So eve do we need for pay that or was it included in our tickets.
Ehh I think In the tickets.
A ok so let's go end get a card.
Yup I will take this blue one and you Emelie.
I will take the red one here and now wait until they start.
We will start in 5 4 3 2 1 go.
Let's go eve.
Yup juuuhu this is fun I will get you eve.
No you won't get me because I will bumpt you hehe so hit yea I did it.
Now I will get revenge on you Eve.
Wenn you get me yes but you never get me in this round then the round is over now hehe.
A shit that was 2min.
Wow the time passed quickly.
Yea do we do this again for a nother round Emelie.
I was hoping you ask me yea of course.
So we will stay sitting right.
The next round will start in 1min.
Emelie get ready.
Eve I will be ready.
The next round will start in 30 seconds.
Ok eve Now get ready.
Ok but you to Emelie.
The next round will start in 5 4 3 2 1 go.
I hope you are ready for the next round Emelie.
I was Born ready hehe.
Hehe go then you will lose.
I don't think so.
Haha now I bump your firs wat are you doing now eve.
I will bump you back here.
Now I will bump you back.
Hehe why is my card slowing down.
Ehh my to o no it is over.
Yea but I was really funny.
Yea it was a lot of fun.
Come we go to the next attractions.
Yup this is a good Idea let's go to the map and look were are we going next.
Yea this is a good idea eve.
So wat are we doing next so we can go the the first roller coaster or we can go to the Horror house.
Ehh roller coaster pls I hate all stuff that has to do with horror sry.
No it is all ok Emelie I hate it to but I just ask you that you can choose.
Ok thank you for the opportunity eve but we're are we need to go to the coaster.
Ehh this way.
O ok eve.
I need to go to,the toilet so can you wait for me here.
Yea of course go I will wait here for you to return.
Ok i go quick.
Aaa why I am so nervous right now it is because I am excited for the coaster or something else I have no idea but I need to find that you wenn Emelie is back from the toilet o there she is.
Did you find the toilet.
Yea there looking better then i thought.
O really that is nice I to here wenn I need to go on the toilet later.
Ok now we are going to the coaster right eve.
Yea we need to go in this way.
So let's go.
Yup I am excited but this is not a fancy coaster it is a very basic and normal one o hope this is not a problem Emelie.
No no it is no problem I like to start slowly and than go to fancy ones and you.
Ehh I have no Preference I just ride them how the one that I am with like it so now we doing your way.
Oh ok.