is frightened, and the way back will be slower," the third prince replied.

"This time I was frightened by Yi Enhou. The doctor will take good care of him, and this time I have to take care of people on the way back to Beijing."

The third prince nodded.

The news that Qiu Yunwei was found was first passed to the third prince. At that time, the third prince who had been gloomy and tense for many days was overjoyed, but immediately after seeing the following news, the corner of her mouth was stagnant—to carry That kid is going back to Beijing for fun!

In the end, he shook his head helplessly, but after all he was still happy. It's okay to play outside, don't really leave anything bad because of this incident.

The person was found, but the matter was not over. The people caught alive from the ship were escorted back to Beijing. The envoys in Beijing still have not been able to leave, as if they were under house arrest. Several restaurants and shops in Beijing have been sealed up.

Nie Zheyu, who was thousands of miles away, also did not let go, and had frequent exchanges with Beijing Fetion.

Although Qiu Yunwei hadn't met him directly, it was not at all aware of it. Nie Zheyu had just given an order to go down. He looked up and saw Qiu Yunwei with a bright smile on his face.

"Mother, let's go to Qing'er Lake tomorrow. I said it looks like colored glaze and is especially beautiful. I asked. It is said that the colorful fish soup there is delicious. I don't know if it's true?"

"Go, of course."

However, Qiu Yunwei touched the young man's head: "Does the leg still hurt?"

I rushed here day and night from the capital. When I was anxious, I didn't feel that I had worn out my skin and my legs were sore and trembling. Although Nie Zheyu is usually willing to play with a pitiful coquettish mother, but at this time But he didn't want his mother to feel that he suffered.

So what he tried to conceal in front of Qiu Yunwei was just the fiery eyes of a mother.

Nie Zheyu said: "I followed the uncle and Master Xia these years, they are not Bai Xue, Yu'er's riding skills can be ranked first in the academy, Yu'er has grown up."

Qiu Yunwei: "Yes, Yu'er has grown up." The tone seemed to be emotional, and then: "I don't know what your uncle taught you."

Well, Qiu Yunwei attributed Xiao Yu'er's precocity to the mess that Nie Changfeng taught Yu'er. Although, Nie Changfeng has indeed taught a lot. The nobles of the family have changed ups and downs, and the conspiracy and conspiracy involved are all related to it. Nie Zheyu said.

Nie Zheyu hesitated twice, and was asked by Qiu Yunwei again: "So do my legs still hurt."

"Well, it hurts a little bit."

"Then not going anywhere tomorrow."

Nie Zheyu smiled and said, "Okay, then go the day after tomorrow. Let someone buy some fun and send it over tomorrow. The bamboo weaves here are very famous. Doesn't my mother like those gadgets? Let them make some little rabbits. Let's bring Jingli. go."

"There is also a kind of brocade here, which is very distinctive. Tomorrow, someone will bring you clothes. Mother will pick one. Mother will definitely look good on it."

"The oiled paper umbrellas here are also beautiful, and my mother will like them too. We bought them and brought them."


Nie Zheyu whispered and made arrangements properly, but he didn't know when the child would inquire about it.

Qiu Yunwei smiled and listened, but, "Then how many cars should we follow when we go back? Can the two cars be pulled?"

"Don't worry about this mother, and finally come out."

"That's right. Let's take a look at the different sceneries in this river and mountains, as well as the water and soil in this different place, as well as the implementation of new crops by our Ministry of Agriculture. It just so happens that I have long wanted to see the situation in person.

In the past, others dictated the local soil, climate and water volume. At most, they brought some local soil to Beijing, like places near the capital. Fortunately, she could go a little bit, but it was like Qiu Yunwei on the south side of the river during the Great Zhou Dynasty. I haven't been here in person.

When Qiu Yunwei talked about work again, little friend Nie Zheyu smiled helplessly.

"But this will make it slower. Son, is there really no problem in your college?"

Nie Zheyu looked at his mother: "So mother wants to throw her son back to the capital? She wandered outside by herself."

These words made Qiu Yunwei feel guilty. Thinking about her son happily telling her to play this and buy that, Qiu Yunwei said with a guilty conscience: "No, my mother said that there are many famous teachers and scholars in the south, and there are many others. Yu'er can visit a famous academy and talk to these people more."

Nie Zheyu smiled: "Okay, I see."

Nie Zheyu peeled the pomegranate into the bowl and asked his mother, "Mother, do you want me to get the top prize?"

"Huh? The ambition is so ambitious? The champion is not easy to test. Mother wants Yu'er to study and learn skills, but the champion, Yuer don't have to bear the burden, let's try our best." Qiu Yunwei grabbed from the bowl Nie Zheyu pushed over. After a few crystal pomegranate grains, sweet and sour. Then Qiu Yunwei coughed lightly: "Aren't we also a knight to inherit? Yuer, don't be too pressured."

A smile line appeared in Nie Zheyu's eyes: "Mother, you are not afraid of getting used to being a dude."

"No, Yu'er is very good."


The two sat in the sunset, one peeling the pomegranate and the other eating the pomegranate, talking idlely, the air was quiet and at ease, and finally returned to the past, the usual bland days are all happy days.

At the beginning, the people didn't know about Qiu Yunwei's accident. It wasn't until after Qiu Yunwei was rescued that the people gradually became aware of the incident. People who admired Qiu Yunwei immediately became angry. NS.

Many people walked around the path where the envoys lived, and then spit heavily and spit out fragrant curses. This was because the envoys were still guarded by officers and soldiers, and they could not directly spit out. On the door, there were people who threw stones into the messenger's residence.

Well, ringing up those messengers is actually protecting their lives.

The investigation on this matter is still in full swing, and many spy strongholds buried in Dazhou have been set up one after another. Among them, the enthusiastic people have provided useful clues several times.

When Qiu Yunwei and the others finally arrived in the capital slowly, they had already found out what should be investigated, but the subsequent handling was tricky. Emperor Yanqing had already discussed several times with others.

The invisible spies can be shut down, they can be killed, in order to pry out their secrets, they are also tortured, but the famous messenger is not moving.

Gao Muyun of Nanqi is a celebrity in Nanqi, the nephew of the empress dowager of Nanqi, and the cousin of Emperor Nanqi, while Qi Muduo is the son of the patriarch of the Wasa Mahamu tribe, and a highly regarded son, like this Neither of them can be handled casually.

First, the two countries passed the condemnation book, and then went back and forth, until Qiu Yunwei returned to the capital, it was not resolved.

Qiu Yunwei returned to the mansion for a long time. As soon as she and Yu'er came back, the big black Ari at home greeted her with a flap of her tail. The house was cleaned up, and Lu'er and the others all had tears when they saw her. Barking.

Picking up the big fat cat, Qiu Yunwei smiled and said, "I'm home."

Qiu Yunwei's return to the mansion made the mansion alive at once. Everyone was beaming. Lu'er and the others helped clean up the messy things Qiu Yunwei bought along the way.

Lu'er and Qiu Yunwei said: "Many people are very concerned about the wife. They asked the lady how he was at the concierge, and asked if the lady had come back. They also left dried mushrooms, walnuts, and eggs in the concierge. There are rice plants and some who grow kerosene trees. The better the days go by. I am very grateful to my wife."

"Madam, don't worry. Although Mrs. Liu asked them to leave things behind, they also gave them fruits, cloth, and snacks. They didn't suffer."

Qiu Yunwei smiled and nodded. She was still very relieved of Liu Guanjia's work. But listening to Lv'er talking about this, and listening to Lv'er saying that some people went to the place where the messengers lived and called scolding, Qiu Yunwei's heart was moved. She didn't expect that people who didn't know would do it for her, so many she didn't know. People care about her.

Always happy in my heart.

In fact, she only saw the soy-skinned farmers in the farmland and felt that they should live better. The most industrious people shouldn't be busy all day long and be hungry. To say how noble and great she is, Qiu Yunwei doesn't think so. .

Do what she can to do what she can.

But listening to Lu'er saying this, Qiu Yunwei's heart was warm, and she was undoubtedly happy.

Nie Zheyu was also listening, but he felt that those people should do this. Even if they had a conscience, it was not in vain for Qiu Yunwei's hard work.

After Qiu Yunwei came back, the disposition of Qi Muduo and Gao Muyun was also raised again. Emperor Yanqing put down the fold that Nie Changfeng had handed over from the northwest, and rubbed his eyebrows. "Nie Changfeng is easy to be hostile after he has been on the battlefield for a long time. No one can kill him."

The three princes stood below listening to Emperor Yanqing's words. After these days of wrangling, Qi Muduo's patriarch and Gao Muyun's cousin both apologized and gave up part of their benefits as sincerity, and then they wanted to take Qi Mu. Dahe Gaomuyun took it back and wanted to erase the matter.

Seeing the benefits that the other party gave up, the third prince knew that Emperor Yanqing was tempted. In this regard, the three princes understand his father's psychology very well. If he is in his father's position, if Qiu Yunwei has no other ties to him, he will also be tempted in the face of those interests.

But right now, isn't it?

The three princes were just and awe-inspiring, and took a young and arrogant step forward, and said forcefully to his father, "Emperor Father, Yi Enhou is a person who is valued by the emperor, and the important weapon of the country that the emperor sends someone to protect. Assassinating Nanqi's ambition to provoke me to the prestige of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it will not be easy to expose the matter."

"Juli, Silla, and Beiran are still in Beijing now. If they see that we can endure this, wouldn't they think that Da Zhou is weak and deceived? If we do this again next time, they will only Just need to pay a gift."

Seeing that Emperor Yanqing had heard it, the three princes continued: "Apologizes are acceptable, but the exemption is a capital crime. Apart from the capital crime, isn't there a living crime?"

Emperor Yanqing glanced at the three princes: "After all, you still have to put people back. You can't use your rough methods of interrogating people."

"I haven't said you yet, you are a prince, and you still get to dance with the whip yourself? See your book. This time I suppressed it for you. Next time, you will go up and quarrel with them."

Emperor Yanqing said again: "What do your subordinates eat? Do you need to do it yourself?"

The three princes smirked: "Be careful to follow the instructions of the emperor. Next time, let others do it."

Emperor Yanqing glared at him, but the three princes knew that Emperor Yanqing would actually not tire of their princes being close like this, of course it was only in trivial matters.

It's never a lie to be a friend like a tiger, but you don't dare to really get close. You must always be vigilant and cheer up.

Emperor Yanqing finally said to the three princes: "Okay, I will consider it again, and you will end this errand here."

"Knowing that you also admire Yi Enhou and worry about her situation, she is finally back now, and you will visit for me."

The three princes walked out of the palace, but their eyes were condensed.