I'm So Tired & Want To Disappear

One week later.

The school atmosphere seemed quiet because all the students were in the classroom. Likewise, with Bella, she didn't seem to focus on Mr. Sam's teaching in front of the class.

Moments before,

That morning, at Mahendra's residence.

Bella had thought that she would not meet David. The breakfast that she passed alone made Bella feel like she could breathe a sigh of relief because she didn't have to argue with her father.

Out of the blue, David appears as Bella finishes breakfast and gets ready to go to school. They met in the main room, and by then David was just coming down the stairs.

"Are you going?" David asked as he smoothed his tie.

"Yes, is there anything you want to say, Dad?" Bella asked matter-of-factly.

"Neil's messenger will pick you up after school," David explained. He was so close to Bella with a cold gaze given to Bella.