Chapter 60

I woke up to sun peeking through the windows. I squinted my eyes open and saw Duma sleeping at the foot of the bed. I smiled, 'He'd done his best.' I thought as I tossed the blankets off and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I sat on the floor of the bathroom for at least an hour, tortured by my thoughts. 'Why had he drunk so much? Was it my fault? Did he need to have me that bad? I-I wasn't ready. Even if I was, would he still find me attractive naked? He'd probably take one look at me and think I wasn't worth it.'

I closed my eyes and tried to hold back the tears. 'Stop thinking like that.' I told myself.

I got up and went to the closet to get clothes, I took a glance at Duma, he was still sleeping. I smiled at how sweet the cheetah was.

I got dressed then went to wake him up. I petted his soft head and he stirred. He reminded me of my old cat, Fern, he had looked cheetah-like and always slept at the foot of my bed.

"Duma." I said in the voice I had used with Fern, "Time to wake up."

He opened his yellow eyes lazily, then he sat up, he looked around the room, then seemed to relax. He spoke in my mind.

I froze. He can mind link me. I've always sensed a channel from him, but, I've never mind linked him.

I decided not to reply, and headed downstairs. I still couldn't sense Raph anywhere. I remembered what Duma had said last night, that Thomas had taken him to his house.

I recognized the name, I had seen him in one of my weird dreams. But, he had been weird, and spoken like… well, he'd spoken like an Elf. 'Was he trustworthy? Was Raph safe?' I started to question.

I tried to put those thoughts away and focused on making breakfast. A hearty meal of, toast with butter and eggs.

Duma came down, then emerged from his room shifted and fully clothed.

He yawned, "How'd you sleep?"

I yawned back at him, "Fine. Thank you, Duma."

He just nodded and sat down at the small kitchen table.

I joined him and we ate breakfast happily, it felt like something was missing. Raphael, he was missing.

"So, who's Thomas?" I asked.

"He's the Gamma. You don't know him?" Duma asked.

I shook my head, "Nope."

After a couple more seconds of silence, I asked, "So, being a Shapeshifter, can you shift into more than one animal?"

Duma looked up from his food, "Yes." He answered slowly, "But it takes a lot more energy and I usually can't shift for another day or two, if I'm shifted into the other animal for a prolonged period of time."

I nodded.

The rest of the day passed slowly. I felt lonely all day. Duma and I watched TV in the upstairs living room all day, Mark and Nathan came by and said that they had been sent to protect me. I could see that Duma was slightly hurt by that. I patted his hand.

Mark and Nathan stayed in their old room. I slept in my bed, alone, in the dark. Duma was still sleeping at the foot of the bed. I was very grateful for these three guys who were looking out for me. It felt like I had three new brothers.

But I felt cold all night long. And lonely.


Raphael had a hangover for pretty much the entire day, and Tom was a huge help. He would make soupy gelatinous foods for himself, and sit in front of Raph eating it.

Raph made do with crackers and water.

He collapsed on the bed that Tom had given him. He felt like a part of him was missing all day. He knew that it was Brooke, his mate.

He put his hands over his eyes, 'How could I have been so stupid?!'

He drifted off into a restless sleep.


In the morning he decided what he would do. He would go over and apologize. It was the right thing to do after all.

'I need to get her a gift.' He thought as buttoned his shirt.

He said goodbye to Thomas and exited the house, that was across from his.

He walked to his house and entered the garage, got into his car and drove off.

He got to Prince George an hour and a half later, with plans to buy Brooke something.

He wandered around the shops and his eye finally spotted something that he thought she might like.

He drove home and began getting nervous. 'Would she even look at him? She would probably be so scared or angry.' His thoughts tormented him all the way home.

He parked his car and walked to the front door, his small gift in hand. He raised his hand and knocked.

Mark opened the door, when he saw Raph his face hardened, -Leave.- He said.

Raph was offended by being told what to do by this warrior. He growled a low threatening growl, -No.- He replied, and walked past him to the entryway.

He followed his mate's scent and walked up the stairs to his room.

He was about to open the door, but then decided on knocking instead.

"Come in." Her clear voice answered.

She was sitting in the window seat wearing her grey hoodie and a blanket, watching the outside.

He waited for her to speak, but she stayed silent.

"I got you something." He said. And held it up. He saw a small smile spread on her face in her reflection. He took that as a good sign and took a step forward. Her head snapped to look at him, and she looked terrified. He didn't know what to do, she was so scared. He knew why, but he had no idea how to fix it.

He ran a hand through his hair. He took another few steps forward and handed the small box to her. She hesitantly took it. She opened it and her eyes widened and her face froze in awe.

'Apparently I got the right gift.' Raph thought smugly, and gratefully.

"Oh…" a small exclamation escaped her lips. "Oh, Raph." She held it up, a necklace with a silver chain and a single teardrop shaped opal hung from her fingers as she held up the delicate jewelry. "An opal? It's beautiful."

"I thought you would like it." He said, with a grin. He felt so relieved.

"Do you need help putting it on?" He asked, watching her admire the stone.

"Uh…" She studied him, "No, no I'm good." She got up and skirted past him and walked towards the bathroom. He'd forgotten to apologize, 'First thing, first thing.' He told himself.