Bella:"My father is a womanizer!"

Bella was still staring at Emily, she had just heard, seen, and noticed something strange. Meanwhile, Emily made a sour face, staring at the back door because Hailey didn't come back.

Emily realized that Bella was still staring at her, "What?!" she asked annoyed.

"What?" Bella asked back.

"Huh! That's weird," said Emily, turning her body.

"Wait, Emily!" Bella called and managed to make Emily stop her footsteps.

Emily turned her head but her sour face didn't stop, "If you just want to make fun of me, go ahead! I don't care!"

"Now I'm really poor! I need to work and earn extra money! Is that wrong! A rich kid like you can understand how I feel,"

"Why are you angry with me? Even though I haven't said anything," said Bella was increasingly surprised by Emily's attitude.

"Shit! I talk too much," Emily gripped the money in her hand.