Chapter 30

Raphael basically had a mansion. It had four floors, I hadn't seen the basement or the secret attic yet. But the first floor had the garage, library, a living room, bathroom, entryway with a gorgeous chandelier, and a spare bedroom. But the best part was the beautiful dining room and kitchen. The kitchen had a huge built in fridge and two ovens. There was an electric stove tabletop on the island, and the freezer was in the garage. The sad thing was that there was nearly no food in the house.

I asked Nathan where Raphael ate, and he said the he usually eats a meal prepared by someone in the pack or with the Alpha and Luna. 'Well not anymore he wasn't.' I thought to myself, 'He was gonna eat in his own home every night of the week, and we would have people over.' I smiled thinking about cooking in this kitchen.

The second floor had another living room, this one a little more cozy, Raph's office, a bathroom and four bedrooms, and then the master bedroom. Where I had been staying.

I looked at the time and saw that it was eleven. I was starving. I went to the fridge and saw that there was bread, butter, sandwich meat and some veggies. I looked at the food, unimpressed. But pulled it out anyway.

"So my mate lives on sandwiches." I muttered to myself.

I made my sandwich then called Mark and Nathan down for lunch.

While they were making theirs and I was chewing I asked covering my mouth, "How long does it take to order a pizza?"

Both of them looked up a smile on their faces, "Not long." Mark said.

"Great!" I said.

"I'll call them up." Nathan ran to the phone, "Where do you guys wanna eat?" He asked on his way.

Mark looked at me, waiting for my answer, "Um, do you guys have a FreshSlice? And money, I just realized that I don't have any."

"Oh, no yeah we have money, don't worry." Mark reassured me. I smiled at that.

"And yep, we have a FreshSlice." Nathan said a triumphant smile on his face. Then he pulled out his phone and dialled the landline.

"Okay, so what do you guys want?" Nathan said, after ordering for himself.

Again, Mark waited for my answer first, "I would like a cheese pizza, and their meat lovers pizza."

Nathan ordered mine. "Mark?"

"I think I'll have the butter chicken one." He said.

Once Nathan was done he said that he had to go pick them up.

"But you just ordered them." I said confused.

"Yeah, but it will take me like five hours to get back."

"Oh." I said surprised. 'Five hours to get there back from the nearest city.' I thought, feeling a little claustrophobic all of a sudden.

"Well, bye, be safe." I said as he went out the front door.

-Be safe.- I heard Mark mind link him.

-You too.- he replied.

I went back to my room, or Raphael's room, and sat down. I pulled out my phone and checked Facebook, I had over ninety-nine notifications. I scrolled through the dozens and dozens of things that had happened while I was out. I didn't react to anything because if I did people would know I'm alive. Which I wanted them to know, I just didn't know how to explain to them what had happened.

Eventually Gloria and Lucy came back with the toiletries. I thanked them than ran to the shower. I was still a little sore, so hopefully the hot water would help. And my hair was a disaster. As I showered I sang, as I always did, I loved to sing. I had had the song from the end of Lord of the Rings stuck in my head all day, so I sang it. My favourite line was always: 'White shores are calling, you and I will meet again.' I always sang it with a smile on my face.

I shaved my legs and other areas, then put a lotion on that I had asked the girls to buy. Once that was on I set to brushing my tangled, thick, wet hair. It took about an hour and a half to shower, shave, and brush. In the end I put my hair in a braid and dried and dressed myself.

I loved my hair, but man was it a lot of work.

The pizza finally came and I had two slices from each of mine and then I was full, so I put it in the fridge.

I said goodnight to the boys and then went upstairs.

I changed into my pyjamas and realized that my shirt had a blood stain on it, hopefully from my nosebleed, so I changed into one of my looser day shirts, as I didn't have any other pj shirts.

I had a hard time falling asleep, I mean I guess that I'd slept in this room for the past four nights or something, but it was still new to me. I was also afraid that if I fell asleep, I would wake up in pain again.

So I thought about my day. I knew that Raphael had an awesome house, Nathan and Mark were nice, I hope I didn't come off as annoying. Gloria was nice, but Lucy was a little hard to swallow. I always found people around my age hard to like, which made me more aware of how I acted. Eventually I drifted to sleep.

I woke up with no pain, again. I smiled at the feeling of no pain, or vertigo, or fever or freezing.

I got up and got dressed. I brought my dirty pyjama shirt downstairs, so I could try and find the laundry room. I walked to the kitchen, as it was most likely to be in this area. The garage and kitchen didn't have a washer or dryer. I felt like I wasn't allowed to go down to the basement yet.

So I went back upstairs and decided to wait until later to ask the boys. I looked around Raph's room, missing him.

The day passed slowly. We had leftover pizza for lunch and dinner. By the end of it I still had four pieces left, 'Well, leftovers for tomorrow I guess.'

I said goodnight to the boys again and went back upstairs. I re-braided my hair and then put my pyjamas on and brushed my teeth and went to bed. I lay there thinking about Raphael. I fell asleep thinking of his golden eyes.