Chapter 32

I got into the closet and began to pick out my outfit, while thinking, 'Squinting and stumbling around a little bit is normal when you've just woken up, right? I mean, maybe Lycans wake up faster. It was kind of cute how worried he was.' I shook my head smiling at how Raphael had reacted.

I walked out to the bathroom and emerged changed. I'd decided to wear my favourite shirt: a thick, bright red, long sleeve shirt with a boat neck. And light blue skinny jeans. I had put my hair into a new braid, which sat on my left shoulder. And I was wearing my grey sneakers with my grey jacket.

"So where we going?" I spread my arms and asked.

Raph turned to look at me with an amazed expression, "You look beautiful." He said. I blushed and replied, "Well, you do too, so…" and he did, he was wearing a completely black polo shirt, with all but the last button undone, slightly revealing his perfectly sculpted chest. He wore dark blue jeans and had his silver hair combed back slightly, which tempted me to ruffle it up. And his golden eyes held a playful expression.

"So…" he repeated with a slight grin.

"So, where are we going? You said I could come." I said with a pretend pout.

"I'll explain on the way." He said still grinning, but I wasn't complaining it was a beautiful smile.

I rolled my eyes, amused. We walked downstairs and I didn't see Nathan or Mark.

"Hmm, the boys aren't up yet. I guess they stayed up to late last night." I said curiously.

"The boys?" Raph turned to me and asked.

"Yes, the boys, Mark and Nathan. I got to know them pretty well these past two days." I said happily. I could see the emotions on Raph's face, it took me a second but I soon realized that he was jealous. I laughed internally at the thought.

"Oh, the boys. I see." He said glumly.

"What?" I said with a laugh in my voice, "What's with that face?" I gestured to his angry looking demeanour. "Because if you're jealous, then you are being ridiculous."

He looked at me shocked, then muttered, "I'm not jealous."

I giggled, "Okay then. Let's go." I walked up to him and reached up on tip toes to ruffle his hair, I giggled again at him rolling his eyes at my behaviour.

We made our way to the garage and I saw his gorgeous looking sports car, this is one of those kinds that I'd see drive past me and I'd want one.

I left a note for the boys and then we left.

"Ooh, and the seats are comfy too." I said, not to anyone in particular but after working with kids for so long, you tend to start voicing little observations like that.

Raph looked at me with an affectionate smile. I smiled softly back.

After a couple moments of silence I began to look at my surroundings. I had noticed from the windows in the house that it was in a closed off area with two other houses and a gate that led out of it. I looked and saw that we had entered a neighbourhood with trees and a fountain, with a bunch of houses scattered about. I could see a lake in the distance which reminded me that I wasn't at home. I would have to discuss that with Raph.

After sitting in silence for the entire drive, I asked, "Could I put on some music?"

Raph looked at me then back at the road, "Yeah, of course." He had a surprised and happy expression on his face.

I hooked my phone up and began playing my Twenty-One Pilots. I didn't sing because I wanted to listen.

"Who's this?" Raph asked.

"Twenty-One Pilots." I said proudly, "They're my favourite band in the whole universe." I said, looking at him with over-dramatic earnestness.

He looked at my expression and laughed. His laugh still caused butterflies in my stomach.

Raph cleared his throat, "So, we'll be arriving at the prison soon."

I widened my eyes and cocked my head waiting for him to continue, a small smile grew on my face, "A prison, huh?"

"Yes." He replied keeping his eyes on the road.

My smile disappeared and I craned my neck so he would see me from his peripheral vision.

"Raph." I said slowly, "What's at the prison?"

"Oh, oh, uh Duma, Duma. Yeah I had to drop him off there because I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable with him in the house."

I seemed to recall him saying something about setting a young prisoner free, and that he was living here in the pack.

"Why wouldn't I be comfortable having him at the house?"

Raph let out a long breath, "Because he's a Shapeshifter."

He turned a corner and I saw a low, yellow bricked building. 'Must go underground, or else they don't have a lot of prisoners.' The thought of it worried me. 'What kind of prisoners would they have?'

"And you don't like Shapeshifters?" I asked as Raph parked.

"No. I mean, I like this one, he's a good kid. But the other ones, no they fight alongside the Elves as their lackeys."

"Huh." Was all I said. Then I thought about how he'd called the Shapeshifter a kid. How old was Raph?

"So, How old are you?" I asked as we got out of the car.

"Uh… I'm gonna have to warn you, it's a fairly large age gap."

"Okay." He didn't look that old, maybe late twenties, but considering how young Gloria had looked and how old she had been, then I remembered how Lucy had said he was two hundred and something.

"I am two hundred and forty-eight." Then he looked at me nervously.

"Hmm." I hummed as I processed this, it wasn't really a surprise but, wow. He was old. 'But luckily he was still incredibly handsome,' I thought as I looked at his worried eyes, "What're you so worried about, c'mon don't we have to get, Duma was it?"

His eyes softened, "Yes, Duma." I looked away his gaze caused my heart to speed up.