Chapter 59

I froze.

My mind was in such turmoil that I didn't even try to tell who it was.

I saw the light turn on and a shadow stop in front of the door.

"Brooke?" A familiar voice called. It wasn't Raph's.

My shoulders sank in relief.

I swallowed, clearing my throat, "Yes." I answered, my voice muffled by the linens.

I heard a sigh of relief, the door opened and the bright light flooded in.

I crawled out from my hiding place and saw Duma's sweet, worried cheetah eyes.

I stood and looked for anyone else. I couldn't sense anyone nearby, other than Duma.

"Wh-where's Raph?" I asked, fidgeting my hands.

"Thomas took him to his house."

"Oh, okay." My words were really shaky, I felt fragile and I wanted to be held. I longed to be held by Raph. But not. Ugh, I was so confused.

And afraid.

Duma walked in front of me as we ascended the stairs. I crossed my arms over my chest, it was cold downstairs.

"It's okay, I'll guard you the whole night." Duma said assuringly. I smiled gratefully, but it felt wrong for him to guard me from my mate.

But then again, I didn't feel very safe.

Duma shifted, right in front of my eyes, into a full grown cheetah that came to my waist. I reached out tentatively and petted his velvety head. He purred and then moved to lead the way back upstairs.

I reached the door to my, and Raph's, room. I couldn't sense anyone behind the door. I turned the handle and was met with darkness. Duma went ahead of me and entered the darkness, he reappeared and gave a reassuring nod? I couldn't really tell, but he wasn't angry or defensive, so I walked in.

I crossed the room to the bed and fixed the sheets. I crawled underneath them and tried to close my eyes. I looked at the clock, it was nearly two in the morning. Duma's cheetah hopped onto the bed and laid down, his golden head raised and alert.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I was safe, it's okay.


Raphael woke up to a pounding on his temples. He groaned and sat up the world was too bright around him and his senses felt dulled.

He heard muffled footsteps coming towards him, "Wow, man. I have never seen you this wasted. Except, you know, that one time."

Raphael looked up, squinting, and registered that Thomas was speaking to him. His voice was too loud though.

Thomas hit him on the shoulder, "Go have a shower and wake yourself up. I'll make you some toast."

Raphael got up on unsteady legs and walked slowly to where he knew the bathroom was. He'd now realized that he was in Thomas's house, though he didn't remember why.

He looked down and saw that he was wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. "Why?" He asked himself. He rubbed his throbbing head, trying to remember.

He stripped those off and got into the shower. He just stood there, the cold water spraying his body. He closed his eyes and an image of Brooke came to his mind, he didn't recognize it.

She was sleeping peacefully and it seemed like he was hovering over her.

His eyes shot open, "No, no, no, no, no." He didn't! No! He slammed his arm on the tile wall of the shower.

He jumped out of the shower and dried himself quickly then wrapped the towel around his waist.

He walked out and to the kitchen where Thomas was standing cooking some eggs.

He looked up from his frying pan, "Hey, look who's awake! Your toast's in the toaster."

"I need to see Brooke." Raph said, running a hand through his wet, silver hair, "Did I hurt her?" He asked worriedly, after a few seconds had passed.

"Nah, at least I don't think so. When she ran past me she seemed pretty… well, vigorous."

Raphael let out a sigh of relief and relaxed slightly.

"What happened?" He asked, his mind still mush.

"Well, we had a couple beers, you had way more than twenty." Raph winced. He didn't know what had come over him, he was usually more responsible when he drank. 'Just bad timing.' He guessed.

Lycan's were not as susceptible to the effects of alcohol, mostly because most one them had been drinking it for so long that their body was nearly immune to its effects. But, they could still get drunk if they had enough.

Tom sat down with a plate full of scrambled eggs and hash browns. The sight of it caused Raph to become light headed and bile to rise in his throat.

He looked up at Thomas, who was taking a huge mouthful of his slightly runny eggs, he turned and looked at the window.

Thomas burst out laughing, "Haha! Oh, you should see how green your face looks right now, oh man."

Raph looked at him, annoyed.

Tom cleared his throat and wiped his eyes, "Sorry, man. Ahem! After your one hundredth drink you stood up and said that you were gonna mate her, and mark her. I said good luck."

"Why didn't you stop me?!" Raph asked in a tormented voice. He hung his head in his hands, what had he done. He'd probably scarred her for life, she'd never come near him again.

"I assumed that you had already, you know, had sex with her! So don't yell at me for not knowing, in case you didn't know I was out of commission for a while!" Tom was standing now yelling.

Raph looked up and saw the anger in his friend's eyes. He sighed, "I'm sorry. Go on."

Tom glared at him a little longer then sat back down, "I'd heard a scream, and was a little confused but then I thought you guys were just having intense sex. I was leaving to go home when I saw a blur of what I can only assume to be your mate. She ran past me and pushed me out of the way to the basement stairs. You followed after her, and I stopped you saying that you'd had enough to drink. You fought back, but you were so drunk, it's kinda funny," He laughed, "You threw a punch and then passed out, cold!"

"Ughh, what have I done?!" Raph asked himself, horrified at what he'd done, or nearly done.

Thomas reached over and patted his shoulder, "You stay here and dry out, let your mate calm down, you can see her later."