I'm So Scared, Mom

Emily had arrived too late that day exhausted and feeling agitated. Not because she thought about her argument with Bella, but because she lost her low-paying job.

"Aarghhh!! This is so annoying me! Why is life and being a child so difficult! Can't I be an adult!" she groaned angrily.

"I'm fighting alone, and there's no one to accompany me. Am I a fourteen-year-old girl?" she said sadly as she continued up the stairs.

Emily arrived breathlessly. She had just arrived on the third floor. A quiet little residence away from the luxury where Emily lived at the time.

Arriving at the entrance, she was still thinking, should she go inside? A place she doesn't consider home.

"Hhh… where else am I going? I… I have nothing but this shabby place," said Emily annoyed as she opened the door.

She immediately looked at the shoe rack and did not find her mother's shoes. "Mom? Is she not home yet?"