Chapter 27

Awww Eve they look really delicious.


So hey can I have 2 crepes.

Yea of course but wat do you want on the crepes.

Ehh eve wat do you want.

Ehh can I have one with Nutella.

Ok and the other one.

Can I have also one with Nutella.

Yea of course so two with Nutella ok that will make 8 Dollars.

Ok here are 10 dollars.

Ok here are 2 Dollars back.

Thank you.

The Crepes will need 1 or 2min until there ready.

Ok we will wait.


The crepes are ready with Nutella.

Ok eve here is your crepe.

O thank you Emelie.

Wow it is really yummi or Eve.

Yea this is a really good crepe.

Come let us sit on the bench eve.

Yea this is a good idea.

And thank you Emelie for the crepe it is really good.

A no Problem again you paid the tickets for the park and I pay the food and the drinks eve do you want something to drink because I will go and buy me something.

Ehh yea.


I don't know just bring me something good.

Ok just wait here eve I will be right back.

Ok Emelie.

So there is the shop I will tack a ice tea and I think eve like a orange limo yea.

Hallo I would buy some drinks.

Hallo wat kind of Drinks.

I would love to have a ice tea peach and a orange limo.

Ok here that will make 5 dollars.

Ok here are 5 Dollars.

O thank you have a nice day.

I hope eve like orange Limo.

Hey Emelie I am back and i got for you a orange limo I hope this is ok.

Yea I love orange limo this not my favorite but I love it to.

O here eve.

Thank you Emelie.

But wat is your favorite drink.

My favorite drink is ice tea with peach.

O my to i buy me one do you want my.

No no it is all ok I really like orange limo to.

Ok but wenn you want.



Emelie do you have still Hunger.

Yea a little bit but i will eat something later but now I want to go and have fun wat do you think.

Ok wenn you Say it then yea of course me to so let's go.


Were do you want to go first Emelie.

I have no idea.

Ok then we will to to a map and look were are we going first.

Yup this is a good idea.

Here is the map so were and the closest attraction is the Bumper cars do you like them.

Yea eve I love them so yea let's go to them.

Cool I love them to.

Let's go.

So there are we.