Chapter 77

I was jolted awake by the sound of the door opening and voices.

Rough hands grabbed me harshly and I was being dragged away, I had no energy to resist.

I caught a few words like, -Shh, be quiet.- And, -Do you what everyone to know?-

My mind was all of a sudden opened to the entire building. I could sense twenty, maybe thirty other Lycans in it. I heard a groan, then a growl.

I turned my sore head back and saw Thresh's wolf barring his teeth at two Lycans trying to help him.

"Could you tell him that we're trying to help." A voice whispered urgently to me.

I made a strangled sound and tried to clear my throat.

"Thresh." My voice came out as a very faint whisper.

-Thresh, they say they're trying to help. Maybe these ones aren't rogues.- I yelled at him.

He stopped and looked at me. My body was still shivering and my teeth still chattering, but I could tell it was warmer out of the cell.

The two Lycans held me up by my arms around their shoulders. It wasn't the most comfortable position as they were much taller than me but at least I was out of that cell.

Thresh stilled, and shifted to human form. He was buck naked. I looked down at the ground as he dressed himself.

This was the second time I'd seen a naked man; the first time being Thomas.

Once he was dressed he came and picked me up. I felt a lot safer with him than the other Lycans.

The four of them led us through a maze of hallways, every time I sensed a Lycan coming I'd tell Thresh and he'd tell them. They usually heard or smelled them moments after I did, but I like to think I helped.

We finally reached a white door that read EXIT. They pushed it open and Thresh walked out, me still in his arms.

We walked through a forest that led to a small lake. Thresh set me down at the base of a tree. I took this time to inhale the warm October air, it was at least warmer than that room.

I still felt extremely weak from the lack of food and water.

I looked at the peaceful lake and watched a few dragonflies zoom about.

I snapped my head back to where Thresh and the others were standing when I sensed the four channels cease to exist.

Thresh's hands were covered in blood to match his shirt.

My mouth dropped open, "Thresh!" I choked out.

-What did you do? They were helping us!- I said, outraged.

"And they were rogues." He said simply. He seemed frustrated with my being upset.

-Okay, you could've at least waited until they got us to a car or something.-

He looked at the dead bodies lying on the ground, "It's a little late for that now." He said.

-No kidding.-

I tried to stand but my vision began blacking out and I nearly fell forward. Thresh caught me.

"Hmm, you need to have some food."

-And water.- I finished.

He crouched in front of me, his back facing me, and I did my best to wrap my arms around his neck without choking him. Then he stood and walked in the direction opposite of the one we came.

-Where we going?- I asked, my eyes were closed I barely had enough energy to think.

-North.- He stated.

-North. North is good. Canada's north. Raph is south.- I was beginning to spout nonsense but I couldn't stop the flow of words that I spoke to Thresh.

We reached a road after walking for what felt like forever.

Thresh set me down gently and stood with his hand out hailing a ride.

-You know how to hitchhike?- I asked, finding the fact way to funny.

I vaguely knew I was becoming delirious but didn't really care at that moment.

"Yes." He said.

I stared at him. He was good looking. He'd thrown away his bloody shirt and jacket and had been walking shirtless for awhile. He had a nice, firm looking, chiseled chest and broad shoulders. His square jawline stood out on his very Greek features. His nose was long and straight, his lips were full and his grey, almond shaped eyes were the same shape as mine.

I missed Raph. I thought about his warm golden eyes, his killer smile, and his calming, soothing voice. I remembered the safe feeling he could give me just by being there. And that heated feeling he could give me with just a touch. I thought about when he would walk into the room with no shirt on, a smile painted my lips with remembrance of his perfect creamy skin and how flawless his hard chest, and arms, and back had seemed.

My breath was coming in slow laboured pants and my body had begun trembling. My mind was switching between the past and the present and some things that didn't seem real.

'Great, now I was delusional.'

-You know how me and Raph met?- I asked randomly.

-No.- He answered.

-I shot him in the chest.- I laughed a horrible croaking laugh.

-How'd you and Charm meet?- I asked spinning my greasy hair between my fingers, it kept trying to escape them but I kept catching it.

-We met when I came to Canada.- He answered.

'Charm… Charm, Charm, Charm, Charm, Charm…' I repeated in my head.

-Is Charm pregnant?- I asked, not really aware of my words.

"Y-yes." He answered.

-Really?- I asked, -How long have you been together?-

-Four hundred years.- He said wistfully.

'He came to Canada four hundred years ago. It took him years to cross the Rockies, it took him years to find a mate. Was she in the Rockies?'

Soon I was in a strange and bizarre world of confusion that was so much worse than when I'd gotten my gift. At least then I knew what was happening, now I was just floating in a sometimes dark cloud or sometimes in a light yellow mist.

Thresh was always there. I could hear his voice. "I need a phone." "Yes, she's sick." "Water please." "No."

Little, strange phrases that flitted across my queer, new world.

At one point I felt water in my mouth and my world began to flood with a dark water. I started to whimper and I heard someone say, "What's wrong with her?"

Then everything went black.