Chapter 56

Raphael was sitting in the Alpha's office, with the Alpha tapping his finger and staring into the distance, reliving an old memory.

It had been a few minutes since he'd told Brooke that he needed her to come to the Alpha's house. He began to tap his own fingers anxiously.

A few seconds later he smelled her familiar scent coming closer. A knock sounded on the office door, the Alpha snapped out of his reverie, "Enter." He said in his authoritative voice.

The door opened revealing Raph's mate. She was wearing her dark, golden brown hair in a half up style and was wearing the same clothes that she had worn for the going away party, a black, short sleeve, v-neck with unintelligible handwriting on it, and dark blue jeans. She was wearing a long black sweater over top of it all because it was chilly out.

She smiled nervously as she shut the door behind her, he gave her a reassuring look then returned his attention to his Alpha, who had begun speaking, "I need you to tell me, in detail, what happened those two nights."

Brooke raised her eyebrows and snorted, "Well you get right to the point, ahem, okay." She paused, formulating her thoughts.

"The first time, I had been changing into my pyjamas and had just taken, ahem, off my shirt when I smelled the first one. I held my shirt up to um, try and block the smell but it, it barely helped. I looked up," She was now looking at the ground and moving her hands as though mimicking what had happened two three nights ago, "And I saw a man, he had long black hair and," She swallowed, "Milky white eyes. As I was looking at him, he flickered and I jumped back. He'd looked like a skeleton and he was surrounded by a smoky mist that was also kinda green," She looked at Raph, and he nodded as a sign that she was doing fine. He wanted to comfort her, she seemed flustered and upset. But it probably wouldn't be appropriate in the Alpha's office.

He rested his head on his hand absentmindedly while his attention was solely on his mate. She swallowed and continued, "Then he was back to normal, he said something about how interesting it was that I was a mortal and could see his true form? Then, I think, he moved closer but I couldn't move, I had been frozen. He…" She glanced at Raph nervously and bit her tongue, "He stroked my cheek. He-he moved in closer and it seemed like he," She kept looking at him out of the side of her eyes, "It seemed like he was gonna kiss me, so I tried to scream but he punched my stomach."

She took a breath. Raph was now clenching his fists and trying not to let the growl in his throat escape. He didn't want to scare her.

"Uh, then I think he asked what I was, I didn't answer. I stood up and tried to get to the door, but I was frozen again, he pulled a knife out and asked, more like shrieked at me, what I was. I closed my eyes, expecting the knife but then I felt Raph's arms around me."

She looked down relieved then blushed, probably remembering her appearance when he'd hugged her. He smiled at the thought of her bare skin, and how it had felt under his hands.

"Hmm." The Alpha hummed, "Go on." Raphael could see the focus in his eyes, this was the one he wanted to hear.

"Um, that night I had just crawled into my bed and then I started smelling, you know, dead stuff. I thought it was a nightmare, but then he lifted me up by my neck and I saw his blonde hair an-and his blue eyes. His image flickered like the last one's had, but his eyes were still there." She took a deep breath and licked her lips, "Um, he held me over the floor and I tried to kick him, he asked what I was and I didn't answer. It was getting so hard to breathe so I tried what I had done to you," She gestured to the Alpha and then continued, "I focused on wanting the Elf to feel my pain, and it worked, he started choking and he dropped me." This talent of hers was new to Raph, and apparently the Alpha knew but he didn't, he refocused on what she was saying, "Then he-he pinned me against the wall with his hands and he-he," She looked at him he was doing his best to control himself, he knew she kept looking at him because she was worried about how he would react, so he was doing his best not to show his anger.

She swallowed and closed her eyes in a grimace, "He licked me and then, then groped me," she said looking at the floor."

Raphael couldn't help the low growl that came out of his mouth, Brooke looked at him and her eyes held an apology. 'She was sorry! Sorry for what?!'

He reached out and touched her hand, but that wasn't enough, he didn't care that the Alpha was there or that they were in his office, his mate was sorry for someone else attacking her, he pulled her onto his lap, "It's okay, it's not your fault." He said gently, "It's that bastard's fault." He said with a growl.

She still wasn't making eye contact with him. He just stroked her back where her soft hair flowed down in smooth waves, -Keep talking.- He prompted.

"Uhmm, Th-then I screamed and he slapped me, I transmitted my pain to him again and he sl-slapped me again, when I looked up he was gone, and then I must've passed out. I woke up in the morning with Raph." Raph didn't want to hurt his mate so he took a deep breath and regained control of his aggressive wolf.

"Hmm." The Alpha hummed again, apparently that was his only reply today.

"You may leave." He said after a few seconds, "I'll call you tomorrow with my conclusion."

Raphael was about to lift Brooke off of his lap when he saw that Brooke was staring intently at the Alpha, and the the Alpha's eyes were glassed over. Raph sighed, 'What was she talking about with him now?' He asked, then his face turned slightly amused at his mate's tenacity.