Character Guide

--- South Main Characters ---

Lu (Siyu) Qinyi: General of the Southern army tasked with border protection, the primary force against the North in the war.

Yang (Ye) Xun: Left Lieutenant of the South.

Zhao (Daiyu) Mei: Right Lieutenant of the South.

Lu (Mingyu) Yanlin: Lu Qinyi's older sister. Works as a court official, specifically advising on finance.

--- North Main Characters ---

Fei (Xin) Li: General of the primary army of the North.

Xi Ming: Fei Li's most trusted subordinate.

--- South Lesser Characters ---

Chen Chyou: Lu Qinyi's betrothed.

Xu Jialee: Yang Xun's lover.

Lin Jiao: Servant of the Lu family, started serving while she and the Lu sibling's were younger.

Lin An: Newer servant of the Lu family .

Xiao Jianyu: Commander of Division Four of the Southern army. One of Lu Qinyi's friends.

Dr Liang: Bravest physician of the Southern army

General Sun: Southern army general, handles defenses around the capital

Wang Xi: Division Three, messenger

Zhu Zian: Division Six, intelligence

He Zhong: Division Four, specialty in hand combat

Shen Hai: Division One, specialty in improvised weapons

--- North Lesser Characters ---

Meng Yichen: Fei Li's Ex Lover.

TBD: Fei Li's Ex Fling.

Fei Suyin: Fei Li's Mother.

Fei Jin: Fei Li's Father.

Tian Jun: Soldier of the Northern army

Captain Ren: Captain in the Northern army