Chapter 70

We landed at the private airport at nine forty five. We, meaning Thresh, Thomas, Raph and me, all piled into a limousine. I had never been in a limo before so I was trying not to act like a little girl who got to, you know be in a limo for the first time.

We drove through what seemed like backroads till we arrived at the city. There were skyscrapers and everything!

Yes, I'd been to Victoria and Vancouver, both of which had skyscrapers, but this was an entirely new country. It was weird. I kept up a conversation, about my thoughts, with Raph the entire drive, via mind link.

We stopped in front of one of the larger towers and we got out. I stood slightly behind Raph, trying to hide myself. The three men who greeted us were tall. I'd learned that pretty much all Lycans, as a rule, were at least six foot, if not five ten.

I always felt dwarfed.

I felt like they were Alpha, Beta and Gamma. The one in the middle wore a look of arrogance on his dusky skin. His yellow eyes held a smirk, I didn't trust him. The one to the left of him had a very severe expression on his tanned face. His forest green eyes appeared to be set in a permanent scowl.

He was nothing like Raph.

The Gamma seemed opposite to Thomas, he looked extremely bored. His eyes were half open as if he was half asleep, and his body language said he didn't care what was happening around him.

All of them wore stylish suits and shoes, while our group wore only formal attire.

"Greetings!" The Alpha said in a very happy voice, "We are so glad you could make it Mr. Thresh. Please follow me and we can discuss our situation." He turned and led the way inside the building. I was confused why he would call him mister and not Alpha, but I guess it made sense, we were in a public place after all.

Although I could sense quite a few Lycans around.

I found it strange that he wasn't mind linking any of his guys, but maybe they just didn't want to.

-Your mate will come with me.- I heard Thresh say to Raph.

-May I ask why Alpha?- He replied. I could hear frustration in his voice.

-Her ability will be helpful.-

-Wouldn't it also be helpful to Raph?- I cut in.

-Maybe, but your coming with me.- I gave Raph a little peck on the cheek then went and stood next to Thresh. I was a little uncomfortable, I was never really at ease around men other than my family, and mate, but I supposed Thresh was better than this new Alpha.

"Mr. Thresh, why don't you join me in the conference room while Mr. Rivers and Mr. Harrington can go over things with Mr. Jones and Mr. Miller." His voice sounded too nice and happy. It made me feel nervous.

The Alpha turned and led the way to an elevator. Thresh marched in the direction of the elevator I turned and waved to Raph, he waved back then turned and followed the Beta and Gamma. I stepped into the elevator with Thresh and the creepy Alpha.

Once we reached the twentieth floor the doors opened and we walked to a room with a long table in the middle. There was a door to the left of the room and a floor-to-ceiling window at the far back.

The Alpha led the way to the furthest end of the table and sat at the head, I heard a growl come from Thresh who was standing next to me. I looked at him, surprised.

The Alpha stood hastily, "Apologies Alpha, I meant no disrespect." He bowed his head and sat to the left of the head chair.

Thresh moved and sat at the head of the table, I sat to his right.

"Now, Slate, tell me, why am I here." Thresh asked, a threat hidden in his commanding voice.

The Alpha, Slate, was trying to hide a fearful expression with a smirk but was failing. He kept glancing at me out of the corners of his yellow eyes. My face remained calm and composed, at least I hope it did.

"Alpha, I would like to know what happened to Alpha Spruce." He said in a business like tone.

"No, that is not why you brought me here." Thresh said, his hands joined on the table, "Now, why don't you tell me why I'm really here."

Slate's eyes darted around the room for a second till he finally composed himself, or came up with a decent lie.

"Our Pack has not received any of the supplies we've asked for, my Lycan's are starving and need healers." He said trying to sound business like, but really he just sounded like he was whining.

I tried to place what pack Slate could be Alpha of, but couldn't remember. Besides, this was a problem that Raph would be handling, wherever he was, not Thresh.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that Thresh had asked me a question.

He cleared his throat and I met his impatient gray eyes, "Pardon me, I."

I cleared my throat, "I missed that."

"You've been working with Raphael on these matters have you not?"

"Matters as in supply shortages and such? Yes, yes I have." I answered. Trying my best to be professional, and probably failing.

"And what did you find with the Nebula Pack?" He asked.

I looked down, trying to remember, and noticed a blue folder, I opened it and in it was my notes. 'Weird.' I thought as I looked for the Nebula Pack.

"Twenty percent food shortage: July thirtieth." I said.

"July thirtieth! Do you know how hungry people are at the Pack?!" Slate asked, upset.

I jumped in my seat at his outburst.

Thresh looked at me, indicating me to answer. I cleared my throat again, "Twenty percent is not considered top priority. If you are still experiencing a shortage you may contact Beta Raphael again." I stated.

"Not top priority!? We were starving!" He slammed his hand down on the table and I flinched, but kept my face clear of fear.

"Enough!" Thresh yelled. I winced slightly at how loud he was.

"Why did you really call me here? I do not enjoy having my time wasted." Thresh said in a deadly tone.

"I asked for you because of the food shortage." Slate said defensively.

Me and Thresh both narrowed our eyes, not believing him for a second.

"I'll not ask you again, why am I here?"