Chapter 57

-What do you mean by 'you'll call us with your conclusion?' You already have one, don't you?- I asked Thresh, frustratedly.

-I said you could leave.- He said dismissively.

-I know what you said, I want to knows who he is.-

-That's something you do not need to know.- He glared at me from behind his desk. He tried to block me but I could still get to him.

I didn't know what to say to get him to talk so I just stood from Raph's lap and he followed. We walked up to the door together when it all of a sudden hit me, why Thresh was being so defensive ad evasive, -He knew Charm, didn't he?-

There was no answer. I think I got it right.

Me and Raph walked back to our house holding hands in the silence. I liked it when we held hands, it felt like we were a couple.

We walked through the front door. I didn't know what to do. I felt kinda useless. If I didn't have something to do, then there was nothing to talk about. And I wanted to talk about something. So I decided on the surprising thing I saw downstairs.

"You didn't tell me that you had a pool." I said coyly.

"Oh, yeah, you see I forget about that thing from time to time." He said.

I laughed at his response he was adorable. I walked forward and gave him a little kiss and was about to walk away but he held me in place and deepened it. My mind went blank as his tongue began to explore my mouth. His tasty minty flavour exploded in my mouth. I moaned, involuntarily, and my legs began to buckle, he held me in place, but it felt and tasted so good. Raph's hands started to probe my body, everywhere he touched my skin craved for more. I all of a sudden wanted my clothes off, but blushed at the idea.

That could lead somewhere dangerous.

I wanted in on the action so I put my arms around his neck and moved my tongue to explore, sucking and entwining it with his. I felt a heat rising in me and I could feel a franticness in Raph. But he tasted so good. I moaned into his minty mouth again.

I sensed someone coming and let go, Raph still held on and the person was coming closer. I began to panic, he soon let go, and his face showed an emotion I couldn't translate, but it wasn't a happy one.

I was blushing and breathless. If someone saw me like this, they would definitely know what I was doing. I ran upstairs, unsteadily and lightheaded, to hide from the embarrassment.


On the way back from the Alpha's house Raphael had already decided that he would go for a run, as soon as he got home. What the Elf had done to her was too much and he needed to get some air. His wolf was pacing and nipping at him to shift, he was holding Brooke's hand and he didn't want to hurt her.

They walked in the door and his mate was still quiet. She had a bored expression on her face, 'Hmm, the Alpha seems to be rubbing off on her.' He thought.

Her face lit up suddenly, "You didn't tell me that you had a pool." She said, smiling and avoiding his eyes.

'Being coy are we?' He asked.

"Oh, yeah, you see I forget about that from time to time." He replied.

She laughed, her beautiful smile shining through. Her soft, pink lips seemed more kissable than ever.

She walked forward and it seemed she was gonna kiss him. 'Uh oh.' He thought. His wolf was chomping the bit for him to pin her against the wall and do all sorts of sinful deeds to his mate.

So the moment their lips met his control snapped. Her spicy cinnamon scent was too good and he craved more, he reached his tongue through her lips and began exploring there, while his hands were moving over her body. He avoided her breasts because then he would need to move to the bedroom.

And he knew that his little mate wasn't ready for that. Sadly.

She moaned into his mouth, and he became more frantic. 'If you're moaning now just wait till you're under me.' He thought darkly.

She reached her arms around his neck and moved her tongue to explore his mouth. Her cinnamon flavour was intensified ten times over. He entangled their tongues, 'This could do for now.' He thought happily.

He heard someone coming, he didn't care, but apparently Brooke did, she let go and her ferventness stopped. He still craved her and wanted to taste more of her.

She began to push against his chest, his mate didn't want him. He felt a guilt and hurt deep in his chest. 'What did he do?' And a frustration, he wanted more.

She stepped back and her face and neck were slightly flushed, and her chest was heaving in rapid breaths.

He felt his canines lengthen.

Her eyes were darting back and forth, her pupils wide. She suddenly turned and headed up the stairs.

"Not again." He muttered, angry and hurt.

He turned when he suddenly smelled a scent that he hadn't smelled in days.

His Gamma, Thomas, was standing propped against the doorframe, "Trouble in paradise?" He asked with his usual sarcasm.

"What are you doing here?" Raph asked, his voice dark and menacing. He was angry. His Gamma had interrupted him and his mate, he'd embarrassed his mate, it was his fault.


Thomas's sarcastic face transformed into one of confusion. Then it dawned on him that his Beta was furious. He raised his hands and began walking away slowly. "Sorry man, I thought that I was allowed in here, the little Shapeshifter let me in, I'm sorry Beta." Tom could see that Raphael's wolf was on the edge, his claws were elongating and his eyes were animalistic.

Raphael looked down and then turned and opened the front door and shifted.

Thomas sighed. 'Apparently there was trouble in paradise.' He went to the living room and decided to wait and talk to Raph when he got back.