Chapter 71

After deciding that we would take a respite from the delightful meeting, me and Thresh exited the building and saw that Raph and Thomas weren't done yet. It was past noon and I hadn't had any food yet today so I asked Thresh if we could go find some.

He complied and we found a seafood grill that had awesome food. I had garlic butter prawns with a Caesar salad, and Thresh had a burger with home fries.

Once we finished and were walking back, he asked, "What conversations did you pick up?"

"You know, it's weird. I didn't hear anything."

"That is strange…" He muttered. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me into an alleyway. "What th-" Escaped my lips then he clasped a hand over my mouth.

-What the hell?- I asked.

He took his hand off my mouth, "Thresh?" I asked carefully. Something was wrong.

"I can't smell them anymore." He said, more to himself.

My blood chilled, "Smell who?"

"There were three Lycans trailing us, their scents just disappeared." He said scanning our surroundings.

"Do you think… Pixies?" I asked, knowing that Raph had said Pixies could conceal things like this.

"Hmm, yes. And they do frequent this area quite a bit."

I was about to ask something else but then everything went fuzzy; my vision, my hearing, my mouth wouldn't corporate. I saw two black things attack Thresh, then I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head and everything went black.


Raphael and Thomas were on their way out of the office, where they had been talking with the Beta and Gamma of Nebula Pack, when a Lycan stepped out of a doorway and said that the elevator was broken.

Raph frowned, it clearly wasn't. He walked past the Lycan without a fight and opened the door to the stairwell.

When both of them had reached the ground floor he could smell that Brooke had been here recently. He walked outside and to the limo, the driver was scrolling through his phone.

"Where's the Alpha and my mate?" He would never get tired of saying that, my mate.

The driver looked up hurriedly from his phone, "Oh, sir. They went to get some lunch. They should be back any minute now."

Raph waited, and waited. He started pacing.

"Man, I'm sure they'll be back any moment now." Thomas said.

Raph was just about to call her when everything went fuzzy. He sat down on the concrete because he found it hard to keep his balance.

It ended after a few minutes.

"What the hell was that?!" Thomas yelled after regaining his own balance.

Raph picked up his phone, which he had dropped, and quickly called Brooke.

'Pick up, pick up, pick up, please pick up.' He chanted in his head, then it went to voicemail. He didn't hesitate and shifted into his silver wolf.

-Where ya going?- Thomas asked, running alongside him.

-Brooke's not answering.- He answered.

He tracked her familiar scent to an alleyway. He saw her chain, the one he'd given her on the plane, lying on the dirty ground in pieces. He began pawing and sniffing at it, hoping his mate would appear, but she didn't.

-Where's Alpha?- Tom asked, his nose high in the air, sniffing.

Raph's mind began working overtime. 'Their meeting finished early, they went to get lunch. They were followed, maybe, and were attacked. Most likely during the strange, fuzzy thing. No one could take down Thresh without magic, and strong magic at that. Probably Pixies, which now meant Elves.' He huffed in agitation.

He ran back to the office building, where Slate was, and broke through the doors, he tracked the Alpha's scent and found him in his office. All of the humans working there didn't even spare him a glance.

He broke through Slate's door and pinned him to the floor with lightning fast speed.

-Bet-Beta Raphael! What seems to be the problem?- Slate asked, feigning innocence.

It made Raphael's blood boil with anger, he pressed down harder on his chest and bared his teeth, snarling. Thomas was now standing at the door, still shifted, with two other Lycans, also shifted, to stop any of Slate's Lycans from getting in.

-Where are they?!- Raphael yelled at him.

The Alpha winced. Slate may have been an Alpha but Raph was the Head Alpha's Beta, with his burning fury Slate was bound to feel the need to own up to his mistake.

-I-I'm afraid I don't know who you're talking about.- Slate said. Raph wished Brooke was here to sense some of his thoughts.

But he had taken her.

-Alpha Thresh and the female with him.- Raph knew better than to reveal that Brooke was his mate.

"I-I." Slate choked out, then his eyes rolled back into his head and blood began seeping from his ears and nose. Raphael kicked the body in disgust.

-Gather Slate's Lycans and find his Beta and Gamma.- Raph ordered Thomas and walked down the stairs slowly.

He made it back to the limousine and climbed in then shifted back to human. He grabbed the change of clothes that were kept in a compartment and dressed.

Then he called Prince George.

"Hello." Louis answered.

"Is everything alright there?" Raphael asked, skipping formalities.

"Yes, why so worried?" Louis, sounding like he hadn't a care in the world, when he was actually in charge of protecting the entire Pack, especially Luna.

"Alpha and Brooke have been taken." Raph explained what had happened.

"I'll double up security. Any idea who took them?"

"Like I said, magic was involved, most likely Pixies, which means Elves. Remember to protect the Luna at all costs." Then he hung up.

He got out of the car with the same deadly energy as when he'd watched Slate die. All of the Lycans present bowed their heads in respect and fear.

-Where are they?- Raphael asked Thomas who was standing, in human form, at the base of the stairs.

-They're in the basement, we have it sectioned off, but the humans are gonna start noticing. I think we should move them.-

-Fine. Move them.- Raph was getting impatient. He needed to ask them where his mate was, and by ask, he meant interrogate.

He had never looked forward to an interrogation this much before.