Chapter 76: The New Emperor

This is how you get along with the emperor, and his casual words may have something else profound. This time Emperor Yanqing saw the third prince's concern about the disappearance of Yi Enhou.

A casual sentence, in fact, has a slight beating intention in it.

However, Emperor Yanqing has always known about the following princes making courtiers. As for the doctor's husband who has been in the limelight in recent years, he would be surprised if the princes did not show their favor.

Fortunately, Yi Enhou himself was not involved in the political affairs, otherwise he would be embarrassed. If she can hold her to be clear, he won't let her fall into the royal dispute.

After all, this person is really useful.

Emperor Yanqing thought that the Great Zhou gradually overtook the Zhou state in the past few years, as well as the praise of the history books that will be there in the future, so he didn't mind paying more attention to the meritorious official Qiu Yunwei.

The people that Zhou Guo wanted to grab appeared in their Da Zhou, and appeared during his reign as the emperor. How unpleasant is this?

The third prince came to Qiu Yunwei's house and smiled at the person in front of him. Well, his complexion was pretty good.

The third prince said: "I finally came back."

Qiu Yunwei smiled embarrassedly: "It hasn't been too long, it's not that there is no chance to travel far, but it's a pity not to see more."

As Qiu Yunwei said, she went to look through things again: "I bought some bookmarks on the road, and they looked elegant. I and Yu'er left a few, do you want?"

The third prince smiled wider, "Yes."

Nie Zheyu snorted in his heart next to him, and he didn't have the time to stop.

Well, the third prince who has seen countless good things picks those bookmarks in his hands, as if it is difficult to make a choice. He doesn't know what kind of treasure it is.

But even if he really got something, the third prince might not be as happy as he is now. This kind of people who came back gave him some small gifts and small objects from the outside. This kind of natural behavior itself is the most letting him. Pleasant things.

But the happy third prince didn't forget to poke Nie Zheyu with the narrative: "Yu'er missed a lot of class this time, and I have to work hard next time. When will I go back to the academy?"

Nie Zheyu smiled at the third prince: "I will be back tomorrow, rest assured that I can make up." Does he need to worry about it?

The three princes did not have to entertain specially when they came to the mansion. Qiu Yunwei went to see the flowers and trees in the mansion. She needed treatment if something went wrong, while the three princes and Nie Zheyu were sitting in the pavilion, and they both watched from a distance. Qiu Yunwei, as for the dessert fruits on the table, no one moved.

The third prince said: "Yu'er successfully rescued your mother after riding a thousand miles this time. With the responsibility of the Erlang family, Yu'er has grown up."

Sitting on the other side, Nie Zheyu was almost half the age of the three princes. At this time, he was not as childish as he was in front of his mother. He spoke like a person who could sit on an equal footing with the three princes, "I am my son. Yes, but I would like to thank the three princes for their hard work this time."

Nie Zheyu's thanks, but the third prince did not respond, but said: "I should do it too, otherwise, I'm sorry for the dried flower sachets your mother gave me, and the food your mother cooked?"

Hearing what he said, Nie Zheyu didn't argue with him anymore.

The third prince turned the teacup in his hand, and finally talked about the business, "I know that Yu'er is good at reading and martial arts, but I don't know that I have met many people outside. If it weren't for this time, But I don't know when I will discover that Yu'er has such a great ability."

"Yu'er hides it well, your mother doesn't know it, right?"

Nie Zheyu turned his head and glanced at the third prince: "What's the big deal? But now that the third prince knows, what are you going to do?"

The third prince looked over and shook his head: "I'll cover up the matter for you this time. But don't stretch your hands too long in the future. Keep your tail hidden. Don't overturn the boat someday, your little body. Fold yourself in again."

This time Nie Zheyu owed the third prince again.

However, the three princes were also quite surprised and admired by this kid. At a young age, he started the drill camp, born as a powerful official? Mrs. Nie actually raised such a child?

But it was also because Nie Zheyu was too young, and Nie Zheyu arranged to cover it up later. The three princes did not actually touch all of Nie Zheyu's foundations. One or two of the touches were enough to surprise him, but it was also Not to the point of thinking about that absurd thing.

A ten-year-old child, who would dare to think that people already want to sit down that day?

But there are some things that the third prince still has to say: "I don't ask you how you have such a good relationship with Wan Dunhai on the water transport, but in the future, stay a little bit farther and give a little favor, so that the trafficker in Beijing will sell you. There is no news. , Don't stretch out your hand in sensitive places, don't cause trouble to your mother, your uncle."

The third prince said using the handle to knock on Nie Zheyu's forehead, "You said your kid can't study hard? How come the bigger the girl, the less worrying, even more worrying than when he was a child."

Of course, Nie Zheyu didn't let him knock, but he was disgusted by his tone of voice.

Nie Zheyu twitched the corner of his mouth in disgust, but at this time he had to say, "I know, I will study hard in the future, so I won't get into trouble."

In the end, the disposition of Qi Muduo and Gao Muyun was finally settled under a lot of wrangling. The Washamaham tribe where Qi Muduo was located and Nanqi where Gao Muyun was located both gave Da Zhou a painful deal. Qi Muduo and Gao Muyun were sent back after three years of detention in Beijing.

Three years, for the pampered people to spend three years in prison, without fancy dresses, no pillows, no servants, three years will be as long as thirty years for them.

There will be many changes in three years. If this happens, will they still have the status they are today when they go back three years later?

But no one knew what happened three years later, Qiu Yunwei received another batch of condolences from Emperor Yanqing, and also knew that Qimuduo and Gao Muyun were punished like this.

This matter can be regarded as ending at this point, except for..., a guest came to Qiu Yunwei's house.

At that time, Qiu Yunwei's sister-in-law deceived Qiu Yunwei because she received someone else's banknotes. Although she said she was deceived, it was because she did not take Qiu Yunwei as her family seriously. So caring, so lured by profit, he deceived Qiu Yunwei and brought people with bad intentions to Qiu Yunwei's body.

Anyway, since the third prince took her away for interrogation, as if he had forgotten the person, he kept the person there until a few days ago.

At the beginning, the sister-in-law of the Qiu family was taken away as a prisoner by the officers and soldiers. Qiu Qizheng is such a face-saving person, where he can stand other people's gossip and give pointers. As for the eldest brother of the Qiu family, he is also a weak person. Dare to disobey the father's order, so now, although the Qiu family's sister-in-law has been released back, her identity as the daughter-in-law of the Qiu family is gone. As soon as she returned to the mansion, she received a letter of resignation.

Regarding the cry of the sister-in-law of the Qiu family, Qiu Yunwei could only say: "You have asked the wrong person. If you want to cry or make trouble, go find your father and mother and they cry. It's useless to find me."

"Since I got married, it should be said that before I got married, how can I speak up in the family affairs? I won't interfere."

Qiu Yunwei wouldn't take such a trouble, she didn't want it either.

I don't want to listen to Qiu's sister-in-law's crying, so I just rushed to the guests, "You go back, I have something to do, Liu Guanjia sees off the guests."

When Nie Zheyu came back from the academy, he also happened to ran into the sister-in-law of the Qiu family who had been kicked out. He was even more dismissive of such people. He just asked the steward Liu what she was here for, and worried that Qiu Yunwei would be wrong. Will be annoying by her.

Qiu Yunwei was not annoyed. In fact, Qiu's sister-in-law and Qiu's parents were not important to her.

But before her accident, the Qiu family always wanted her to find a better official position. She didn't want to touch her hands. She had to deal with it every time, which was a little annoying. Now, the Qiu family is not embarrassed anymore. Ask her for a favor.

Time gradually passed, Nie Changfeng returned once, stayed at home for two or three months, and then went to the northwest, still contacting by letter.

In the past four years, many things have happened. Because of the special care of the three princes, Qi Muduo and Gao Muyun tasted the words of the sages who worked their muscles and hung their skin in the prison, and waited from the prison. When they came out, the two former pampered, clean and picky people finally became hardworking and simple.

The two finally returned to China a year ago, but after Gao Muyun went back, he died of his brother Yan Qiang, and Nanqi also recurred in civil strife. Qi Muduo was still alive, but his position was very embarrassing after returning, because his siblings were defeated in the battle of the patriarch, Qi Muduo's status also declined.

Gao Muyun and Nanqi's civil strife were arranged by Nie Changfeng. He was not in Beijing when Qiu Yunwei's accident happened.

Nie Zheyu's work was done by Nie Zheyu. For some reasons, he has always paid a lot of attention to the Hu people in the North Ranhu. There is a piece on the chessboard of contention, which affects their choice of patriarch.

He can guarantee that Qi Muduo will only fall lower and lower in the future, and there will be no return to the glory of the past.

In the past four years, what was still related to Qiu Yunwei was the release of Qiu's family to the North Cold Land, or a leisure job. Of course they wanted to ask Qiu Yunwei for help.

But Nie Zheyu, who has a deep knowledge of merit and fame, said that by coincidence, his mother happened to go to the southwest to guide the planting of new corn. The southwest is far away, and all the provinces along the road want their mothers to be able to guide them. The local crops are not planted in four or five months. You said it was a coincidence?

What a pity, the emperor wants you to start the journey within half a month, oh, I can't help, my mother is not at home, and what I can do as a child is to give my grandfather some Cheng Yi silver. Is Grandpa too few? Then forget it, there is no way, my mother is strictly in charge, and I am afraid that I will spend my money, and I don't have much to use. Hey, grandpa doesn't sit down anymore? Grandpa goes well.

So after Qiu Yunwei came back, there was no more Qiu Mansion.

As for the impact on Qiu Yunwei, it was not that big, but it was more quiet without the Qiu family who always wanted to play her banner.

After returning from the Southwest, it didn't take too long to set off again, this time to the northwest. Qiu Yunwei said to Nie Zheyu: "This time it will take about half a year to come back. Isn't the course in your college about the same? You really don't go with me?"

Nie Zheyu shook his head, he stopped going, and deliberately took Qiu Yunwei away. As for him, he will be in Beijing at this chaotic moment in the future.

Qiu Yunwei didn't know that there would be turmoil in the middle of Beijing. She was going to the northwest this time, and she could also meet Nie Changfeng on the way. He often heard him talk about the wild wolves in the northwest, the sandstones in the northwest, the lakes and wetlands there, and the vast sky. He is no longer talking about it, but she can see it with her own eyes.

But who knows that after arriving in the northwest, he heard a big news from the capital-the person in the throne of Beijing has changed!

She was surprised and worried when she heard it. Qiu Yunwei hurriedly asked Nie Changfeng what was going on. It was clear that Emperor Yanqing was fine when she set off.

How could it be so sudden?

How long did it take to change the world?

What happened in this? The most important thing is Yu'er in Beijing. Are the three princes still safe?

Nie Changfeng saw that Qiu Yunwei was extremely anxious and worried, and said hurriedly: "Yu'er is fine." The third prince only said that his face became a little complicated: "As for the third prince, he is now the new emperor."