Chapter 34

The moment I noticed Thresh I couldn't help but poke fun at him. He was so stiff and stuck-up, it was kinda fun.

But he didn't look like at all what I had expected, which was; a tall, broad shouldered man with a dark expression and imposing features. But no, Thresh had short blonde hair gelled back classic like. His eyes, which I couldn't see very clearly because of his glower, were stormy grey and looked like actual storm clouds. His olive toned face was well structured and appealing. But I still preferred Raph's complexion. By the way he was sitting he appeared to be around the same height as Raph, if not taller. He was wearing a black sweater and loose, dark blue jeans.

I then noticed the lady sitting on the couch to the left of him.

She was beautiful, but more otherworldly beautiful. Her smooth, pink skin appeared to glow and her bright, red hair was styled in a pixie cut, her bottle green eyes shone with intelligence, and something more. She had pointed ears with beautiful gold and silver earrings and piercings decorating and hanging off of them. She was wearing a green, flounce sleeve Bardot with a frilly trim, and white skinny jeans. She was wearing nude flats on her feet with an anklet made of glass. Her body looked frail and small, and she must've been as tall as me or shorter.

I took all of this in, in a matter of seconds. She was not human. I sat down next to her with a smile and said, "Hi, you must be the Luna." I was correct, I could see the eye contact she and Thresh made, they were definitely mates.

"Uh, yes, yes. I am the Luna, but please, call me Charm." She said hesitantly, I could understand why, I sort of just made fun of her mate. She had a strange accent, it was more like English wasn't her first language, she pronounced every syllable. But she had a beautiful name, 'Charm.' Lovely.

I smiled at her reply.

I turned in my seat when I heard Raph speak up, I could see Duma hiding behind him. "Alpha, Luna. What brings you here?" He asked respectfully.

"We came to see how your mate was doing." Thresh answered. 'His mate has a name Thresh.' I thought, as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, as you can see she's just fine." Raph said looking at me smiling happily. I smiled back.

I looked across from where I was sitting and saw Mark and Nathan. Mark seemed calm, as always. But Nathan appeared anxious and stressed, his hands were clenched and he kept glancing at Raph. Wait no, not at Raph, at Duma. I thought quickly of why Nathan would be nervous when I remembered that Raph had said that Shapeshifters were usually their enemy.

-Raph, don't forget about Duma.- I mind linked him.

-Right.- He stepped aside and revealed Duma standing behind him, with a frightened expression on his face.

"Alpha, Luna, and Mark and Nathan, this is Duma." Raph said in a caring voice. It warmed my heart to see how much Raph cared for Duma.

"Hello, Duma." Charm said. With a warm smile. She looked even more beautiful with a smile.

Mark also said hello, then Nathan followed his brother begrudgingly. The only person not to say a welcome to Duma was, of course, Thresh.

I raised my eyebrows at him, he glared at me, apparently even more angry than before.

Thresh stood, "We're leaving, goodbye." He stood and took his mate's hand gently, "Goodbye, it was nice to meet you, Brooke, Duma." She nodded to the both of us. I stood and followed them to the front door. Then yelled after them as they made their way to the biggest house of the three in the circle, "It was nice meeting you, Charm!" She turned and waved. The house was also the only one with a garden, I noticed.

I walked back inside and saw Raph standing with his arms crossed and his golden eyes set with a stern expression, I approached him with an innocent one.

"What?" I asked, a smiling creeping onto my lips.

"Really? Why would you goad the Alpha like that?" He asked, upset. I didn't like seeing him upset.

"Sorry, it's just that." I paused, trying to find the right words, "Well, Thresh is so stiff, and humourless. It's so easy to tease him like that. Although I do have to say, that was not the full extent of my teasingness."

"Okay, first off: don't call him Thresh, call him Alpha. Second: don't joke with him. He doesn't like it." Raph said getting frustrated.

"But Raph, he needs to be joked with. Can't you see that? He's so… well… so stiff!" My voice was getting higher with the argument continuing.

"He's fine! Trust me, he's lived like this for so long, you can't teach an old dog new tricks! And with the Alpha you shouldn't." Raph's voice was getting sterner and sterner and I didn't like it. I was getting too mad, so I turned and marched up the stairs.

"Where are you going?!" Raph yelled up at me.

"To the room! And no, you are not allowed up here!" I marched to the room and slammed the door. I was vibrating with anger at Raph, and at myself for fighting with him. I also felt a pain in my heart from the conflict. I pushed it away and went to the bed and picked up a pillow and screamed as loud as I could. Then I nearly lost my voice. 'That's right Brooke, you can't scream anymore.'

The last time I had tried screaming was when I was fourteen and I was so angry at my sister for saying something rude, or something like that, that I screamed as loud as I could and I couldn't breathe, I had just stood there choking and gasping for air. So, since then I don't scream shrilly.

I sat down on the couch and looked around me. I don't usually observe the details of what's around me on first glance, my mom made me take a test once that proved that I have a little bit of Asperger's syndrome so that explains a little bit of it.

Raphael's room was nice and spacious the walls were white on the top with a dark grey on the bottom and a thin black trim dividing them, with black trim all around the room.

The bed was at the back of the room with two windows on either side of it along with oak nightstands. The bed itself was made of a dark oak and had a shiny, grey duvet cover with layers of white sheets underneath.

To the left of the bed was the closet, then the bathroom. At the foot of the bed was a desk and bookshelf.

When you first entered the room there was a cozy little reading/movie area. It was closed off to the "Bedroom area" by a wall of bookshelves and had a couch, a couple chairs, and a beanbag sitting in front of a big screen TV. All of this sat on a soft, patterned rug with a coffee table.

There was a window with an alcove to the left of this little area, and that's where I was sitting now.

My stomach had begun to growl at me and I was still upset over the fight I'd had with Raph. I checked the time and saw that it was six-thirty, 'I should probably eat.' I kept telling myself, but I didn't want to deal with Raph right now.

I was afraid I would cry.