Chapter 33

Raphael stared at her a little while longer before he turned and walked to the entrance of the prison.

He was still so amazed at his mate's response to him telling her his age. He was a little worried at first when she had been so quiet, but when she smiled and reassured him that she was fine. He had felt proud. He didn't know why he'd felt pride at Brooke's attitude towards handling this entire new world, his world. But he had.

He entered the prison, with Brooke following behind him. He asked the guard on duty where Duma was being kept, then followed him to Duma's cell.

They found Duma sitting on the ground with his back to them, his shoulders hunched and picking at a slice of pizza. His cell had a nice blanket and pillows, a TV and a couple books.

'At least he was treated well.' Raph thought as he went to knock on the bars, but before he could he felt a hand on his shoulder.

-Raph, I can sense a channel from him.- Brooke's voice spoke in his head.

-What's a channel?- he asked giving her a confused look.

She gave him one back, -What do you mean, 'What's a channel?' It's how I can tell I'm able to mind link you and the others. But…- She turned and looked at the back of Duma's light, yellow, blonde head, -His channel is different.-

Raphael noticed something right then, Brooke's eyes didn't fog over when she mind linked, which was handy because then no one could tell that she was able to.

-Let's not keep him waiting.- He said. But he planned on talking more about it later.

He knocked on the bars and Duma looked up, first dismally then his eyes shone with excitement.

"Raphael, are you here to get me out?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm here to get you out, so come on." He said as he opened the door.

-Why was he kept in a locked cell?- Brooke asked as he shut the door.

-For his safety and others.- Raphael replied.

-So you don't fully trust him?- She said accusingly.

-No. Well yes and no. I believe that he doesn't want to fight with the Elves anymore, but I don't know what he'd do if other Shapeshifters came to find him, if he'd go back to them.-

-Ah, I see.- She replied, then severed the connection.

Duma had been out of the cell and staring at them while they had this silent conversation. He coughed lightly to grab their attention.

They both turned to look at him, "Oh, sorry, Duma. This is my mate, Brooke." Raphael said while putting his arm around her waist and resting his free hand on her shoulder, "Brooke, this is Duma."

Brooke looked up at him and smiled, then turned to Duma, "Hi Duma, it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." He stopped, and it looked like he wanted to say more, "We're you the lady who was screaming?"

Raph felt Brooke stiffen in his arms, he stroked her shoulder gently, she relaxed slightly, "Yes, yes. I was… I-I was screaming." Brooke stuttered.

Raph leaned down and kissed the top of her head, he could see that the topic made her nervous. "But she's better now." He said with a grin. Brooke nodded with her pink lips pressed together in a small smile.

"That's good to hear." Duma said.

"Shall we get out of here?" Raphael asked. To which Duma nodded his head enthusiastically. That earned a small peal of laughter out of Brooke. The sound of it warmed Raph's heart.

They all piled into the car, with Duma in the back. Raph had still held Brooke protectively on the way, she had seemed very fragile when Duma had asked about the screaming. He made a mental note to ask Brooke how she was handling things.

The drive was quiet, except for Brooke's music. Which wasn't bad, in fact Raphael enjoyed most of the songs but the rap and screaming was a little distracting. Duma asked Brooke a bunch of questions on the way, one of which was, "Why were you screaming?" Raphael had growled at the back of his throat when he'd asked that. 'Why was he meddling in his mate's life?' Brooke had put her hand on his fist which had clenched. He turned and looked at her and her worried, warm, brown eyes. He couldn't describe how he felt, he guessed it was a feeling that only your mate could give you. He relaxed his hand and refocused on the road.

-Am I allowed to tell him?- She asked.

-Tell him what?-

She let out a breath -Tell him I can mind link.-

-Oh, no you can't tell him.-

-Okay, then.- She replied.

Duma cleared his throat, "So, why were you screaming?"

"She was sick, and in pain." Raph said when he saw that Brooke looked unsure. "But she's better now." He grabbed and held her hand until they were home.

When he drove into his driveway he could smell that they had visitors.

The three of them, Duma walking directly behind him, arrived in the living room and saw the Alpha and Luna sitting having some tea with Nathan and Mark.

Thresh looked up and saw the two of them, Duma was hidden from view.

"Raphael and… Brooke was it?" The Alpha asked in his usual bored tone.

He heard Brooke clear her throat, "Yes, it's Brooke. And if I recall correctly you're name is Thresh, correct?" She finished with a playful smile.

Raph was worried at what Thresh's reaction would be, but he just clenched his jaw and stared at Brooke angrily. 'How did she know Thresh's name?' He wondered.

Brooke then walked forward and sat down next to the Luna. "Hi," Brooke said with a cheerful smile, "You must be the Luna."

Luna answered hesitantly, glancing at her mate who looked very angry, "Uh, yes, yes. I am the Luna, but please, call me Charm."

Brooke just smiled kindly and nodded in return.