Inside the student house of Les Gerald.

"Um... I want to go to the toilet," said Briel quietly.

Previously, she was so panicked that she couldn't stand the urge to go to the toilet.

"You've come?" asked someone who had just come down the stairs.

Briel saw that person. She was a little surprised to see that person.

'Ah, I forgot about this. Gerald's student is Nathan,' thought Briel.

"Why are you here?" asked Nathan, confused when he see Briel in your house.

Yes, it was Nathan who met Briel at the exhibition who also claimed to be a friend of Briel's kindergarten.

"Where is the restroom?" asked Briel.

"Toilet?" Nathan said confused.

"She wants to go to the restroom," said Gerald.

"Oh, there," Nathan said, pointing to the door at the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay, I'll say goodbye to the restroom first," said Briel and rushed to the restroom.