"Wait here, I'll show you something, maybe it will make you better," Nathan said and hurried back to his bedroom.

"No need, hey!" shouted Briel. However, Nathan ignored Briel.

Ah, what an unlucky day. Didn't know what Briel dreamt about last night until today getting a problem like this? If Nathan hadn't pulled her into his bedroom, Briel would have run away from there. It was a shame because she to have agreed to be Gerald's assistant. Had she known from the start things would be like today, she would never have agreed to the deal to become Gerald's assistant.

Briel gasped when Nathan held out a photo album in front of her.

"Look at that, maybe you'll feel better," Nathan said.

"I told you, I want to go home!" cried Briel in annoyance.

"Yeah, you're going home. Don't worry, I'm not a criminal. I was kind enough to cheer you up," Nathan said and sat down next to Briel.

"Why are you sitting here?" asked Briel, giving Nathan a sharp look.